Entries by Greg

Zion E-News (2-4-2021)

For the last several months, I have been following Heather Thompson Day on twitter. She is a professor at Colorado Christian University and based her tweets is a phenomenal mentor and teacher of […]

Zion E-News (1-28-2021)

Churches are a little like icebergs. As you likely know, 90% of the mass of an iceberg is below the surface of the water. We only see 10% of an […]

Zion E-News (1-21-2021)

On Monday, our nation remembered Martin Luther King, Jr. I am reminded each year that though MLK, Jr is held in high regard by most now, at the time of his death […]

Zion E-News (1-14-2021)

I have a short story to share. A week or so ago, a member of our church called to talk to me about a person that had met recently. This person had cancer, working a low […]

Zion E-News (1-7-2021)

I am sad today. Heartbroken. And unsure what to say. I was not shocked, horrified, or surprised by the events in our Capitol yesterday. I have been worried about and […]