Entries by Greg

Zion E-News (5-28-2020)

I have been thinking and praying for the last 48 hours about what if anything to say about the George Floyd killing in Minnesota this week. I am not sure […]

Zion E-News (5-21-2020)

A week or so ago, I was in an e-mail chain with a relatively large group of people. One person in the chain referred to a prominent politician in a […]

Zion E-News (5-14-2020)

Earlier this week, I ran across a video reflection by Nadia Bolz-Weber. She is a Lutheran pastor with whom I rarely agree theologically, but whose heart of grace and mercy for the broken […]

Zion E-News (5-7-2020)

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging […]

Zion E-News (4-30-2020)

Our family had a lively conversation last night spurred by our Ephesians devotional all about how we can find creative ways to connect with our neighbors during the shutdown. (We […]

Zion E-News (4-23-2020)

We are used to at least the illusion of control. But we find ourselves in a time when we have very little control. We don’t get to decide when the stay […]