Camp Zion 2022 – Week 6

Hello Camp Zion Families,
Here we are at week 6, our final week of camp for the 2022 season.  How did it get here so fast?

Two important things about this week:
1.)  MONDAY: Ms. Rachel will be out of the office.  Our Camp Zion Teen Staff have been put in charge and have planned a fun day for your kids. I think they are all kind of excited to run the show with our volunteer crew and really put all those leadership skills they have learned this summer to use.  I am still available via text or email should you need something and there are other church staff members onsite and available as well.

2.) THURSDAY:  CAMP ZION PICNIC LUNCH.  12-12:30PM.  We are having our end of summer CZ picnic on Thursday immediately after camp.  Pick up time will be at 12:30 on Thursday so our campers and staff can have a little extra time to eat and visit together.  Your kids have worked hard reading all last week on order to earn this pizza party for themselves.
If you still need to pick up your children at 12pm – then park in the lot by Door A. Press the doorbell at Door A and our church secretary can buzz you in, then we can get your child signed out.

Here is what’s coming up for week 6.

Week 6 (Aug 1-4) Woodlands Week.

  • Monday:  Teen Staff Day.
  • Tuesday:  Fieldtrip: Hagar Park
  • Wednesday:  Candy Bar Shoot Out.
  • Thursday:  Water fun & the Camp Zion picnic.  Pick up @ 12:30pm. Wear your swim suits & bring your towel.

Have a wonderful day,

Zion E-News (7-28-2022)

Zion E-News (7-28-2022)
After spending a week in Alaska this summer and soaking in the beauty of God’s creation, you would think I’d pay attention as well to God’s creation returning to Michigan. Yet, I don’t think I did until within the last week. On Friday, I decided to go to Holland State Park beach by myself (Olivia was gone to her cousin’s house and Kim wasn’t feeling the beach that day). When you go to the beach by yourself, it is a much different experience than going with others. You observe much more when you’re not chatting with someone else, or worried about your kids being swept up in a dangerous current. You can truly relax, listen to the soothing crash of waves against the shore, pay attention to the sensation of sand between your toes, feel the breeze against your face, admire the beautiful horizon, and maybe even be reminded of what it was like to have small children at the beach (fun, cute, adventurous) but be glad that you’re not responsible for anyone for a few hours.

On Tuesday I had an early morning hospital visit to make so I was awake earlier than usual. As I drove from Holland to Grand Rapids the sunrise was unique. It seemed to change by the minute with a rainbow of colors flowing across the horizon and beyond. The way the colors flowed, spread, and faded, it reminded me of the Northern Lights.  As I drove, Joy 99 FM was talking about how beautiful it was and how people were posting pictures of the sunrise. As most of us know, pictures will never do justice to what we see in person, but I’ll post one from Joy 99’s Facebook anyway.

The beauty of God’s creation should always create awe, wonder, and praise of our creator. Praise is so good for the soul. It reminds us that there IS a Creator God, that we are nothing without our God, and that our magnificent Creator God is not distant, but loves to have a relationship with us and give us good gifts (like an afternoon at the beach and a glorious sunrise. It also takes the focus off of ourselves and our problems and puts the focus on our good God.

Could you benefit from some alone time, some admiring of God’s creation, and some praise? I encourage you to find a way to make that happen soon and be blessed by what God does through that time you give to God.


Connect to God
This week we will gather for worship at 9:30 am. This weeks service will be at and streaming on our YouTube channel. We will also rebroadcast a version of the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 4pm next Sunday. The service will continue to be available on YouTube to watch at your convenience.

WE NEED more volunteers to help at the Child Check-In on Sunday mornings. Training will be provided. If you’d be willing to help on a Sunday this summer, please contact Kelly Osterink at 616-446-6704. Thanks!
We will not be having a sermon series for the summer. Instead we look forward to stand alone messages from a variety of voices:

July 31: Andrew Moore (Zion Member who is an ordained pastor in the RCA)

August 7: Eddy Aleman (General Secretary of the RCA)

August 14: Randy Weener (RCA Director of Church Multiplication)

