Zion E-News 12-21-23

ZION E-NEWS (12-21-23)

Our Christmas Eve worship service will be held at our regularly scheduled time of 9:30AM. Note: Zion Kids will not meet. Our nursery will be open but we invite our kids to uioin us for a family-friendly Christmas Eve service in the sanctuary. This is a wonderful time of year as we give thanks to God for his continued faithfulness, and marvel again at the gift of Jesus’ birth at Christmas. We encourage you to invite others to join us as we celebrate.

AS WE GATHER in person for Worship each Sunday at 9:30am the service can also be viewed on our website at zionreformed.online.church and streaming on our YouTube channel. We will also rebroadcast a version of the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 10:30AM on Sunday. The service will continue to be available on YouTube to watch at your convenience.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for those in our congregation who are dealing with ongoing health issues.

BOILER REPLACEMENT:  We give thanks that we were able to replace our boiler this fall, before the cold weather arrived. The total boiler replacement cost is $95,000. This amount was factored into our 2023/2024 budget. However, while we spread the cost over 12 months, the bill will need to be paid Dec. 21st, only 7 months into our budget year. We will pay the difference from our reserves. As you consider your year-end giving, would prayerfully consider an extra donation of any amount to our General Fund to help cover this bill?  Thank you in advance for your generosity. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Marcia or Tom MacGraw, Chair of Deacons.

Thank you so much for your generous Thanksgiving offering for Threads. With this donation I purchased Meijer gift cards to bless five different families who regularly shop at Threads.  Each one of these families has experienced an extremely difficult year with many hardships and struggles.  They were so grateful for this extra help during the holiday season.  Many tears of gratitude were shed, and many hugs of thanks were given.  So THANK YOU, dear congregation, for your generosity and for helping bless these families.  It was very much appreciated.   Jill Austin

NURSERY NEEDS!  There are two ways you can bless our littlest ones (and their parents!) at Zion in this season. First, we are looking for more volunteers!  Please prayerfully consider whether you could spend a Sunday morning snuggling and playing with babies and toddlers from time to time. We make promises to raise up our children in the faith when they are baptized, and this begins in the nursery!  Second, as you sort through your toys and perhaps donate some your children are no longer using, would you consider donating them to Zion?  We would love some updated toys in the nursery, family room, and Threads kids’ zone. Please contact Olivia DeHaan at odehaan726@gmail.com to volunteer or donate items.  Thank you!

ZION YOUNG ADULTS: Join us Tuesday night, January 2nd at 6:00 PM for dinner at Ken and Sheila Johnson’s home. For the address and/or to RSVP, please text Pastor Marcia at (616) 334-0188. We look forward to a night of catching up with old friends and meeting new ones!

ZION YOUTH: Regular meeting will resume on January 14.

CHRISTMAS CARD DELIVERY SERVICE: The Middle School Youth are offering a holiday card delivery service through December 24 you can place your cards in the big post office box in the narthex and the youth will sort them and place them in the appropriate church mailbox. In exchange for this service, we ask that you leave a donation in the jar on top of the box to support the Jr. High Youth mission trip. Thank You!

THIS PAST September we had a great time camping at Dunes Harbor Family Campground. It was a great weekend with lots of food, fun, and stories around the campfire. Believe it or not, we are already planning next years camping weekend. Currently we have we have four cabins and ten campsites on the dates of June 6-9 being held for us. What we need to know is how many of you are interested. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board by the office or let Pastor Rick or Jonell know if you are interested. I know it is a ways off but it’s never to early to think about camping next year!

DONATIONS of the following items (full size – not travel size) are needed for the Personal Care Pantry and can be placed in the box in the narthex marked “pantry donations”.  Laundry Soap,  Bar Soap,   Dish Soap,  Disposable Razors,  Shampoo,  Conditioner,  Toothpaste,  Paper grocery bags, Deodorant, Tampons, Maxi Pads, Paper towels (1 or 2 pack) and  Toilet paper (1-4 pack).

HAND2HAND: We are currently serving 100 kids each week! We could use food donations of the following: pudding cups, 100% juice, juice boxes, beef stick, granola bars, Lance brand or that type of sandwich cracker and microwave popcorn.

IF YOU need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Tom MacGraw, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is thomas.m.macgraw@gmail.com and his phone number is (616) 315-7938.

