Registration Opens April 1, 2025

Registration for Camp Zion 2025 will open on April 1, 2025.

Camp will run for 6 weeks this summer. June 16 – July 24, M-Th each week, 9am-12pm each day.

Registration is open to students from the Grandville and Jenison school districts entering 1st-6th Grade in the fall of 2025.

Camp Zion 2024 – Week 6

Hello Camp Zion Families,
We had a great week 5 at camp. During our Bible lessons we learned about the Fruit of the Spirit characteristics of kindness and goodness.
Kindness is a choice we have to make each moment of the day. From the time we wake up to the time we go to bed we are faced with the decision of how we are going to respond to other people. It’s hard work to make the decision to respond kindly but we can do it if we allow God to help us.
Goodness is something that we have to soak ourselves in – specifically the goodness of God.  Good things in = good things out. The more time we spend learning about God and building a relationship with Him the more His goodness will become evident in our lives and shine out to those around us.

Here is what is coming up next week.

Week 6 – Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Monday – That’s Bananas.
Tuesday – Food Fight!!! Wear junky clothes and bring a towel.
Wednesday – Movie & Popcorn.  Bring a blanket and pillow.  (Movie title TBA)
Thursday – The Chocolate Olympics.

Have a great weekend,
Ms. Rachel

Camp Zion 2024 – Week 5

Hello Camp Zion Families,

Last week was a fun adventure as we once again had work groups from Therefore Go Ministries join us.  Four different teams of people from South Dakota and Canada were able to come and experience what Camp Zion is all about and help with all our different activities.  Your kids did a great job making them feel welcome and inviting them to join in on the fun.

Here is what is coming up for this week.

Camp Zion 2024 – Week 5 – Happy Birthday Week!!!
Monday:  Carnival Birthday Party.
Tuesday: Backyard Birthday Party.
Wednesday: Bowling Birthday Party – wear socks and tennis shoes to camp.
Thursday; Sudz Party Birthday Party – wear your swimsuit to camp & bring a towel.

See you all tomorrow,
Ms. Rachel

Camp Zion 2024 – Week 4

Hello Camp Zion Families,
I hope you all enjoyed the 4th of July holiday and the extended weekend.  Last week at camp the three french chefs introduced us to the fruit of the Spirit characteristics of Joy & Peace. This week at camp we will be talking about the fruit of the Spirit characteristics of Patience.

Here are our activities coming up this week.

Camp Zion 2024 – Week 4 – Pet Week.
Monday:  Photo scavenger hunt – Wear good walking shoes
Tuesday:  The Amazing Race
Wednesday:  Learning Lab – Create a pet shop.
Thursday:  Slip-n-slide.  Wear your swimming suits to camp & bring a towel.

We have found it best for kids to wear their swimsuits to camp instead of changing here on our water fun days.  Girls, wear a pair of shorts over your suits you can just slip out of them when it is time to get wet.  We will just wrap all the kids up in their towels for the ride home.

See you all tomorrow morning.

Camp Zion 2024 – Week 3

Hello Camp Zion Families,
We’re thankful for the cooler temperatures that week 2 at camp brought.  We are working hard at making sure we know each other’s names and about some of our favorite things.

This summer we are talking about the fruit of the Spirit. God has placed into our hearts the characteristics of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness faithfulness, gentleness and self control. We have ALL of these inside of us – and it is our job to learn about them and make them grow by practicing them daily. This past week we talked about love and how we can show love to those around us in a practical way.  Love is more than a feeling – it is an action.

Here is what’s coming up next week.

Week 3 – Island Life.

  • Monday:  Creation Station Day 1.
  • Tuesday:  Creation Station Day 2.
  • Wednesday: Survivor Games. Wear your swimsuit and bring a towel.
  • Thursday:  NO CAMP – 4th of JULY HOLIDAY

Have a great weekend. See you all on Monday.
Ms Rachel

Camp Zion 2024 – Week 2

Hello Camp Zion Families,
We had a very hot but very fun first week at Camp Zion. In just four days time we have seen kids making new friends, taking on leadership roles, looking out for one another and being patient and kind while doing it all. It is so good to see them wanting to make camp an inclusive and safe place for each other.