August 21: Transition Pastor: Steve Petroelje

August 28: Transition Pastor: Steve Petroelje

Grow in Community
MOTT FAMILY UPDATE: Ellie (19 y/o) had surgery on Tuesday to remove a mass on her brain that had been causing headaches and blurry vision. The surgery and recovery went well, but the preliminary pathology showed it was cancer. Another MRI is being done to see if her spine has spots as well. This was likely something very new and fast growing. She will need treatment, some combination of chemo and radiation. Next week they hope to know more. Ellie is home now.  Sydney (16 y/o) continues chemotherapy to fight the Hodgkin’s Lymphoma she found out she has back in May. Please pray for the entire family during this difficult time! A meal train was recently started. If you’d like to contribute, follow this link.  There is also a gofundme started to help with costs for Ellie’s brain surgery. You can find that here.

WILLIS KUIPER will be celebrating his 90th birthday on August 5. If you would like to send birthday wishes his way, his mailing address is: 2589 44th St SE Room 113, Grand Rapids, MI 49512

A PARK PLAYDATE at Zion’s playground is being planned for Tuesday, August 2 from 10 to 11:30am. There will also be a bounce house and popsicles! This is a great opportunity to invite a friend!

Summer is a great time to try out new ways to serve in at Zion. If you are interested in serving on one of our welcome teams, now is the time to try it out a few times over the summer! If you are already on a team or want to try it out, you can sign up to serve as an usher, greeter, or to help at the child check in station here.

We have switched to our summer mode in Zion Kids! We’ll be running a nursery, and a simplified program for kids 3 yrs.-going into 3rd grade (all together). We read Bible stories to kids in small groups, pray, do crafts & play with them.  It’s really fun, and a great way to get to know the kids!  To make this happen, we need your help! Would you be willing to serve In kids ministry two times over the summer months?  We’re looking for young grandparents, teenagers, parents, and people who enjoy being around kids.  We’ll make sure to pair summer volunteers alongside our regular kids ministry people.   All adults over 18 years old must go through Keeping Kids Safe training and a background check prior to serving with kids.  If needed, Pastor Jeremy will contact you to set up a time to go over our policies. These really are fun Summer Sundays with extra time to get to know the kids a bit more! You can sign up through the links below, or via a sign up sheet outside of Room 205, or by texting Katie Wagner at 616-994-2880 or Jacki Deiter at 616-437-4791.  Thanks for considering supporting our kids & young families!
Summer Kids Ministry  

Serve the World
THREADS: We will be having an end of the season sale at Threads on Saturday, August 13 from 9am-1pm.  All summer clothing items and accessories will be $1 each (Cash or checks only).  All the profit from this sale will be used to purchase new needed items for the ministry.

CAMP ZION: One week left of camp! It’s been a great summer and the staff has worked very hard. Feel free to say thank you to them for serving our community on behalf of Zion. A big thanks to all those who have volunteered and donated items to Camp Zion!

If you need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Jerrod Holzgen, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is and his phone number is 616-520-1771.


CHILDREN’S MINISTRY DIRECTOR SEARCH: The search for a new Children’s Ministry Director is underway.  With the help of consistory, a search committee of Rick Vanderwall (as a non-voting advisory role) Shanda VandePol, Emily Morehouse, Matt Eling, Heidi Ondersma, and Jerrod Holzgen was formed.  The job description was updated and is now posted in several locations include the RCA and CRC websites and on the banner of Zion’s home page.  This is a part time (approx. 20 hours per week), salaried position.  If you or someone you know is interested, or if you have questions, please contact Jerrod at or 616-520-1771.  Thank you for your support during this period of transition and will keep you posted as the search proceeds.

ROOM/OFFICE CHANGES: The season of having a church library is coming to a close. Why? Besides it rarely being used by less than a handful of members, and because of a more complex reason why: Threads is exploding with donations on a regular basis and needs more storage, which led to a multi-room switch. Camp Zion’s storage is moving from the basement, to the “Library” (double doors on the front east side of the sanctuary). Camp Zion’s office is also moving into the old library for one big Camp Zion office/storage space. The Children’s Director’s office is moving to the Camp Zion office (Northwest corner of the building our the front right side of the sanctuary). The old Children’s Director office is becoming the new music supply closet (formerly getting extra music stands, mic stands, and cables, etc. required climbing up in the open space where the organ’s pipes used to be – which is behind the right screen in the sanctuary – I almost ripped my pants too many times on a Sunday morning climbing on a stool to get up there). Now that Camp Zion has overtaken the library,  the Camp Zion staff helped Pastor Rick move all the books to room 207 (last classroom on the south side of the hall). The books are free for the taking until the beginning of October, when the remaining books will be donated. A big thanks to Pastor Rick for moving so many things this week to start this transition!