WE CONTINUE to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year 2023/24 Budget:  $334,745.55
Fiscal Year 2023/24 Contributions:  $285,647.03
Giving Last Week: $5,761.73

2024 OFFERTORY ENVELOPES have been placed in your church mailbox if you are currently using the envelope system. (NOTE: Your envelope number may or may not have changed.) If you are not currently using the envelope system for giving but would like to, please contact Connie @ cstegeman@zionreformed.org or 534-7533 ext. 3.  PLEASE DO NOT USE THE NEW ENVELOPES UNTIL JANUARY 1, 2024.



Zion E-News 12-14-23

ZION E-NEWS (12-14-23)
As we look ahead to our holiday season, we want to make you aware of some worship plans:

Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday this year, so our Christmas Eve worship service will be held at our regularly scheduled time of 9:30 AM. Note: Zion Kids will not meet. The nursery will be open but we invite our kids to join us for a family-friendly Christmas Eve service in the sanctuary that morning.

This is a wonderful time of year as we give thanks to God for his continued faithfulness, and marvel again at the gift of Jesus’ birth at Christmas. We encourage you to invite others to join us as we celebrate.

AS WE GATHER in person for Worship each Sunday at 9:30am the service can also be viewed on our website at zionreformed.online.church and streaming on our YouTube channel. We will also rebroadcast a version of the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 10:30AM on Sunday. The service will continue to be available on YouTube to watch at your convenience.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for those in our congregation who are dealing with ongoing health issues.

BOILER REPLACEMENT:  We give thanks that we were able to replace our boiler this fall, before the cold weather arrived. The total boiler replacement cost is $95,000. This amount was factored into our 2023/2024 budget. However, while we spread the cost over 12 months, the bill will need to be paid Dec. 21st, only 7 months into our budget year. We will pay the difference from our reserves. As you consider your year-end giving, would prayerfully consider an extra donation of any amount to our General Fund to help cover this bill?  Thank you in advance for your generosity. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Marcia or Tom MacGraw, Chair of Deacons.

DURING THIS Christmas season we want to bless and encourage those from Zion who are not able to join us in person for worship. A list of those individuals that includes their address and a brief update on each one of them has been placed in your church mailbox. Cards can be mailed directly to them or placed in their church mailbox and we will make sure they get delivered.

NURSERY NEEDS!  There are two ways you can bless our littlest ones (and their parents!) at Zion in this season. First, we are looking for more volunteers!  Please prayerfully consider whether you could spend a Sunday morning snuggling and playing with babies and toddlers from time to time. We make promises to raise up our children in the faith when they are baptized, and this begins in the nursery!  Second, as you sort through your toys and perhaps donate some your children are no longer using, would you consider donating them to Zion?  We would love some updated toys in the nursery, family room, and Threads kids’ zone. Please contact Olivia DeHaan at odehaan726@gmail.com to volunteer or donate items.  Thank you!

ZION YOUNG ADULTS! Save the Date: Tuesday night, January 2nd Jeremy and Marcia are hosting a gathering at Ken and Sheila Johnson’s home. Join us for a night of fun, catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. Mark it on your calendars – more details coming soon!

ZION YOUTH: Regular meeting will resume on January 14.

CHRISTMAS CARD DELIVERY SERVICE: The Middle School Youth are offering a holiday card delivery service. Now through December 24 you can place your cards in the big post office box in the narthex and the youth will sort them and place them in the appropriate church mailbox. In exchange for this service, we ask that you leave a donation in the jar on top of the box to support the Jr. High Youth mission trip. Thank You!

THIS PAST September we had a great time camping at Dunes Harbor Family Campground. It was a great weekend with lots of food, fun, and stories around the campfire. Believe it or not, we are already planning next years camping weekend. Currently we have we have four cabins and ten campsites on the dates of June 6-9 being held for us. What we need to know is how many of you are interested. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board by the office or let Pastor Rick or Jonell know if you are interested. I know it is a ways off but it’s never to early to think about camping next year!

DONATIONS of the following items (full size – not travel size) are needed for the Personal Care Pantry and can be placed in the box in the narthex marked “pantry donations”.  Laundry Soap,  Bar Soap,   Dish Soap,  Disposable Razors,  Shampoo,  Conditioner,  Toothpaste,  Paper grocery bags, Deodorant, Tampons, Maxi Pads, Paper towels (1 or 2 pack) and  Toilet paper (1-4 pack).

HAND2HAND: We are currently serving 100 kids each week! We could use food donations of the following: pudding cups, 100% juice, juice boxes, beef stick, granola bars, Lance brand or that type of sandwich cracker and microwave popcorn. We will be packing this Sunday, December 10 following worship. If you would like to help please meet in the basement.

