Camp Zion 2025

Registration opens April 1, 2025!  

June 16 – July 24, 2025

  • Monday-Thursday each week.
  • 9am-12pm each day.

About Camp Zion

Camp Zion is a supervised, summer recreational program located on the west side of Grandville, MI. Our program is open to children from Grandville & Jenison school districts entering 1st-6th grades in the fall of 2025.

Camp Zion seeks to provide opportunities for the social, physical, and emotional growth of the children we serve. Each day we play indoor & outdoor games, make crafts, read stories, solve STEM challenges, have a Bible lesson and eat a snack together. Our goal is to provide an environment where children have a safe place to play, build friendships, and be cared for during the summer.

Registration is required and open on April 1st. Registration must be completed by a parent, or guardian, for each child wanting to attend camp. Spaces are limited and filled on a first come first serve basis.

Camp Zion does not provide one on one camper to counselor options. Campers need to be able to follow instructions, communicate clearly, use the restroom without assistance, and abide by our camper code of conduct agreement.

Please email any questions to


Registration Opens April 1, 2025!!!


Registration for Camp Zion is available to Grandville & Jenison students entering grades 1st-6th grades in the fall of 2025.

Space is limited and will be filled on a first come first serve basis.

If you need more information please contact our director, Rachel Verbrugge, at

CZ 2024 Parent Info

Hello Camp Zion Families,

I’m not sure who is more excited for camp to start, our staff or your kids.

This message is lengthy but full of important information.  Please read through everything thoroughly.

Theme Verse

Our Camp Zion theme Bible verse for this year is:

“The fruit of the Spirit s love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness & self control.”  Galatians 5:22-23a

These Bible verses will be on display around camp this summer.  We will be spending some time with your kids sharing about who God is, who Jesus is, and how the fruit of the Spirit applies to our everyday lives.

We will also be taking a moment each day to pray together as a group.  We want to pray for each other and to thank God for all the wonderful things that he has blessed us with.

Our Typical Daily Schedule

9 am       – Curb side check in. Door D

9:30 am  – Announcements, lesson, and daily prayer.

10 am     – Story & snack time.

10:30 am:  Interest groups and whole camp activities

12 pm     – Curb side pick up. (Parents bring your parent ticket back with you.)

I will be sending out an email to all of our Camp Zion families at the end of each week to let you know what is coming up at camp the following week.  This way you will know in advance if your child needs to bring anything special along with them for our daily activities. Some of our activities are weather permitting.  I do keep an eye on the weather reports and try my best to give you notice the night before if we have to change anything around.

Check In & Pick Up

Curbside drop off and pick-up.

Drop off. Please enter the Zion parking lot using the driveway closest to Canal Ave. (east side of building) Drive around the back side of the building and enter our drop off lane marked by cones.

Once your car reaches Door B at the from to the building one of our staff members will assist your child out of the vehicle.

Kids will receive a coded name tag and the adult will receive a coordinating coded parent ticket. You must have this parent ticket with you to pick up your child at the end of the day.  Codes change daily.

Pick up. Please enter the Zion parking lot using the driveway closest to Canal Ave. (East side of building) Drive around the back of building and enter our drop off lane marked by cones.  Once your vehicle reaches Door B present your parent ticket to one our staff members and they will dismiss your child to your vehicle.

If you are sharing drop off and pick up responsibilities with another adult, make sure the person picking up has that days’ ticket for your child.  Presenting a photo of the parent ticket via phone will work as well.  Whomever has this coded ticket, and presents it to us at the end of the day, has the authority to check your child out of camp.


If there is any concern about what will be safe for your child to eat due to a food allergy please feel free to send a healthy snack along with your child each day.

Our daily snacks are donated by members of our congregation. I do not know what we will be having in advance.  I will have a special box available filled with safe snacks for those campers with allergies.

Our final day of camp we will be serving lunch here at Zion. The menu for that day has yet to be determined but will be listed on the parent email sent to you at the end of week 6.


If your child needs to take any prescription or over-the-counter medication, including inhalers or epi-pens, during camp hours we have a medication permission slip that will need to be completed.

All prescription medications must be in the original container with the preception label and dosage instructions attached. Over the counter medications will also need to be original packaging and accompanied by a signed order by your family physician.

Do not hand over medications, and dosage instructions, and administration permission slip to anyone other than the camp director.

Random Reminders

Names.  Please label everything that your child brings along with them to camp (jackets, towels, water bottles, backpacks etc.).   All campers will be assigned a cubby for their items, but just like at home things get left lying around.  We want everything your child comes with, to be able to find its way back home.

No electronics/toys/cash.   There are loads of games, toys and activities here for your kids to enjoy. We want them to unplug during camp hours. Help us out by keeping all of their toys & electronic devices at home.  All of our activities are free for your children so there is no need for them to bring any money to camp.  I don’t want your kids’ treasures getting lost, stolen or mixed into the toys we have here at camp. I will confiscate any of these items I happen to find, and return them to you at the end of the camp day.

