Zion E-News (5-31-2018)

Last week Wednesday, I had the privilege of sharing some of our story at Zion with a group of other church leaders from our Region (Michigan, Ohio, and Kentucky). The day was focused on creating systems to intentionally develop leaders in the church: to prepare, equip and inspire them. 

In preparation for my talk, I did some research on our church over the past 12-18 months. This is what I learned. Something happened the week of Easter 2017. Since that Sunday, our Children’s Ministry (age birth through 3rd grade) has grown by 40% in 14 months. Our total attendance has grown by almost 30% weekly (but we did to get as accurate a count until this fall.) Since last September (not counting Labor Day weekend) to this May (not counting Memorial Day weekend), our average worship attendance is up by just over 11% in 9 months.

Looking back over the last 12 months, it is no wonder we were constantly scrambling and adjusting to make room for all the children in our church, changing patterns and room assignments, recruiting and equipping new leaders in Children and Worship and Sunday School. As our education year is no completely winding down, I am so thankful for the any people who stepped up, tried something new, put in extra time to develop quality Children’s programming, as well as for all the ways we have worked to welcome new people and help them get connected. We don’t do it perfectly and we have some work to do, but we certainly try.

Because in the end, church is not about numbers, financial or worship attendance, but about individuals people getting connected to God and one another and together following our Savior in serving this world God made and loves. Let us all thank God for the way he has allowed us to join Him in his redemptive work this year.

Connect to God
On Easter Sunday, God begins a re-creation of the world beginning with the resurrection of Jesus. While we are still waiting for this creation to be fully formed, we as Christians are called to live a Jesus shaped life so that our lives point people both to Jesus and this new world God is making. This week, we consider how Jesus shaped people live out of a sense of vocation, of calling from God to join in his work of redeeming the world in the particular ways God has made them. 

This Sunday we have the privilege of ordaining and installing 3 of our new Elders and Deacons. Chip Harkes, Josh Sanders, and Mike Knott will all be installed this Sunday. Aaron Huizenga will be installed on the 10th. As we welcome these new members to our Consistory, we also thank God for the faithful service of Ken Cook, Tim Mekkes, Jeff VanderHeide, and Dave Geenen over the past 3 years.

There are still a few more opportunities to serve and bless the children of our church in our summer Children’s Ministry. You can sign up here.

If you would like a copy of the worship service, you can receive a complete copy by contacting Tom Verbrugge or you can find the weekly messages on our website.

Grow in Community
Thanks to our building and grounds team for cleaning out the garage and the old Cadet room this evening. We continue to work hard to maintain our facilities and maximize our ministry space.

Serve the World
Mark your calendars for this summer’s Hoops and Hotdogs on June 19, July 3, July 17, and July 31. These are great evenings to connect with neighbors, let the kids get some energy out on the playground, and enjoy a hotdog!

City Chapel will be hosting their first preview service on Sunday, June 17 at 10:15 meeting at City Flats Hotel right downtown. If you want to heck out this new church, show some support to Ron and Anna Radcliffe, or just need an excuse to go downtown, join them in only 2 weeks!

Every year, approximately 1,000,000 young people walk away from the Christian faith. Statistically, most people decide on their faith by the age of 35. The oldest millennial is now 38 and the oldest Generation Z is 18. We are at a peak opportunity to reach and influence the next generations, but so far, we are not doing very well. If trends don’t change, over 40 million young people will leave the faith by 2050. If we can only improve our retention to that of the Gen X generation, that number would fall by 22,000,000. If you want to learn more about how to reach next generations, the opportunities available to us, and how you can be involved, check out www.greatopportunity.org.

Administrative Details
We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.
Year to date budget:  $551,975.32
Year to date contributions: $548,537.11


Ephesians 5:21-33 ~ Jesus.Life: Embodied

Text: Ephesians 5:21-33

Title: Jesus.Life: Embodied

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

On Easter Sunday, God begins a re-creation of the world beginning with the resurrection of Jesus. While we are still waiting for this creation to be fully formed, we as Christians are called to live a Jesus shaped life so that our lives point people both to Jesus and this new world God is making. This week, we consider how a Jesus shaped life at its core is an embodied life. Not looking to escape this world, but fully engaged in the physical world in which we live.

Zion E-News (5-24-2018)

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been delighting in the many ways our new playground has been used. Last week, I stopped by to visit with a support group taking advantage of the picnic tables on a beautiful sunny day. Sunday afternoon children played on the toys near the end of the visitation for Joanne Oudbier and before our leaders meeting. And, every sunny afternoon, I see moms and dads walking kids over to play on the slide or give a push on the swings. As the grass continues to grow, we look forward to kickball and soccer games and all the Camp Zion kids playing in the cool grass rather than the hot pavement this summer. 