We began our Bible lessons this week. This summer we are talking about the fruit of the Spirit. God has placed into our hearts the characteristics of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness faithfulness, gentleness and self control. We have ALL of these inside of us – and it is our job to learn about them and make them grow by practicing them daily. By using these characteristics all the time we are able to show others what God’s love looks like too.

Here is what’s coming up next week.

Week 2 – Outer-space Week.
Monday: FIELDTRIP: GRPM, Roger B. Chaffee Planetarium.
Tuesday: Build and decorate rockets.
Wednesday: Rocket launch (weather permitting)
Thursday: STEM Project: Predictions.

Have a great weekend. See you all on Monday.
Ms Rachel

Camp Zion 2024 – Week 1


Hello Camp Zion Families,

All of our staff members and volunteers are excited to spend the next 7 weeks with your kids.  I know we are going to have an amazing summer together.

Camp begins tomorrow Monday, June 17. Our staff will begin signing kids in at Door D  (new location!) at 9am. Parents please stay in your vehicle while in the drop off lane. We will sign your child in for the day once you have pulled up to the drop off zone.

On Monday during circle time we will be reviewing the camp rules and code of conduct with your kids.  We’ll also explain any changes we’ve made here at camp and we will answer any questions that they might have about our summer together.

Here is what we have planned for this week.

Week 1 (June 17-20) Games Galore!!!

  • Monday: Plunger Hockey & Frisbee Golf
  • Tuesday: Nuk’em & Checkers
  • Wednesday: Uno & Crafting.
  • Thursday: Field Trip: Tarry Hall. Wear good walking shoes and socks.  Skates are provided, but kids can bring their own rollerblades/skates if they would prefer.

Please send a water bottle with your kids everyday – labeled with their name.

I will be taking oodles and oodles of pictures this summer. Be sure to check out (and “like”) our Facebook and Instagram pages so you can see what your kids are up to each day.

For more specifics on our days spent at camp the Camp Zion 2024 Parent Info document can be found on the Zion Reformed Church Website.

See you all tomorrow.


Registration Now Open!

Registration is now open for Camp Zion 2024.

June 17-Aug 1, 2024.

  • Monday- Thursday each week.
  • 9am-12pm each day.
  • Closed July 4

Camp Zion is a summer camp ministry of Zion Reformed Church. Our goal is to provide a place of belonging and growth for kids who could benefit from extra social and educational support in the summer months. We hope to come alongside families in a season of increased financial, social, emotional or educational needs.

Camp Zion is open to children from the Grandville and Jenison school districts who will be entering 1st-6th grade in the fall of 2024. Spots are limited and filled on a first come first served basis.  Confirmation of registration can take up to two weeks and will be sent to you via email.

2024 Online Registration Form

Camp Zion 2023 – Goodbye

Hello Camp Zion Families,

Well, it is ridiculously quiet around church this week. No one has been running through the lobby playing tag, cheering loudly when they win a game or belly laughing over something silly.  I miss the joyful noise that our Camp Zion campers bring to our building.

It has truly been a blessing to spend the last 7 weeks with your children.  They are smart, kind & funny people who have captured all of our hearts.  Thank you for gifting us the opportunity to spend time with each of them this summer.  What fun we have had playing games, dancing, acting, going on trips, reading stories, learning about God and creating a ton of fun memories together.

I was asked two questions repeatedly last week.

1.)  What are you all gonna do with yourselves now that camp is done?” 
The short answer is…sleep in! LOL.  But in actuality our staff is busy all year long.

  • Hope & Emily begin their junior year & Kendall begins her sophomore year at Jenison. While Olivia begins her sophomore year at Holland.  All four are involved in a variety of extracurricular activities and all four are members of the Zion praise and worship team. 
  • Pastor Jeremy is our associate pastor here at Zion.  His role includes things like preaching on Sunday mornings, leading our youth groups, leading our worship teams and helping out with all of our community focused programs. He has a passion for making connections with the people in our neighborhood so please reach out if there is something he can help you with.
  • Ms. Rachel will be enjoying these last couple weeks of summer with her family before returning to her position as a clerical assistant for Jenison Public Schools. Even though our camp season just ended she is already planning for Camp Zion 2024.  🙂  In addition to her job at JPS, and Camp Zion, Ms Rachel is also the Children’s Ministry Director here at church. That means she oversees all of the children’s programming at Zion for kids age 3 years old – 5th grade, during the school year. Obviously, Ms Rachel has a big heart for kids.

