Zion E-News (8-13-2020)

Last week, I shared a little about how to intentionally BLESS people with whom you want to share the gospel. The acronym BLESS stands for: Begin to Pray, Listen, Eat together, Serve them, and telling the Story.

As I was pondering the idea of being a blessing as a way to intentionally share our faith, I was reminded that growing up in Zeeland at a CRC church, evangelism was rarely a topic of our discipleship. I could tell you all about predestination and infant baptism and the sovereignty of God, but no one ever told me how to or even that I should tell people who did not know Jesus about the gospel. Which sent me down the rabbit hole of books in my office and led me eventually to a book by a former pastor of Zion, Kevin Harney. Kevin wrote a book entitled, Organic Outreach for Churches. It is a companion to his book Organic Outreach for Christians. Both books are about 20 years old now, but still offer a great reminder to each of us that the mission of the church is not only to disciple people, but to make new disciples.

In chapter 4 of the book focused on churches, he highlights 7 mental shifts churches need to make to become more focused on outreach. They are:

  1. From random to strategic: we think outreach just happens. We need to put in the effort to be intentional.
  2. From fame to funding: we fund what matters to us and most church budgets direct most of the money to ourselves or to pay someone else to evangelism somewhere else in the world. We need to fund local outreach and evangelism.
  3. From believing to belonging: we have assumed people need to believe to be active in the church, but for many people, belief follows after their experience belonging in the church
  4. From us to them: for many Christians, the church exists to meet their needs. We need to shift to remember the church exists to meet the needs of the world and the greatest need is to know their God
  5. From programs to praying: We love programs in the church, systems and structures, but hearts get changed when we pray. We need to pray for those who don’t yet know God.
  6. From mush to clarity: I need to be clear and our leaders need to be clear on the need in our community. While we do not see it very well, church attendance in our community is actually below the national average. People are living and dying every day in our neighborhoods not knowing God. There are eternal consequences when we fail to reach people with the gospel.
  7. From fatalism to faith: It is easy when evangelizing to grow discouraged because people do not change quickly or on our time schedule. We need to be a people who live in the faith, the confidence, that God is at work all around us reconciling his world back to him.

Where do you need to shift your thinking to begin actively engaging and supporting evangelistic outreach in our community?


Connect to God
This Sunday we will gather for worship both in person and online. We will gather by the playground for an outdoor service at 9 am. If there is a likelihood of rain, we will cancel our 9 am service. We will try to announce any change in venue by Saturday night on our Facebook page.

If you are not able to join us in person or would simply prefer to not gather in a large crowd yet, you can still join us for online worship. Our 11 am service will be livestream and you are welcome to attend worship at 11, thought the focus will be on the livestream participants. We will be live streaming our 11 am service at zionreformed.online.church and Zion’s Facebook Page. We will also rebroadcast the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 4pm next Sunday.

This week, we continue our series entitled 20 Minute Theology as we think through some basics questions of faith led by the Heidelberg Catechism. Over the first three weeks, we saw our identity as beloved children of God, the mess we have created by our sin, and how God joins us in and rescues us from that mess in Jesus. This week, we will be considering what this God who saves us is like as we see him revealed in Jesus who is the image of the invisible God.

Grow in Community
We have recently started a closed Zion group on Facebook to create a place to discuss sermons, share prayer requests, and stay connected asynchronously when direct face-to-face connections are more challenging. If you want to join the group, you can request to join at this link: www.facebook.com/groups/ziongrandville/

Beginning on September 27, we will hold worship at 9 am indoors. This service will also be live-streamed. We also hope to begin holding Children’s Ministry for kids ages 3 through 5th grade during worship. We will not hold a large group gather for children and will instead have them go immediately to their classrooms. They will be in 3 classrooms and we will practice social distancing by requiring masks for children in K-5th and attempting to keep unrelated children 6 feet apart. We intend to follow the recommendations in MI Safe Start for Schools documentation.

Serve the World
City Chapel continues to gather each week virtually for worship. They also have several book studies occurring during the week. As you can imagine, this is a difficult time to be launching a church when so many social events have been discontinued. And yet, they continue to maintain connections with attenders and are looking forward to welcoming 8 babies (God willing) between June and the end of this year. Please continue to keep Ron and Anna Radcliffe in your prayers as they lead City Chapel.

If you need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Chip Harkes our chair of deacons and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is chip@harkeslandscape.com and his phone number is 616-299-4804.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures. We are especially grateful this week for all those who have adjusted their means of giving to give online, through the mail, and via text. Zion’s members continue to strongly support the ministries of Zion during this time of uncertainty.

Fiscal Year to Date Budget: $105,062.80
Fiscal Year to Date Contribution: $91,497.14
Giving Last Week: $6,424.00
Cash on Hand: $158,523.27