Camp Zion 2022 – Week 6

Hello Camp Zion Families,
Here we are at week 6, our final week of camp for the 2022 season.  How did it get here so fast?

Two important things about this week:
1.)  MONDAY: Ms. Rachel will be out of the office.  Our Camp Zion Teen Staff have been put in charge and have planned a fun day for your kids. I think they are all kind of excited to run the show with our volunteer crew and really put all those leadership skills they have learned this summer to use.  I am still available via text or email should you need something and there are other church staff members onsite and available as well.

2.) THURSDAY:  CAMP ZION PICNIC LUNCH.  12-12:30PM.  We are having our end of summer CZ picnic on Thursday immediately after camp.  Pick up time will be at 12:30 on Thursday so our campers and staff can have a little extra time to eat and visit together.  Your kids have worked hard reading all last week on order to earn this pizza party for themselves.
If you still need to pick up your children at 12pm – then park in the lot by Door A. Press the doorbell at Door A and our church secretary can buzz you in, then we can get your child signed out.

Here is what’s coming up for week 6.

Week 6 (Aug 1-4) Woodlands Week.

  • Monday:  Teen Staff Day.
  • Tuesday:  Fieldtrip: Hagar Park
  • Wednesday:  Candy Bar Shoot Out.
  • Thursday:  Water fun & the Camp Zion picnic.  Pick up @ 12:30pm. Wear your swim suits & bring your towel.

Have a wonderful day,

Camp Zion 2022 – Week 5

Hello Camp Zion Families,
This week was full of lots of funny moments & conversations with your kids.  The leaders always debrief together at the end of each day and we spent more time than usual this week laughing together about each of the days shenanigans.

On Thursday, I pulled our 6th graders aside and asked them to help me plan a spirit week for the camp. They had gobs of good ideas.  I see future Camp Zion leader potential for sure in this group.  Here is what they came up with.

Spirit Week – July 25-28 (It’s also Grasslands Week)

  • Monday: Mis-match Day – Wear your craziest mismatched outfit & good walking shoes.
  • Tuesday: Hawaiian Day – Wear your swimsuit and any other tropical attire you have. Bring a towel too.
  • Wednesday: Wacky Hat Day – wear a silly or unusual hat.
  • Thursday: TieDye Day – wear a tie-dye shirt.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,

Camp Zion Week 4

Hello Camp Zion Families,
Arctic week was so much fun. Polar bears, snow balls, a suds party, art projects, stem projects, snow cones and so much more.  We just love spending time with your kids.

Our staff and volunteers have started to really pay attention to, and acknowledge, the moments during the day when kids are showing kindness toward others.  We point it out in the moment, saying “thank you, that was so kind”, as often as we can. Sometimes we might choose to also send a little note home at the end of the day.  It is fun to see your kids working really hard at getting caught being kind.

Here is what’s coming up next week.

Week 4 (July 18-21) Rainforest Week
Monday:  Survivor Games
Tuesday:  Creation Station
Wednesday:  Fieldtrip – Maplewood Park Splash Pad.  Wear swimsuits and bring towels.
Thursday: Movie Day – Rio 2 (rated G).  Bring your blanket and a stuffed animal to snuggle.

Have a lovely weekend,

Camp Zion 2022 Week 2

Hello Camp Zion Families,
We had a great first week at Camp Zion.  Games, art projects, journaling, water fun, & rollerskating – it finally feels like summer.  We also spent a good chunk of time playing some ice breaker games so that our campers could get to know each others names and a little bit about each other right away.

Week two is a short week but will still be packed with lots of fun activities.

Week 2:  July 4-7 Desert Week.
Mon: Closed for the holiday
Tues: Closed for the holiday.
Wed & Thurs: We will be doing some painting during craft time – wear something that can get grubby.

Have fun this weekend. See you all on Wednesday morning.

Meet our Camp Zion 2022 Teen Staff

Hello Everyone,

We are very excited to introduce our Camp Zion 2022 Teen staff.

Meet Ella, Emily, Samantha & Noah.

All four are familiar faces around Camp Zion and are very excited to be spending the summer with our campers playing games, doing crafts and learning about Jesus.

Registration Open

Registration is now open for Camp Zion 2022.

June 27 – Aug 4, 2022. 

Mon-Thurs each week.

9am-12pm each day

(Closed July 4 & 5)

Spaces are limited and filled on a first come first serve basis; and are available to children from the Grandville and Jenison School districts entering 1st-6th grade in the fall of 2022.

Click on the following link to register today.
Camp Zion 2022 Registration

Camp Zion 2021 Week 6


Hello Camp Zion Families,
Here is what’s coming up next week. (July 19-22)

Camp Zion Week 6:  Spirit Week.
Monday:  Hawaiian/Beach Day.
Wear your swimsuits and bring your towels – it’s slip-n-slide day.

Tuesday:  Michigan vs. Michigan State
Wear your favorite teams logo or colors.

Wednesday:  Wacky Hair or Silly Hat Day.

Thursday:  Tie Dye Day.
Wear something tie-dye.
Bring:  A blanket, pillow and/or your favorite stuffed animal.
It’s movie day – Tom & Jerry (rated PG)


Reminder:  If your child will be absent for any reason (illness, vacation, appointment, etc.) please let me know.  Knowing who will be at camp each days helps us to prep for our activities and lets our staff know who to wait for at arrival.

Have a great weekend. See you on Monday.

Camp Zion 2021 Week 4

Hello Camp Zion Families,
We sure did have fun during Star Wars week this week.  I was super impressed with how patient and kind the kids were during our candy bar shoot out yesterday, how imaginative they all were when we built our droids on Wednesday, and how persistent and supportive of each other they are when we went rollerskating on Tuesday.

Spending time with everyone is so much fun no matter what we happen to be doing on any given day.

If your child will be absent from camp for any reason (vacations, illness, appointments, ect.) please let me know by sending me a quick text or email.  Knowing about any absences will be extremely helpful as I prep for our daily activities and as our staff waits for everyone to arrive each morning.

Week 4:  Camp Zion XL (be prepared for BIG fun)

  • Monday:  Camp Closed
  • Please bring water bottles every day.

See you all on Tuesday,

Camp Zion 2021 – Week 3

Hello Camp Zion Families,
The weather forecast isn’t looking too great for next week – but no worries, there will still be lots of fun activities to keep us busy indoors at camp.

Week 3 (June 28 – July 1) Star Wars Week
Things to bring

  • Water bottle (label with your child’s name)
  • Tuesday:  Fieldtrip to Tarry Hall.  Wear or bring socks with you.

Take a moment with your kids and check out our Facebook and Instagram pages to see all the pictures I’ve been posting of our days at camp.  They make me smile every time I look through them.

See you all on Monday,

Camp Zion 2021 – Week 2

Hello Camp Zion Families,
Our staff had such a fun first week at camp reconnecting with old friends and making new ones.  We already see great things happening within our group. Leaders are emerging as we see older kids buddying up with younger ones and outgoing kids taking time to sit with those who are more quiet.  Such good stuff. I am super proud of your kids.

Week 2 (June 21-24) Camp-ing Week
Things to bring

  • Water bottle (label with your kids name)
  • Mask (must be worn when indoors)
  • Thursday:  Wear swimsuits to camp and bring a towel, we are gonna get wet again.

I have been posting loads of pictures on Facebook & Instagram.  Go check them out to see what your kids have been up to at camp.

See you all on Monday,