Zion E-News (9-19-2019)
Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. This is a silly fake holiday that has been going on since 1995. So, feel free today to say things like, “Walk the plank, Matey” or “Land ho!” or “Aye Aye Capt’n.” While it is a silly joke of a holiday, which only took off after Dave Barry’s endorsement back in 2004. You can also tell silly Pirate jokes, like these:
Q: Why don’t pirates shower before they walk the plank?
A: Because they’ll just wash up on shore later.
Q: What do ye call a pirate with two eyes and two legs?
A: A rookie.
It can be fun to think about talking and acting like a pirate for a day (the silly movie and cartoon ones, bot the actual pirates who would be a bit terrifying). But, we have been called every day to talk and act like Jesus. There are all sorts of people in our community who are not going to walk into a church or listen to Christian radio or open a Bible on their own any time soon. Approximately 45% of the people living in Grandville do not attend any church, ever. Of the 55% who do attend a religious body of some sort, some attend Synagogue, others a mosque, and still others a temple. There are literally thousands of people around you every day who may never know what Jesus is like unless they hear and see you speaking and acting like Jesus.
When you are at work or school, in your neighborhood or home, or scrolling on social media, do people hear the grace, mercy, and love of Jesus in and through you? Because here is the hard truth, whether you intend it or not, if people know you are a Christian, they will assume your words and behaviors are a reflection on Jesus. When you blow up at work, they think that’s what Jesus is like. When you belittle a kid in class, they think Jesus must be like that. When you post comments that attack and vilify those who disagree with you, people think Jesus must be like that.
In 1 Corinthians 11, Paul urges the believers to imitate him as he imitates Jesus. That is s bold claim! I would not dare be so bold. But, what if we all strove to imitate Jesus so well that we could confidently tell people to imitate us because they would be imitating Jesus? What if we followed Jesus so closely that when people saw us they really did glimpse what Jesus was like because our whole life reflected him?
Connect to God
Have you ever felt strapped for cash? Like the money can’t quite stretch to cover all the bills? Like you keep working, but you can’t get ahead? We continue a 5 week series looking to God for his wisdom about our money so we can move from being strapped to free.This third week, when it comes to money people tend to have one of three attitudes: some people take pride in financial success, others glory in poverty, still others respond to God’s provision and grace with gratitude.
If you would like a copy of the worship service, you can receive a complete copy by contacting Tom Verbrugge or you can find the weekly messages on our website.
Grow in Community
If you haven’t yet signed up for RightNow Media, a great free resource of Christian videos for kids and adults alike, you can do so here.
Youth and Worship Pastor Jeremy Zoet will be on sabbatical from August 5 to October 1. During this time he will not respond to calls, texts, or emails. In his absence please direct all communication to the following people:
Worship: Sarah McAnally at (810) 434-6841 or feelinsnappy@gmail.com.
Middle School Youth: Rachel Verbrugge at (616) 258-3291 or verbrugge.family@att.net.
High School Youth: Shanda VandePol at (616) 308-0700 or shandavandepol@yahoo.com.
If an emergency arises, contact Pastor Greg at (616) 340-7785.
Serve the World
Sarah McAnally and Tracy Lobbes are busy preparing for an upcoming trip to Nepal (they will leave in early October) to meet with and learn more about our church planting efforts in that country through our partnership with Jibit Asha. Please join in prayer for them and their families for both safety and a fruitful time of learning and minsitry. We look forward to hearing about their experiences and learnings when they return.
Administrative Details
We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.
Fiscal Year to date budget: $177,469.12
Fiscal Year to date contributions: $146,690.05
Consistory Communiqué
Each month, the consistory of Zion will provide a “snapshot” of their discussions, decisions, and points of information to keep the congregation better informed. You are encouraged to contact an elder for additional clarification or discussion.
September Consistory Meeting
- Vision Sunday will take place on Sunday, October 27. Pastor Greg will share in depth the vision God has laid on consistory with the congregation. A vision that includes raising up leaders who seek to share Christ in their community and to plant churches in our community to reach people for Christ. Part of our vision includes addressing our building through a remodeling project, and October 27 will mark the launch of our capital campaign. Please mark your calendars and plan on attending Zion for this exciting day!
- Andrew and Ellen Moore from Community Reformed in Zeeland met with Consistory to share their vision for planting a church in Grandville, a vision that includes using house churches to build greater community and advance the gospel! Zion’s leadership continues to discuss what a possible partnership may look like with Community Reformed and Andrew and Ellen.
- A motion was passed to approve the start of a Kids’ Hope ministry, led by Troy Austin, in partnership with Bursley Elementary. Stay tuned for more information on how you can become a mentor to an at-risk student in our community!
- If you have comments or questions for Consistory to consider, or would like an elder to reach out to you to discuss anything, please consider using this form.