IF YOU need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Tom MacGraw, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is thomas.m.macgraw@gmail.com and his phone number is (616) 315-7938.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year 2023/24 Budget:  $323,202.60
Fiscal Year 2023/24 Contributions:  $279,685.23
Giving Last Week: $7,846.73



This Week’s Bulletin

12-17-23 Bulletin

This Week’s Bulletin

12-10-23 Bulletin

Zion E-News 12-7-23

ZION E-NEWS (12-7-23)
As we look ahead to our holiday season, we want to make you aware of some worship plans:

This Sunday, December 10th, our children will lead us in worship by sharing “Wow Christmas” – it is always a special morning, and we are excited to celebrate with our kids.

Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday this year, so our Christmas Eve worship service
will be held at our regularly scheduled time of 9:30 AM. Note: Zion Kids will not
meet. The nursery will be open but we invite our kids to join us for a family-
friendly Christmas Eve service in the sanctuary that morning.

This is a wonderful time of year as we give thanks to God for his continued
faithfulness, and marvel again at the gift of Jesus’ birth at Christmas. We
encourage you to invite others to join us as we celebrate together.

AS WE GATHER in person for Worship each Sunday at 9:30am the service can also be viewed on our website at zionreformed.online.church and streaming on our YouTube channel. We will also rebroadcast a version of the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 10:30AM on Sunday. The service will continue to be available on YouTube to watch at your convenience.

ZION KIDS CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Dress Rehearsal will be held on Saturday, Dec 9 from 9am-11am.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for those in our congregation who are dealing with ongoing health issues.

WOW, WOW, WOW!  Tuesday was such an amazing day at Threads!  Thank you so much to the volunteers who helped the families in the boutique, in the hair salon, in the PCP store, those who sorted clothes, restocked the boutique, baked and served Christmas treats and drinks….just loved on each of the people who entered the door!  You each have such a servant’s heart, and it is inspiring to watch how you use it to be the hands and feet of Christ!  Thank you, most of all, to our Lord and Savior, who  continually provides our church with the items needed to run this clothing ministry to bless our community each month.  All praise and glory to HIM!

It was beyond busy!  Here are the numbers:

63 Families shopped at Threads
247 people received clothing
1,209 pieces of clothing were given away
209 accessories (shoes, boots, mittens, hats, purses, etc) were given away
16 People had haircuts
59 Families used the PCP store

This was the most families and people that we have served in one day thus far!

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for all the love, support, and hard work you give to Threads!  Jill

DURING THIS Christmas season we want to bless and encourage those from Zion who are not able to join us in person for worship. A list of those individuals that includes their address and a brief update on each one of them has been placed in your church mailbox. Cards can be mailed directly to them or placed in their church mailbox and we will make sure they get delivered.

NURSERY NEEDS!  There are two ways you can bless our littlest ones (and their parents!) at Zion in this season. First, we are looking for more volunteers!  Please prayerfully consider whether you could spend a Sunday morning snuggling and playing with babies and toddlers from time to time. We make promises to raise up our children in the faith when they are baptized, and this begins in the nursery!  Second, as you sort through your toys and perhaps donate some your children are no longer using, would you consider donating them to Zion?  We would love some updated toys in the nursery, family room, and Threads kids’ zone. Please contact Olivia DeHaan at odehaan726@gmail.com to volunteer or donate items.  Thank you!

ZION YOUNG ADULTS! Save the Date: Tuesday night, January 2nd Jeremy and Marcia are hosting a gathering at Ken and Sheila Johnson’s home. Join us for a night of fun, catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. Mark it on your calendars – more details coming soon!

ZION YOUTH: No Middle School meeting this week.

HIGH SCHOOL Youth Group Christmas Party: Sunday, December 10 from 12 pm – 3 pm @ Lauren Bosma’s house (Pastor Marcia and Jonathan Pratt’s House). We will be offering a ride from Zion if you don’t want to drive out to Zeeland/Borculo. The church van will be leaving Zion at 11:35 am and returning after the party (3:20-3:30 pm).Lunch provided, games, bring a white elephant gift wrapped (White elephant gifts are random items in your home that you no longer want anymore. Many gifts are funny, some are valuable to someone, most are junk…just don’t go out to buy something).

CHRISTMAS CARD DELIVERY SERVICE: The Middle School Youth are offering a holiday card delivery service. Now through December 24 you can place your cards in the big post office box in the narthex and the youth will sort them and place them in the appropriate church mailbox. In exchange for this service, we ask that you leave a donation in the jar on top of the box to support the Jr. High Youth mission trip. Thank You!

