Camp Zion 2018 Week 5

Hello Camp Zion Families,
It is hard to believe we passed the half way mark of our camp season this past week. Our time together is flying by way to fast.

This week during lesson time we talked about two different pieces of the Armor of God. The Breastplate of Righteousness & the Shoes of Peace.

  • The breastplate of a soldier is what protects his heart from being hurt in battle. Our physical hearts are a great reminder of how wise and wonderful God is in creating our bodies. But we also have a different kind of heart – it’s the combination of our personality, our feelings, thoughts, hopes, and dreams that make us the special & unique people we are. Our hearts are very special to God because he thinks we are amazing. He doesn’t like our hearts to feel hurt or broken so he has given us the Breastplate of Righteousness to protect our hearts. You see God knows we are in a battle. A battle against Satan. Satan is the one who loves to cause trouble, spread lies and make us doubt Gods love. When we believe in Jesus, we can know we are right with God and that he does love us. This knowledge is the breastplate that protects our hearts. Just like a soldier will still feel the hurt of battle his heart is protected from fatal wounds so can the knowledge of Gods love protects us from Satan’s lies.
  • Shoes help us to be ready for different situations in our every day life. Are we really ready for school or work if we don’t have our shoes on? There are even special shoes for playing sports, for swimming, fishing, hiking, rain, snow, parties, the beach and so on. We are excited and motivated and prepared to do the thing our feet are ready for. God has a special pair of shoes for us to put on called the Shoes of Peace (also called the Shoes of Readiness). When we have faith in God we are ready to show & tell Gods peace and love to other people.

Here is what is coming up next week.

July 16-19 – Carnival Week.
Monday: Magic Bob & Suzie.
Tuesday: CZ Carnival.
Wednesday: Learning Lab. (Lunch served at Zion. Menu includes: Hotdogs, chips, watermelon & lemonade.)
Thursday: 1st-4th graders = Play World. bring socks.   5th-6th graders = Mystery trip. Bring swim suits & towels

Reminder about the Soccer Zone waiver that needs to be completed for our upcoming fieldtrip. Thank you to those who have already gotten this completed. For those of you who haven’t yet follow this link When you have completed your waiver for your child please shoot me an email and let me know it has been submitted.

Other stuff:
Please be praying for our CZ staff members Jeremy, Brad and Kim as they are leaving Sat morning on a week long mission trip with the Zion HS youth group to Philadelphia, PA. We hope they have an amazing time serving in the community there, that they have safe travels both there and back, and that they are inspired and brought closer to God through the experience.

See you all on Monday,
~ Rachel