Code of Conduct

We do have a camper code of conduct that we ask your kids to follow.  We will be reviewing this together our first week at camp so that your children are aware of how we expect them to behave during their time at camp.  It is our goal to create an environment where children have a safe place to play, build friendships, and be cared for during the summer – we need everyone’s help to make this happen.

  • People Matter. Every single person, young and old, has value.  We want you to help create an environment where every single person who enters here is loved and appreciated.
  • Words Matter. Our words have the power to build up or destroy.  We want you to help create an environment where others are encouraged and built up by your words and actions.
  • Respect and Responsibility matter. We want you to listen well, play safely, and take care of the people, the building, toys and equipment as if it was all your own.
  • God Matters. We are not shy about it. We are a church. One that tries to represent Jesus Christ to the world. We want you to do all you can to learn about the One who made you.

Physical violence, bullying, foul language and other inappropriate behaviors will not be tolerated.  Physical violence earns a child an immediate day (or more) at home.

If warnings to correct other inappropriate behaviors are not heeded, parents will be contacted, and a child will earn a “strike”.  Multiple strikes will result in a child being asked to stay home for a period of time.

To contact me.

The very best way to reach me is to call or text me on my cell phone (616) 258-3291 or send an email to .

Don’t be concerned if you have to leave a voice mail during the camp day. Sometimes the noise level with all the kids in the room makes it hard to hear my ringer.  I’ll return your call/text asap.  Please make sure to include your name, and your child’s name, if sending me a text or leaving a voice mail. On camp days I will only be checking my email before and after camp hours.

In an emergency, please call the church office (616) 534-7533 ext. 3 and Connie, our church secretary, can get ahold of any of our staff members for you.

As always if you have any questions, please let me know.

Rachel Verbrugge

Camp Zion Director

Camp Zion News

Camp Zion 2019 Week 6

Hello Camp Zion Families,

This week we were intentional about creating time for simple fun and some down time at camp. Our whole staff commented on how they were able to connect with new groups of kids and share lots of funny moments together with them. The fieldtrips and activities are fun but it is these relational moments that we all love most about camp.

I need to give another shout out to our amazing CZ Teen Staff members Luke, Kim, Olivia & Julia and our full time volunteers Mackenzie, Josh & Tom for all the hard work they did to keep camp running smoothly at the beginning of this week. I took a couple of days off when my hubby was finally able to come home from the hospital. (Yay!)

Pastor Greg, Pastor Jeremy (JZ) and our Children’s Ministry Director Rachel all enjoyed coming in to offer some adult support but our teens were the ones in charge of our camp day. I couldn’t be more proud of them. I hope they all are able to get lots of R&R this weekend, they deserve it.

Here is what’s coming up next week.

Week 6: The Week with No Theme.
Monday: Bowling. Wear tennis shoes.
Tuesday: Camp Zion Serves
Wednesday: Learning Lab
Thursday: Roller Skating. Bring Socks.

Have a great weekend,

Camp ZIon 2019 Week 5

Hello Camp Zion Families,
Bug week was a busy one around camp. Everyone seemed to have a good time with all of our activities especially on our trip to the museum. I love that place.

During this weeks Bible lessons we focused on Psalm 23:4 which says, “He (God) renews my strength”. Just like when we do a lot of physical activity and become tired sometimes the burdens we carry make our hearts and minds tired. When we are feeling weary in spirit God encourages us to turn to him in prayer and He will give us rest from our worries. God is here and available to talk to anytime of day in any circumstance.

I want to give a shout out to Kim, Luke, Olivia, Julia and Mackenzie who in a moments notice took over running all aspects of camp for a couple of days this past week, when I had to leave for a family emergency. Their training and natural leadership skills shined through in bright new ways this week. I am so incredibly proud of them. They are all super heros!!!

Here is what’s happening next week:

Week 5 – Transportation Week
Monday – Soccer Zone.
Tuesday – Movie Day & Slip-n-slide. Bring swimsuits and towels.
Wednesday – Learning Lab.
Thursday1st-3rd Grade = Play World. Bring Socks.  4th-6th Grade = Grandville Middle School Pool. Bring swimsuits and towels.

Have a great weekend,

Camp Zion Week 4

Hello Camp Zion Families,
I hope you are all enjoying your holiday weekend. Week 3 was a short one for Camp Zion but still packed full of fun activities, lessons and fieldtrips.

Donations: We are in need of Dixie cups, fast fill water balloons and empty peanut butter jars with lids. If you are able to donate any of these items, we would greatly appreciate it. I have a donation box in the lobby that you can place them in.

Here is what is coming up next week.

Week 4 – Bug Week.
Monday – Maplewood Park & Splashpad. Bring swimsuit and towels.
Tuesday – Kids Unlimited. Dress cool.
Wednesday – Learning Lab
Thursday – Grand Rapids Public Museum. Wear blue Camp Zion shirts.

See you all next week,

© Copyright 2023 - Zion Reformed