THIS PAST September we had a great time camping at Dunes Harbor Family Campground. It was a great weekend with lots of food, fun, and stories around the campfire. Believe it or not, we are already planning next years camping weekend. Currently we have we have four cabins and ten campsites on the dates of June 6-9 being held for us. What we need to know is how many of you are interested. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board by the office or let Pastor Rick or Jonell know if you are interested. I know it is a ways off but it’s never to early to think about camping next year!

DONATIONS of the following items (full size – not travel size) are needed for the Personal Care Pantry and can be placed in the box in the narthex marked “pantry donations”.  Laundry Soap,  Bar Soap,   Dish Soap,  Disposable Razors,  Shampoo,  Conditioner,  Toothpaste,  Paper grocery bags, Deodorant, Tampons, Maxi Pads, Paper towels (1 or 2 pack) and  Toilet paper (1-4 pack).

HAND2HAND: We are currently serving 100 kids each week! We could use food donations of the following: pudding cups, 100% juice, juice boxes, beef stick, granola bars, Lance brand or that type of sandwich cracker and microwave popcorn. We will be packing this Sunday, December 10 following worship. If you would like to help please meet in the basement.

IF YOU need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Tom MacGraw, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is thomas.m.macgraw@gmail.com and his phone number is (616) 315-7938.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year 2023/24 Budget:  $311,659.65
Fiscal Year 2023/24 Contributions:  $271,838.57
Giving Last Week: $9,761.73



This Week’s Bulletin

11-26-23 Bulletin

Zion E-New’s 11-23-23

ZION E-NEWS (11-23-23)
As we look ahead to our holiday season, we want to make you aware of some worship plans. The first Sunday of Advent is December 3; we will celebrate communion together that morning. In light of the Thanksgiving offering we will be receiving for various ministries, we will not receive a benevolence offering along with communion on Dec. 3rd.

On December 10th, our children will lead us in worship by sharing “Wow Christmas” – it is always a special morning, and we are excited to celebrate with our kids.

Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday this year, so our Christmas Eve worship service will be held at our regularly scheduled time of 9:30   AM. Note: Zion Kids will not meet. The nursery will be open but we invite our kids to join us for a family-friendly Christmas Eve       service in the sanctuary that morning.

This is a wonderful time of year as we give thanks to God for his continued faithfulness, and marvel again at the gift of Jesus’ birth       at Christmas. We encourage you to invite others to join us as we celebrate together!

AS WE GATHER in person for Worship each Sunday at 9:30am the service can also be viewed on our website at zionreformed.online.church and streaming on our YouTube channel. We will also rebroadcast a version of the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 10:30AM on Sunday. The service will continue to be available on YouTube to watch at your convenience.

SAY IT DAY #2: Each year the children in Zion Kids are issued a challenge to memorize different Bible verses through the year. This year we would like to invite all of you to participate in our memory verse challenge with us. Our second Bible verse is:

  • Preschool-2nd Grade: “Now without faith it is impossible to please God.” Hebrews 11:6a
  • 3rd-5th Grade: “Now without faith it is impossible to please God, since the one who draws near to Him must believe He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6

Here is a link to a song to help you memorize this new scripture. Without Faith Kids, if you are able to recite this Bible verse from memory to your teacher in class on Dec 3, you will be able to choose a prize from our Say It Day treasure box. Adults, we don’t have a treasure box for you but we all know the ultimate prize is being able to store Gods word in our hearts and minds.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for those in our congregation who are dealing with ongoing health issues.

DURING THIS Christmas season we want to bless and encourage those from Zion who are not able to join us in person for worship. A list of those individuals that includes their address and a brief update on each one of them has been placed in your church mailbox. Cards can be mailed directly to them or placed in their church mailbox and we will make sure they get delivered.

NURSERY NEEDS!  There are two ways you can bless our littlest ones (and their parents!) at Zion in this season. First, we are looking for more volunteers!  Please prayerfully consider whether you could spend a Sunday morning snuggling and playing with babies and toddlers from time to time. We make promises to raise up our children in the faith when they are baptized, and this begins in the nursery!  Second, as you sort through your toys and perhaps donate some your children are no longer using, would you consider donating them to Zion?  We would love some updated toys in the nursery, family room, and Threads kids’ zone. Please contact Olivia DeHaan at odehaan726@gmail.com to volunteer or donate items.  Thank you!

ZION YOUNG ADULTS! Save the Date: Tuesday night, January 2nd Jeremy and Marcia are hosting a gathering at Ken and Sheila Johnson’s home. Join us for a night of fun, catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. Mark it on your calendars – more details coming soon!

