Good-bye Camp Zion 2019

Hello Camp Zion families,

It has truly been a pleasure to spend the last 7 weeks with your children. They are smart, kind & funny people who managed to wiggle their way into all of our hearts. Thank you for gifting us the opportunity to spend time with each of them this summer. What fun we have had playing games, dancing, going on trips, journaling, doing service projects, and learning about God together.

Sunday August 11th is Camp Zion Sunday. As part of our morning worship service we will be sharing a bit about our summer together and showing a couple of video clips of our summer adventures. We would love to have all of you join us. Service begins at 9:30am. Most everyone parks in the back of church and enters at door C or D. The child check in station will be near Door D. Nursery is available for kids 0-2yrs. Children & Worship class is available during service for kids 3yrs-3rd grade.

I’ve been asked a questions repeatedly this week.

“Ms. Rachel, can I be a volunteer at Camp Zion?”

It is exciting that your kids love camp so much that they want to come back and volunteer. We hope that they will. Currently we do have a couple of requirements for kids wanting to volunteer at Camp Zion

  • The soonest former CZ campers are allowed to volunteer is the summer they are entering 8th grade. There is a difference between being a camper at Camp Zion and being a volunteer at Camp Zion. We’ve found that a year off helps with the transition between the two.
  • We also ask that they be involved with Zion Youth Group during the school year. This extra time spent with Jeremy, myself, and our other youth leaders gives our young teens an age appropriate way to learn more about God, Zion, service and leadership before choosing to volunteer at camp.

Although Camp Zion has wrapped up for this summer there are plenty of other opportunities throughout the year to get your families connected into Zion. More details about all of these can be found on the Zion website

Sunday Morning Worship. 9:30am each week. Nursery is available for children age 0-2.

Children & Worship. These classes are available during the Sunday morning worship service. Summer classes for children 3yrs old – 3rd grade are being held now. Fall classes for children 3yrs-5th grade begin Sept 8th.

Middle School Youth Group (6th-8th grade) Sunday evenings 5:45 pm – 7:15 pm. Classes begin Sept 22nd.

High School Youth Group (9th-12th grade) Sunday evenings 4pm – 5:45pm. Classes begin Sept 22nd.

Camp Zion 2020. I will be emailing you all with details next spring. 🙂

Park Play Date.  Aug 8th, 2019. 9:30am-11:30am. Everyone is welcome!  Bring your kids and hang out at the Zion playground with other parents from the neighborhood and church. There will be a bounce house and light refreshments to enjoy as well.

If you haven’t done so already check out the Camp Zion Facebook page or Instagram (camp.zion) to see all of the photos we’ve taken this year. I’ve been scrolling through them all day – so many fun memories.

Thanks again for sending your kids to Camp Zion this year. We had a wonderful time together. I hope to see you all again before next summer.