We look forward to our Transition Pastor, Steve Petroelje, starting at Zion on Monday, August 15.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year 2021/22 Budget: $82,089.36
Fiscal Year 2021/22 Contributions: $66,776.97
Giving Last Week: $4,205.50



This Week’s Bulletin

7-31-22 Bulletin

7-24-22 Worship Service

Camp Zion 2022 – Week 5

Hello Camp Zion Families,
This week was full of lots of funny moments & conversations with your kids.  The leaders always debrief together at the end of each day and we spent more time than usual this week laughing together about each of the days shenanigans.

On Thursday, I pulled our 6th graders aside and asked them to help me plan a spirit week for the camp. They had gobs of good ideas.  I see future Camp Zion leader potential for sure in this group.  Here is what they came up with.

Spirit Week – July 25-28 (It’s also Grasslands Week)

  • Monday: Mis-match Day – Wear your craziest mismatched outfit & good walking shoes.
  • Tuesday: Hawaiian Day – Wear your swimsuit and any other tropical attire you have. Bring a towel too.
  • Wednesday: Wacky Hat Day – wear a silly or unusual hat.
  • Thursday: TieDye Day – wear a tie-dye shirt.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,

Zion E-News (7-21-22)

Zion E-News (7-21-2022)

On Tuesday I left Camp Zion for an hour to work on this Sunday’s sermon. I returned to the sanctuary to see everyone at work on a craft making tree houses. I walked around to each table to see their work and encourage a few kids in their creativity. One girl showed me how her favorite pair of scissors broke, so I went up to the supply table to get a few more sets of scissors as options. When I turned around to head back, another little girl was in tears wanting my attention. I crouched down, pulled her in with a side hug, looked her in the eyes and asked what happened. She told me that other kids at the table were shaking the table, which was making it hard to work on her tree house craft. She also said they were teasing her. I brought her back to the table, talked to the other kids at the table (who were mostly friend-cousins) and asked them if they would like it if someone was doing what they were doing to this little girl. They said no, with embarrassed and regretful faces. Before I could get any further with talking to them about the incident, the little girl was already asking me for help with her craft by cutting some tape. She was already moving on because she received what she needed: someone who cared, someone to listen, someone to hug her, someone to help her, and someone to be by her side.

For some reason this incident continues to stick in my mind. It was a fragile, vulnerable, and holy moment. In this little girl I saw how I sometimes approach God and in my crouched-down-side-hugging-self I saw our Heavenly Father (I know it’s really bizarre and sounds like bragging to use myself as an illustration as the God figure in this story, but hear me out).

Sometimes I’m the crying little girl. I can all too often feel all alone in a crowd of people, especially as I regularly struggle with anxiety and depression. I can become frustrated and discouraged when what I’m trying to accomplish just doesn’t not seem to be working out (like trying to edit the church website to add the Children’s Ministry Director Position or when I can’t find the right words to express my thoughts as I write a sermon). My own inner dialogue can feel like friend-cousins teasing me – that inner dialogue knows me so well and knows exactly how to push my buttons. And when I’ve suppressed other feelings and needs that I’m not totally aware of, it can lead to a little bit of a breaking point, much like this little girl.

In that moment of frustration this little girl was wise. She walked away and went to someone she knew would be there for her. Someone who would have her back. Someone who could empathize. Someone who could use a hug to take some of the pain away. Someone who could protect. Someone who could help. Someone who could help her dreams (of a craft) become a reality.

And that little girl’s wisdom is what I and so many of us need. Sometimes we just need to walk away from the situation and go to our Father. He will be there for us. He will have our back. He understands and can empathize. He can hold us in our moment of need and take some of the pain away. He can protect. He can help. He can help our dreams become a reality.

What’s your current struggle?

I invite you to come before God like a crushed little girl. Don’t keep scrolling. Stop. Close your eyes. Start telling Him about your current struggle. He wants to wrap his loving arms around you. Find comfort and rest.


