Zion E-News (10-4-2018)

Several months ago now, Carey Neiuwhof came out with a blog post entitled “5 Hard Truths About Healthy Church Growth.” In the post he argues that:

1. Healthy churches grow, but not all growing churches are healthy.
2. Healthy small churches usually don’t stay small forever.
3. An outward focused church ultimately creates the healthiest insiders.
4. Decline can happen for a season in healthy churches.
5. Healthy leaders produce healthy churches.

You can read the entire blog here.

Knowing most people won’t follow the link, I wanted to share his third point and it follows below.

So what creates a healthy church?

Many factors, but outward focus is non-negotiable.

It’s a bit of a paradox, but an outwardly focused church ultimately creates the healthiest insiders.

Why is that?

An inherent part of the Christian faith is death to self. And that also means death to selfish preferences.

In an insider-focused church, no one sacrifices anything for the sake of others, because people believe others ought to sacrifice to please them.

If the church exists to make you happy, why wouldn’t people sacrifice more to make you happier?

In outsider-focused churches, the opposite is true.

Insiders sacrifice for the sake of outsiders. They realize that when they give, others live. That when they decide the church isn’t about them, they find a joy that is so elusive to selfish people.

Externally focused churches realize that sacrifice for the sake of others is a pathway to joy.

When you die to yourself, something greater rises.

Connect to God
After God rescues the Israelites from their captivity in Egypt, he brings them to Mt. Sinai where he gives them the law, which includes the 10 Commandments. These commandments are not guidelines for all humanity, but a call from God to live as a counter-cultural community. They produce a people who in our daily lives live as a sign, a signal, and a witness that God has not left the world to its own devices. Instead, God has come to rescue, save, and restore all that has been broken and marred by sin. This fourth week of our series, we consider the invitation/command to honor the Sabbath day.

During worship Sunday, we will join with the church throughout the world in celebrating communion on World Communion Sunday. In preparation for this joyful celebration, the Elders urge you to examine your life to see where you need to confess sin, where you need to apologize and make amends, and where you need to forgive so that we can come to the table truly as one united people, join together by the Spirit in Christ. Children are welcome at the Lord’s Table, at their parents discretion, but they must remain with their parents throughout the service as we will not bring them back into the sanctuary from Children and Worship during Communion.

The second offering this Sunday will be for benevolence needs within our congregation. The Deacon’s urge you to give generously to those in need as our God has generously given us all we need in Christ.

If you would like a copy of the worship service, you can receive a complete copy by contacting Tom Verbrugge or you can find the weekly messages on our website.

Grow in Community
Larry Westra underwent back surgery last week Thursday and is currently recovering at Brookcrest, Please continue to hold Larry and Marge in your prayers as he undergoes therapy and hopes to return home soon. 

You may have noticed over the past few weeks and months that it is harder and harder to read the screens in our sanctuary. Don’t worry. It is not your vision, but the slow death of all three projectors. They have all developed a significant shadow and slowly faded in brightness. As I write, a team of people are putting in three new projectors so we will be able to read and sing confidently. The new projectors are a generous gift from an anonymous donor.

Serve the World
City Chapel will officially launch with weekly worship this Sunday! They are hoping to “pack the house” so to speak and will be doing some significant advertising and marketing, but also wanted to invite each of you to join them this Sunday to celebrate the official birth of this new church. Unfortunately, I will be preaching, but you should go! Support Ron and Anna and their entire launch team as they begin this new journey together.

In addition to the official launch of City Chapel, Lifeline Community Church will celebrate their 5th anniversary this Sunday with a potluck/dinner following worship. As Lifeline begins the process of formally organizing, we celebrate not only their 5th anniversary, but also their support of a new Congolese Church plant in their facility on Sunday afternoons. God is certainly on the move and we are privileged to join him.

Administrative Details
Our next Leaders Meeting will be on November 4 from 5-7 pm. We look forward to a great evening of fellowship, worship, and some training. Details for the night are still being worked out and will be shared as they are finalized.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.
Fiscal Year to date budget: $195,753.60
Fiscal Year to date contributions: $179,430.21