John 2:1-11 ~ Let the Party Begin

Text: John 2:1-11

Title: Let the Party Begin

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

As we begin a new year, God begins a new thing in Jesus. While Matthew, Mark, and Luke tell many of the same stories of Jesus, John tells many different stories and in the process give a unique theological view of who Jesus is and how he now calls us to live. We begin our study of John this year by studying the 7 signs of John. The first sign occurs at a wedding in Cana. Partway through, disaster occurs. They run out of wine, but Jesus saves the day by turning ritual water into wine. What does it tell us that Jesus’ first miracle was not healing the sick or raising the dead, but turning water into wine? Perhaps Jesus is inviting us to a party we the likes of which we have never seen and letting us know that this time the drinks are on him.