Connect to God
This week we will gather for worship at 9:30 am. This weeks service will be at and streaming on our YouTube channel. We will also rebroadcast a version of the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 4pm next Sunday. The service will continue to be available on YouTube to watch at your convenience.

WE NEED more volunteers to help at the Child Check-In on Sunday mornings. Training will be provided. If you’d be willing to help on a Sunday this summer, please contact Kelly Osterink at 616-446-6704. Thanks!

We will not be having a sermon series for the summer. Instead we look forward to stand alone messages from a variety of voices:

July 24: Pastor Jeremy Zoet

July 31: Andrew Moore (Zion Member who is an ordained pastor in the RCA)

August 7: Eddy Aleman (General Secretary of the RCA)

August 14: Randy Weener (RCA Director of Church Multiplication)

August 21: Transition Pastor: Steve Petroelje

August 28: Transition Pastor: Steve Petroelje

Grow in Community

MOTT FAMILY: Ellie (19 y/o) was admitted to Saint Mary’s on Friday for continuous headaches and blurry vision. There is a mass on her brain that they think is likely a benign slow growing tumor on her brain, but they don’t know for sure. She met with neuro-oncology on Wednesday and didn’t learn much more. She is scheduled for surgery on Tuesday, July 26. Sydney (16 y/o) had her 4th treatment of chemotherapy on Wednesday to fight the Hodgkin’s Lymphoma she found out she has back in May. Please pray for the entire family during this difficult time! A meal train was recently started. If you’d like to contribute, follow this link.

CONGRATULATIONS to Bronson and Ashley Swan on the birth of their daughter Madison Jo. Madison was born on July 20 at 12:43PM. She weighed 6lb 14oz and was 19 1/4” long. She was welcomed home by her big brother Sawyer. We praise God for this precious gift.

WILLIS KUIPER will be celebrating his 90th birthday on August 5. If you would like to send birthday wishes his way, his mailing address is: 2589 44th St SE Room 113, Grand Rapids, MI 49512

A PARK PLAYDATE at Zion’s playground is being planned for Tuesday, August 2 from 10 to 11:30am. There will also be a bounce house and popsicles! This is a great opportunity to invite a friend!

Summer is a great time to try out new ways to serve in at Zion. If you are interested in serving on one of our welcome teams, now is the time to try it out a few times over the summer! If you are already on a team or want to try it out, you can sign up to serve as an usher, greeter, or to help at the child check in station here.

We have switched to our summer mode in Zion Kids! We’ll be running a nursery, and a simplified program for kids 3 yrs.-going into 3rd grade (all together). We read Bible stories to kids in small groups, pray, do crafts & play with them.  It’s really fun, and a great way to get to know the kids!  To make this happen, we need your help! Would you be willing to serve In kids ministry two times over the summer months?  We’re looking for young grandparents, teenagers, parents, and people who enjoy being around kids.  We’ll make sure to pair summer volunteers alongside our regular kids ministry people.   All adults over 18 years old must go through Keeping Kids Safe training and a background check prior to serving with kids.  If needed, Pastor Jeremy will contact you to set up a time to go over our policies. These really are fun Summer Sundays with extra time to get to know the kids a bit more! You can sign up through the links below, or via a sign up sheet outside of Room 205, or by texting Katie Wagner at 616-994-2880 or Jacki Deiter at 616-437-4791.  Thanks for considering supporting our kids & young families!
Summer Kids Ministry  

Serve the World
THREADS: We will be having an end of the season sale at Threads on Saturday, August 13 from 9am-1pm.  All summer clothing items and accessories will be $1 each (Cash or checks only).  All the profit from this sale will be used to purchase new needed items for the ministry.

CAMP ZION: The theme verse for the year is Luke 10:27 which says: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” In addition, the campers will be studying the 10 commandments over the 6 weeks of camp. If you are interested in helping out with Camp Zion, you can sign up to volunteer using the link below.
Camp Zion Volunteer Sign Ups

If you need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Jerrod Holzgen, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is and his phone number is 616-520-1771.


