Entries by Greg

Zion E-News (7-18-2019)

Over the summer, I have be rereading JRR Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. Other than the Bible, there is no book I have read cover to cover more often […]

Zion E-News (7-10-2019)

Over the past few days I have been reading Francis Chan’s Letters to the Church. Per usual, Chan offers some challenging critiques of the American church including how we can reduce membership […]

Jonah 1:1-3a ~ Running from God

Text: Jonah 1:1-3a Title: Running from God Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower An angry prophet. A fearsome and hated enemy. An overwhelming storm. And a surprising message of a merciful God […]

Zion E-News (7-3-2019)

There are some things you simply don’t learn and can’t know you need to learn when you attend seminary. Becoming a pastor you expect to officiate at many funerals and weddings. You […]

Zion E-News (6-27-2019)

Zion E-News (6-27-2019) Two weeks ago now, Rachel and I woke our kids up around 4:30 am, everyone got dressed, double checked backpacks and water bottles and by 5:30 were beginning […]