Zion E-News 1-23-25

ZION E-NEWS 1-23-25

AS WE GATHER in person for Worship each Sunday at 9:30am the service can also be viewed on our website at zionreformed.online.church and streaming on our YouTube channel.


CONSISTORY NOMINATION materials and ballots have been placed in the church mailboxes of each active confessing member (18 years and older).  We are asking you to prayerfully discern and nominate up to four Elders and Deacons and return your nomination ballot to the box in the back of the sanctuary no later than Sunday, February 2.

CAPITAL CAMPAIGN NOTES: Our Capital Campaign is underway, with a goal of raising $300,000 by May for needed building repairs and updates. Would you consider a gift to help us?  Checks or pledge cards can be placed in the box in the narthex, or gifts can be made online through Breeze. Thank you for helping us prepare our building for the next season of ministry.

WE EXPRESS our sympathy to Dan DeVries  and the extended DeVries family as they grieve the unexpected loss of Merilyn, a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother and friend, on Sunday, January 19. Visitation will be held at Zion on Friday, January 24th from 2-4 PM and 6-8 PM. A funeral will be held at Zion on Saturday, January 25th at 11 AM with a light luncheon to follow.
We also extend our sympathy to Mike, Michelle and Jayden Mass in the recent passing of Michelle’s father Dan VanVolkinburg on Sunday, January 19th. If you would like to visit with the Mass family, visitation will be held Friday, January 24th from 4-7 PM at Kubiak Cook in the Wayland. May the God of all comfort be especially near to the DeVries and Mass family in this time, strengthening them with hope and peace.

PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for Mary Evans as she recovers from surgery. On Wednesday Mary had her left eyelid sewn shut, to protect a damaged cornea. The physicians are unsure at this point if this will be temporary or permanent. Please pray patience and comfort throughout the time of recovery, and ultimately healing of Mary’s eye. Please be in prayer for our high school students and leaders who will be traveling to Spring Hill this weekend for a winter retreat. Pray for safety on the roads, for fun and fellowship, and for the group to grow in love for God and each other. Continue to pray for those in our congregation who deal with ongoing health issues.

DONATIONS of the following items (full size – not travel size) are needed for the Personal Care Pantry and can be placed in the box in the narthex marked “pantry donations”.  Laundry Soap,  Bar Soap,  Dish Soap,  Disposable Razors,  Shampoo,  Conditioner,  Toothpaste,  Paper grocery bags, Deodorant, Tampons, Maxi Pads, Paper towels (1 or 2 pack) and  Toilet paper (1-4 pack).

IF YOU need help, either with food, personal care items, or financial needs, please contact Austen DeHaan, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is austin331@gmail.com and his phone number is (269) 762-9748

WE CONTINUE to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and resources.

2024/25 YTD Budget:  $391,615.06
2024/25 YTD Contributions:  $344,739.62
Giving Last Week: $6,369.73
Capital Campaign Donations received to date: $110,405.00
Capital Campaign future pledges:  $109,000.00