I am especially thankful today for the vision and generosity of Zion to offer this convenient and simple place for families to connect and enjoy the beautiful summer and spring weather of Michigan.

Connect to God
On Easter Sunday, God begins a re-creation of the world beginning with the resurrection of Jesus. While we are still waiting for this creation to be fully formed, we as Christians are called to live a Jesus shaped life so that our lives point people both to Jesus and this new world God is making. This week, we consider how a Jesus shaped life at its core is an embodied life. Not looking to escape this world, but fully engaged in the physical world in which we live.

This morning we welcome Jed Gerken as the newest member of Zion. Jed is the father of Grady Gerken and we are delighted to have him join us.

We will no longer be having a Children’s Message during worship because of the sheer number of children and the recognition that through Children and Worship we already provide worship and teaching that is age appropriate for our youngest members. This Sunday kids will be invited up to the steps to be prayed over before they are dismissed to Children and Worship. We will publicly thank Kelly Osterink for her faithful service for well over a decade in teaching our children each Sunday at a later time.

We are still looking for more volunteers for our summer children’s ministry. You can sign up here.

If you would like a copy of the worship service, you can receive a complete copy by contacting Tom Verbrugge or you can find the weekly messages on our website.

Grow in Community
We extend out sympathy to Ann Muizelaar in the passing of her husband Gerald Muizelaar on Saturday. The funeral was held this afternoon. 

Mark Steenbergen continues his recovery from open heart surgery on Friday.

We congratulate Matt and Katie Wagner on the birth of their son, Josiah Roger, who arrived at 6:03am on May 20. Josiah weighed in at 6lbs 14oz and is  20 1/2 inches long! Both mom and baby are doing great.

Serve the World
On Monday night, our Personal Care Pantry cared for many families in our community. As they provide basics of life like soap and shampoo, our team also prays with and for our guests. As we pray with neighbors, we often encounter situations of brokenness and pain. Marriages falling apart. Domestic violence. Cancer. Addictions. I am so thankful for our faithful volunteers who step into these difficult moments with the love and grace of God.

Hand2Hand has wrapped up for the school year. Thank you to all who helped buy, donate, pack and deliver food to students in Grandville schools. I was just talking with a family recently about their experience when money was tight and food was short. While a few meals may not seem like much to many of us, when life is hard, these simple gifts provide not only physical nourishment, but also nourish hope and souls as people are reminded they are not alone. Thank you Hand2Hand Team!

Administrative Details
We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.
Year to date budget:  $541,360.41
Year to date contributions: $542,297.11

5-27-18 bulletin

5-20-18 bulletin

Acts 2:42-47 ~ Jesus.Life: Community

Text: Acts 2:42-47

Title: Jesus.Life: Community

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

This Sunday we will celebrated and blessed 11 high school graduates from our youth group. During the service, Pastor Jeremy reflected on each students’ experience, offered them a gift, and gave some wise counsel as they transition into their next phase of life. Because we wanted to take the time to truly celebrate each graduate, we had a shorter message on Sunday. Think homily. But we did so, because this week, we thought about how a Jesus.Life embraces community. Part of how we embrace community as a church is by taking the time to celebrate with each of our graduates.

Zion E-News (5-17-2018)

Zion E-News (5-17-2018)

Watching the news earlier this week about the US opening an embassy in Jerusalem and the accompanying protests in Gaza, my mind went almost immediately to Jesus’ command to love our neighbors as ourselves. I wondered, “What would it look like for our country to love Israelis and Palestinians like ourselves?”

This is probably a rabbit hole not worth pursuing, but down I went. I tried to put myself in the shoes of a Palestinian who was driven, or whose grandparents were driven, from their home 70 years ago, and who now lives behind a tall wall, surrounded by armed soldiers, with limited economic prospects. And then to see my oppressors claim my capital as their own. I might become angry and frustrated and be tempted to act out violently.

And then I thought about Israelis. What would it be like to grow up knowing that my people were systematically exterminated in a World War and were persecuted for centuries before in Europe? How might I feel if we finally had reclaimed our ancestral home only to suffer several wars and hundreds of terrorist attacks from people trying to take our land away? I might defend myself with violence. I might  struggle to have compassion for those affected by my decisions and who now feel oppressed by my people.

It only takes a few minutes to realize there is no simple right or wrong answer to the issues facing Israelis and Palestinians and that no one is completely in the wrong or the right. It is a true mess of hurt and wrong and mistakes and sin on both sides. Love begins by listening and simply trying to understand the experience of the other person.