CHILDREN’S MINISTRY DIRECTOR SEARCH: The search for a new Children’s Ministry Director is underway.  With the help of consistory, a search committee of Rick Vanderwall (as a non-voting advisory role) Shanda VandePol, Emily Morehouse, Matt Eling, Heidi Ondersma, and Jerrod Holzgen was formed.  The job description was updated and is now posted in several locations include the RCA and CRC websites and on the banner of Zion’s home page.  This is a part time (approx. 20 hours per week), salaried position.  If you or someone you know is interested, or if you have questions, please contact Jerrod at or 616-520-1771.  Thank you for your support during this period of transition and will keep you posted as the search proceeds.

ROOM/OFFICE CHANGES: The season of having a church library is coming to a close. Why? Besides it rarely being used by less than a handful of members, and because of a more complex reason why: Threads is exploding with donations on a regular basis and needs more storage, which led to a multi-room switch. Camp Zion’s storage is moving from the basement, to the “Library” (double doors on the front east side of the sanctuary). Camp Zion’s office is also moving into the old library for one big Camp Zion office/storage space. The Children’s Director’s office is moving to the Camp Zion office (Northwest corner of the building our the front right side of the sanctuary). The old Children’s Director office is becoming the new music supply closet (formerly getting extra music stands, mic stands, and cables, etc. required climbing up in the open space where the organ’s pipes used to be – which is behind the right screen in the sanctuary – I almost ripped my pants too many times on a Sunday morning climbing on a stool to get up there). Now that Camp Zion has overtaken the library,  the Camp Zion staff helped Pastor Rick move all the books to room 202 (last classroom on the south side of the hall). The books are free for the taking until the beginning of October, when the remaining books will move to the Paper Gator. A big thanks to Pastor Rick for moving so many things this week to start this transition!

We look forward to our Transition Pastor, Steve Petroelje, starting at Zion on Monday, August 15. Pastor Steve stopped into Zion to sign some paperwork with Connie on Wednesday and was able to meet a few people. Our staff and consistory are excited to start working with him soon!

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year 2021/22 Budget: $71,828.19
Fiscal Year 2021/22 Contributions: $62,571.47
Giving Last Week: $9,923.50

This Week’s Bulletin

7-24-22 Bulletin

July 17, 2022 Worship Service

Camp Zion Week 4

Hello Camp Zion Families,
Arctic week was so much fun. Polar bears, snow balls, a suds party, art projects, stem projects, snow cones and so much more.  We just love spending time with your kids.

Our staff and volunteers have started to really pay attention to, and acknowledge, the moments during the day when kids are showing kindness toward others.  We point it out in the moment, saying “thank you, that was so kind”, as often as we can. Sometimes we might choose to also send a little note home at the end of the day.  It is fun to see your kids working really hard at getting caught being kind.

Here is what’s coming up next week.

Week 4 (July 18-21) Rainforest Week
Monday:  Survivor Games
Tuesday:  Creation Station
Wednesday:  Fieldtrip – Maplewood Park Splash Pad.  Wear swimsuits and bring towels.
Thursday: Movie Day – Rio 2 (rated G).  Bring your blanket and a stuffed animal to snuggle.

Have a lovely weekend,

Zion E-News (7-14-22)

Zion E-News (7-14-2022)
Last week I wrote about being brave, and having hopes for Zion to a brave space. After Sunday, I can see that our youth are leading the way in being brave. One of our youth went from 3 years ago being too scared to pray out loud in a microphone while seated in the third row of the sanctuary, to doing a full, well articulated sharing of what she did on a worksite and how it impacted her faith. All 6 of the youth that preached were very thoughtful in their writing of their sermons and communicated very well. It was a joy to coach them through how to write a short sermon and hear some of their thought processes as they worked on preparing their sermon for the 3 weeks leading up to the worship service. One of our youth that preached, practiced their sermon for more than 2 hours the night before, and most of the youth practiced their sermons 5 times before Sunday. Almost all of them were nervous about public speaking (like 75% of the population is), but their desire to have God speak through them out-weighed their fear. That is being brave.

The best part about the youth preaching was hearing so many adults encourage our youth by sharing specifics of how God spoke through their sermons into their lives. One adult shared about how God can do a “new” thing in our lives even when we have lost someone especially meaningful. Others have shared about their new awareness in encouraging others. Some adults resonated with a need to renew their times with God and to be still. I also resonated with the youth who shared how difficult it is to go from the “high” and closeness felt with God on a mission trip to returning to regular life at home. 