2.)  Ms. Rachel, can I be a volunteer at Camp Zion?”
It is super exciting that your kids love camp so much that they want to come back and volunteer.  We hope that they will.  Currently we do have a couple of requirements for kids wanting to volunteer at Camp Zion.

  • The soonest former CZ campers are allowed to volunteer is the summer they are entering 8th grade.  There is a BIG difference between being a camper at Camp Zion and being a volunteer at Camp Zion.  We’ve found that a year off helps with the transition between the two.
  • We also ask that they be involved with Zion Youth Group during the school year.  This extra time spent with Jeremy, myself, and our other youth leaders gives our young teens an age appropriate way to learn more about God, Zion, service and leadership before choosing to volunteer at camp.

Although Camp Zion has wrapped up for this summer there are plenty of other opportunities throughout the year to get your families connected into Zion. More details about all of these can be found on the Zion website

  • Sunday Morning Worship.  9:30am each week.  Nursery is available for children age 0-2.  Most people enter at Door D and walk down the hallway to our sanctuary.  The child check in station is right along the way.
  • Children & Worship.  These classes are available during the Sunday morning worship service.  Summer classes for children 3yrs old – 3rd grade are being held now. Fall classes for children 3yrs-5th grade begin Sept 10th.
  • Middle School Youth Group (6th-8th grade) Sunday evenings 5:45 pm – 7:15 pm.  Regular classes begin September 17.  Our kick off event will be held on September 10th. More details to come.
  • High School Youth Group (9th-12th grade) Sunday evenings 4pm – 5:30pm. Regular classes begin on September 17th. Our kick off event will be help on September 10th. More details to come.
  • Camp Zion 2024.  I will be emailing you all with details next spring. 🙂
  • Family Fun.  Our hospitality committee tries to plan several fun family events throughout the year.  As those event details become available I will pass them along to you.

If you haven’t done so already check out the Camp Zion Facebook page or Instagram (camp.zion) to see all of the photos we’ve taken this year.  I’ve been scrolling through them all morning – so many fun memories.

Thanks again for sending your kids to Camp Zion this year.  We had a wonderful time together.  I hope to see you all again before next summer.


Camp Zion 2023 – Week 7

Hello Camp Zion Families,

Here we are at week 7, our final week of camp for the 2023 season.  How did it get here so fast?

For our Bible lesson this past week we used a box of Wheaties cereal. Wheaties are known for featuring champion athletes on the face of their boxes. While being a super star athlete is an incredible accomplishment, not everyone is able to be that kind of champion. However, we all have the ability to be champions for God.
The Bible tells us that we are the hands and feet of God. He is counting on us to make a difference in this world.  Being a champion for God means always looking for the chance to help others, and then doing it, no matter who it is for. Be kind, be helpful, be a good listener, be giving, be caring, be loving and be respectful to everyone. As the Rev says at Camp Zion every day, “Love God & love people”.

THURSDAY:  CAMP ZION PICNIC LUNCH.  12-12:30PM.  We are having our end of summer CZ picnic on Thursday immediately after camp.  Pick up time will be at 12:30 on Thursday so our campers and staff can have a little extra time to eat and visit together.
If you still need to pick up your children at 12pm – then park in the lot by Door A. Press the doorbell at Door A and our church secretary can buzz you in and then we can get your child signed out.

Week 7 (July 31-Aug 3) Underwater Week.

  • Monday:  Field-trip:  Celebration Cinema for a movie & popcorn.
  • Tuesday:  Craft-a-palooza
  • Wednesday:  Glow Party
  • Thursday:  Water fun & the Camp Zion picnic.  Pick up @ 12:30pm. Wear your swim suits & bring your towel.

Have a wonderful weekend,