Camp ZIon 2019 Week 5

Hello Camp Zion Families,
Bug week was a busy one around camp. Everyone seemed to have a good time with all of our activities especially on our trip to the museum. I love that place.

During this weeks Bible lessons we focused on Psalm 23:4 which says, “He (God) renews my strength”. Just like when we do a lot of physical activity and become tired sometimes the burdens we carry make our hearts and minds tired. When we are feeling weary in spirit God encourages us to turn to him in prayer and He will give us rest from our worries. God is here and available to talk to anytime of day in any circumstance.

I want to give a shout out to Kim, Luke, Olivia, Julia and Mackenzie who in a moments notice took over running all aspects of camp for a couple of days this past week, when I had to leave for a family emergency. Their training and natural leadership skills shined through in bright new ways this week. I am so incredibly proud of them. They are all super heros!!!

Here is what’s happening next week:

Week 5 – Transportation Week
Monday – Soccer Zone.
Tuesday – Movie Day & Slip-n-slide. Bring swimsuits and towels.
Wednesday – Learning Lab.
Thursday1st-3rd Grade = Play World. Bring Socks.  4th-6th Grade = Grandville Middle School Pool. Bring swimsuits and towels.

Have a great weekend,