My takeaway from this past Sunday is a reminder that we are all a part of the body of Christ. Each part is needed. You are needed. God can use high school students to make Scripture come alive and inspire others in their faith and God can use you too. Does your desire to have God speak through you out-weigh your fear of working with Zion kids or helping with Child-Check-in or inviting a neighbor over for some evening snacks or public speaking or serving at Camp Zion or being part of a search team or sharing about a recent sermon with a co-worker? Again, I offer this request: Let’s pray together for a brave Zion Church over this next year of transition! We are the body of Christ!


Connect to God
This week we will gather for worship at 9:30 am. This weeks service will be at and streaming on our YouTube channel. We will also rebroadcast a version of the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 4pm next Sunday. The service will continue to be available on YouTube to watch at your convenience.

WE NEED more volunteers to help at the Child Check-In on Sunday mornings. Training will be provided. If you’d be willing to help on a Sunday this summer, please contact Kelly Osterink at 616-446-6704. Thanks!
We will not be having a sermon series for the summer. Instead we look forward to stand alone messages from a variety of voices:

July 17: Pastor Rick Vanderwall 

July 24: Pastor Jeremy Zoet

July 31: Andrew Moore (Zion Member who is an ordained pastor in the RCA)

August 7: Eddy Aleman (General Secretary of the RCA)

August 14: Randy Weener (RCA Director of Church Multiplication)

August 21: Transition Pastor: Steve Petroelje

August 28: Transition Pastor: Steve Petroelje

Grow in Community
A PARK PLAYDATE at Zion’s playground is being planned for Tuesday, August 2 from 10 to 11:30am. There will also be a bounce house and popsicles! This is a great opportunity to invite a friend!

Summer is a great time to try out new ways to serve in at Zion. If you are interested in serving on one of our welcome teams, now is the time to try it out a few times over the summer! If you are already on a team or want to try it out, you can sign up to serve as an usher, greeter, or to help at the child check in station here.

We have switched to our summer mode in Zion Kids! We’ll be running a nursery, and a simplified program for kids 3 yrs.-going into 3rd grade (all together). We read Bible stories to kids in small groups, pray, do crafts & play with them.  It’s really fun, and a great way to get to know the kids!  To make this happen, we need your help! Would you be willing to serve In kids ministry two times over the summer months?  We’re looking for young grandparents, teenagers, parents, and people who enjoy being around kids.  We’ll make sure to pair summer volunteers alongside our regular kids ministry people.   All adults over 18 years old must go through Keeping Kids Safe training and a background check prior to serving with kids.  If needed, Pastor Jeremy will contact you to set up a time to go over our policies. These really are fun Summer Sundays with extra time to get to know the kids a bit more! You can sign up through the links below, or via a sign up sheet outside of Room 205, or by texting Katie Wagner at 616-994-2880 or Jacki Deiter at 616-437-4791.  Thanks for considering supporting our kids & young families!
Summer Kids Ministry  

Serve the World
THREADS: We will be having an end of the season sale at Threads on Saturday, August 13 from 9am-1pm.  All summer clothing items and accessories will be $1 each (Cash or checks only).  All the profit from this sale will be used to purchase new needed items for the ministry.  

CAMP ZION: Camp Zion has been meeting all week. Sammy’s Party on Wheels came Wednesday and gave us a big discount on a foam/suds party because he heard our church is hosting this camp to help people in our community. He filled the lawn with suds a few feet deep, played some loud music, and ran some fun games and gave out prizes. You should have heard all the joyous screams from the kids. 

The theme verse for the year is Luke 10:27 which says: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” In addition, the campers will be studying the 10 commandments over the 6 weeks of camp. If you are interested in helping out with Camp Zion, you can sign up to volunteer using the link below.
Camp Zion Volunteer Sign Ups

If you need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Jerrod Holzgen, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is and his phone number is 616-520-1771.


We look forward to our Transition Pastor, Steve Petroelje, starting at Zion on Monday, August 15.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year 2021/22 Budget: $61,567.02
Fiscal Year 2021/22 Contributions: $52,647.97
Giving Last Week: $6,180.50