And in that regard it is like many difficult situations in our lives. Coming alongside a friend going through a divorce. Caring for a child who can’t seem to keep a job. Listening to a gay or transgender neighbor. Walking with friends recovering from abuse. Dealing with almost any conflict among grown children. Discussing politics with just about anybody. Building friendships with people from different economic or ethnic backgrounds. All challenge us to understand someone else’s experience to love them well.

When I meet with couple for pre-marital counseling, one of the first skills we practice is listening actively. It is amazing how many conflicts get resolved or lose their energy when people feel understood. And, I am always surprised in myself that when I work to understand someone else’s experience how my response and compassion change.  Simply being heard often deflates the anger and opens up the possibility of reconciliation.

We can’t solve Middle East peace, but maybe we can bring a little more peace to our lives by listening to understand and then responding in love.

Connect to God
This Sunday we will celebrate and bless 11 high school graduates from our youth group. During the service, Pastor Jeremy will reflect on each students experience, offer them a gift, and maybe some wise counsel as they transition into their next phase of life. Because we want to take the time to truly celebrate each graduate, we will be having a shorter message on Sunday. Think homily. But we do so, because this week, we will be thinking about how a Jesus.Life embraces community. Part of how we embrace community as a church is by taking the time to celebrate with our graduates.

We will also celebrate communion during worship this week. On behalf of the Board of Elders, I encourage you to examine your life and relationships, seek reconciliation where needed, confess where appropriate, and offer others the same grace god has given us, so that we can come to the table on Sunday with true joy and gratitude and in unity but he grace of the Holy Spirit.

We will no longer be having a Children’s Message during worship because of the sheer number of children and the recognition that through Children and Worship we already provide worship and teaching that is age appropriate for our youngest members. This Sunday kids will be invited up to the steps to be prayed over before they are dismissed to Children and Worship. We will publicly thank Kelly Osterink for her faithful service for well over a decade in teaching our children each Sunday at a later time.

We are still looking for more volunteers for our summer children’s ministry. You can sign up here.

If you would like a copy of the worship service, you can receive a complete copy by contacting Tom Verbrugge or you can find the weekly messages on our website.

Grow in Community
We extend out sympathy to Jim Oudbier in the passing of his beloved wife, Joanne, on Wednesday afternoon. The funeral will be Monday at 11 am at Zion with visitation one hour prior. Visitation will also occur on Sunday afternoon from 1-4, also at Zion.

Carol Vandelin underwent knee replacement surgery on Tuesday and is currently recovering well at her daughter’s home.

Mark Steenbergen will have open heat surgery tomorrow and asks for prayers for peace, healing, and strength through the surgery.

Cake will be served following worship on Sunday to celebrate with all of our graduates.

Love offering- As we celebrate communion on Sunday, we will also hold a special love offering for our Benevolence funds. Benevolence funds are used to care for the financial and physical needs of members of our community and the neighborhood. The Deacons encourage our congregation to give generously not only to the ongoing ministries of Zion through the budget, but also to give through the love offering to support one another in times of need.

Serve the World
We will be packing for Hand2hand following worship on Sunday i the basement. If you are able to help set-up and pack, your assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Administrative Details

Our next Leaders Meeting will be this Sunday, May 20 from 5-7 pm. We will start the evening with a meal and then talk a little about the vision and direction of Zion, breakup into ministry teams, and end the evening with some training by Pastor Jeremy. We have a great night planned. If you volunteer in any capacity, you are both invited and strongly encouraged to attend this evening of community and ministry. If you do not yet serve anywhere in the ministries of Zion, but would like to get involved, please join us as well and we will get you connected that night. Sign-ups for the leaders meeting will begin this Sunday May 6. Childcare will be provided for children 5th grade and under.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Year to date budget: $530,745.50
Year to date contributions: $522,075.11

Beginning Easter Sunday morning, we will spend the Easter season, and a little beyond, considering the basics of a Jesus shaped life. Join us beginning April 1 at 9:30.

Join us beginning June 24 as we begin a four-week series on handling our finances called Making Change.

2018 Summer Staff

We are very excited to introduce our Camp Zion 2018 summer staff.

Congratulations Makaylee, Kim, Luke & Brad.

Luke 9:57-62 ~ Jesus.Life: Commitment

Text: Luke  9:57-62

Title: Jesus.Life: Commitment

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

On Easter Sunday, God begins a re-creation of the world beginning with the resurrection of Jesus. While we are still waiting for this creation to be fully formed, we as Christians are called to live a Jesus shaped life so that our lives point people both to Jesus and this new world God is making. This week, Jesus calls us to commit with all of who we are to following him.