Zion E-News (10-3-2019)

Yesterday, the news was filled with the story of Brandt Jean hugging and forgiving the police officer who killed his brother Botham Jean when she accidentally walked into the wrong apartment and killed him while he ate and watched TV in his own home. I have so many thoughts about this powerful event.

My first reaction is to celebrate the Christian faith that motivated and enabled this young man to forgive this woman who killed his brother after entering his home. We should rightly celebrate the faith formation and discipling that enabled this young man to model the ridiculously extravagant grace of our God.

My second reaction was relief that he waited until after she had been sentenced. Too often, the church has been quick to encourage wronged people to forgive without ever experiencing justice. Not revenge, but justice. In the past, some believers have gone so far as to encourage abused spouses to stay in a marriage and forgive their abuser. Some have even encouraged victims of sexual abuse to forgive their abuser rather than seek justice, enabling the abuser to do so again and again. Perhaps this pattern is most prevalent when dealing the racist past and often present of our culture, where we expect African Americans to be quick to forgive, but fail to seek justice or restitution for the wrongs done to them. I think when we offer cheap forgiveness, we fail to live into the call to seek genuine reconciliation. That is why I am glad he waited until after she had been convicted and sentenced before he forgave.

My third reaction is to wonder what would happen if the church in the US began to practice such ridiculous grace toward others. The grace we have received from God comes not only in the form of forgiveness, but also in the many gifts we have received through Christ. Resurrection at the end of time and reconciliation with God being the greatest of these gifts. I wonder how our world might be different if we made a point to practice this expansive grace of God modeled by Brandt Jean. What if we were quick to extend the benefit of the doubt to young people who make foolish choices and get swept into the criminal justice system, refugees with no where to go, parents overwhelmed by toddlers, kids who struggle in school and those who struggle on the playground, or older people who were unable or choose not to save enough for retirement. What if the church was known as a place of genuine grace rather than judgment and self-righteousness?

What if I was known for the grace I show?

Connect to God
Have you ever felt strapped for cash? Like the money can’t quite stretch to cover all the bills? Like you keep working, but you can’t get ahead? We continue a 5 week series looking to God for his wisdom about our money so we can move from being strapped to free. In this final week, recognizing the endless treadmill of finding our identity in our money, achievements and stuff, we seek to root our identity in God and find a new contentment in the simplicity of seeking God’s kingdom.

This Sunday, we will celebrate communion, also called The Lord’s Super or the Eucharist. This is the family meal of Christians.  We invite all committed followers of Jesus Christ to partake of this sacrament: those who are baptized members of a congregation that proclaims the gospel, who are at peace with God and with their neighbor, and who seek strength to live more faithfully for Christ.  If you are not a Christian, or if you are not prepared to share in this meal, we encourage you to spend this time in prayer.  We hope that this time is helpful to you as you consider your relationship with Jesus Christ and with His people, the church.

If you would like a copy of the worship service, you can receive a complete copy by contacting Tom Verbrugge or you can find the weekly messages on our website.

Grow in Community
We express our sympathy to Drew and Melissa Ver Hage and their family in the sudden passing of Melissa’s father John Waite last week. The funeral will be held at Bitely Community Church on Saturday at noon.

We also extend our sympathy to the family and friends of Ade Dekker who passed away on Sunday, September 29. Please pray for peace and comfort for the family during this time of loss.  The funeral will be held at 2 pm Friday at Cooks Funeral Home in Grandville.

On October 25, we will be holding a hayride and bonfire at Post Family farm from 6-8 pm for Zion attenders and their friends. We will enjoy a hayride, bonfire, hot chocolate, s’mores, a ninja course ($2 per person), and pumpkin rides for the little ones. The cost is $5 per adult and $3 per child. But, if you invite a friend who is not currently attending a church, then your family and theirs can attend for free. See you on the 25th from 6-8 at Post Family Farm.

On October 20 the High School Youth Group invites you to join them for a special time of worship where students will present some of their favorite praise songs. Worship begins at 5:45PM and will be held in the sanctuary.

Is the child check-in line too long? Are you feeling crowded by the check-in stations? Then check out our new child check-in station in Room 205. This station will not be staffed on Sundays, but if you are comfortable signing your child into our system without assistance, this is a great option to decrease congestion and the wait near door ‘D.’

Serve the World
Sarah McAnally and Tracy Lobbes left on Wednesday for Nepal to meet with and learn more about our church planting efforts in that country through our partnership with Jibit Asha. Please join in prayer for them and their families for both safety and a fruitful time of learning and ministry. We look forward to hearing about their experiences and learnings when they return.

Administrative Details

Join us on Vision Sunday as we pray and explore how we can create a building for the future – aligning our facilities with our mission to make disciples who make disciples. On Sunday, October 27, we invite you to join us after the worship service to:

  • Learn about the proposed Building Project
  • View the latest drawings from our Building Committee
  • Participate in a small group discussion
  • Ask questions and offer your opinions and advice

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year to date budget: $199,652.76
Fiscal Year to date contributions: $163,108.05