Mark 6:1-12, 30-31 ~ Who Do You See?

Text: Mark 6:1-12, 30-31
Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower
Christianity at its core is not about thinking the right things about God or knowing our Bibles inside and out, but about following Jesus. The earliest believers were called Christians because they looked and acted like little Christs, little Jesuses. In Mark 6, Jesus goes home to Nazareth and receives less than a warm welcome. The people think they already know Jesus and so reject his teaching. The disciples, however, trust Jesus and in trusting him are sent out to teach, heal and cast our demons. One group puts Jesus in a box of their own making and another lets Jesus run wild over their life and sees the power of God at work in them. Where might we need to let Jesus out of our boxes so we can see the power of God already at work around us?