ZION YOUTH: No meetings this week due to Thanksgiving.

MIDDLE SCHOOL Youth Group Christmas Party: Sunday, December 3 – from 11:45 am – 2:45 pm  at church. Lunch provided, games, bring a white elephant gift wrapped (White elephant gifts are random items in your home that you no longer want anymore. Many gifts are funny, some are valuable to someone, most are junk…just don’t go out to buy something).

HIGH SCHOOL Christmas Party December 10 – 12 pm – 3 pm @ Lauren Bosma’s house (Pastor Marcia and Jonathan Pratt’s House). We will be offering a ride from Zion if you don’t want to drive out to Zeeland/Borculo. The church van will be leaving Zion at 11:35 am and returning after the party (3:20-3:30 pm).
Lunch provided, games, bring a white elephant gift wrapped. (White elephant gifts are random items in your home that you no longer want anymore. Many gifts are funny, some are valuable to someone, most are junk…just don’t go out to buy something).

CHRISTMAS CARD DELIVERY SERVICE: The Middle School Youth are offering a holiday card delivery service. Now through December 24 you can place your cards in the big post office box in the narthex and the youth will sort them and place them in the appropriate church mailbox. In exchange for this service, we ask that you leave a donation in the jar on top of the box to support the Jr. High Youth mission trip. Thank You!

THIS PAST September we had a great time camping at Dunes Harbor Family Campground. It was a great weekend with lots of food, fun, and stories around the campfire. Believe it or not, we are already planning next years camping weekend. Currently we have we have four cabins and ten campsites on the dates of June 6-9 being held for us. What we need to know is how many of you are interested. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board by the office or let Pastor Rick or Jonell know if you are interested. I know it is a ways off but it’s never to early to think about camping next year!

DONATIONS of the following items (full size – not travel size) are needed for the Personal Care Pantry and can be placed in the box in the narthex marked “pantry donations”.  Laundry Soap,  Bar Soap,   Dish Soap,  Disposable Razors,  Shampoo,  Conditioner,  Toothpaste,  Paper grocery bags, Deodorant, Tampons, Maxi Pads, Paper towels (1 or 2 pack) and  Toilet paper (1-4 pack).

HAND2HAND: We are currently serving 100 kids each week! We could use food donations of the following: pudding cups, 100% juice, juice boxes, beef stick, granola bars, Lance brand or that type of sandwich cracker and microwave popcorn. Also, now-December 3 we are collecting Betty Crocker Sugar Cookie Mix and ready to use frosting (16oz) to include in the last bag delivered before Christmas. Donations can be placed in the shopping cart in the narthex by the Welcome Center.

IF YOU need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Tom MacGraw, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is thomas.m.macgraw@gmail.com and his phone number is (616) 315-7938.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year 2023/24 Budget:  $288,573.75
Fiscal Year 2023/24 Contributions:  $239,783.34
Giving Last Week: $6,435.73



This Week’s Bulletin

11-19-23 Bulletin

Zion E-News 11-16-23

ZION E-NEWS (11-16-23)
As we look ahead to our holiday season, we want to make you aware of some worship plans. Our Thanksgiving Eve service will be held on Wednesday, November 22nd at 6:30 PM. The first Sunday of Advent is December 3; we will celebrate communion together that morning. In light of the Thanksgiving offering we will be receiving for various ministries, we will not receive a benevolence offering along with communion on Dec. 3rd.

On December 10th, our children will lead us in worship by sharing “Wow Christmas” – it is always a special morning, and we are excited to celebrate with our kids.

Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday this year, so our Christmas Eve worship service will be held at our regularly scheduled time of 9:30 AM.

This is a wonderful time of year as we give thanks to God for his continued faithfulness, and marvel again at the gift of Jesus’ birth at Christmas. We encourage you to invite others to join us as we celebrate together!

AS WE GATHER in person for Worship each Sunday at 9:30am the service can also be viewed on our website at zionreformed.online.church and streaming on our YouTube channel. We will also rebroadcast a version of the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 10:30AM on Sunday. The service will continue to be available on YouTube to watch at your convenience.

OUR THANKSGIVING EVE Service will be held on Nov 22 at 6:30PM.  The Deacons have designated the Thanksgiving Offering as follows:

  • The first $1,500 received will be split evenly between the Personal Care Pantry, Hand to Hand and Threads to help needy families with Christmas.
  • $2,000 for Care Portal
  • The balance split evenly between ICCF (Inner City Christian Federation) and the RCA Refugee Care Fund

PRAYER REQUEST: Please continue to pray for those in our congregation who are dealing with ongoing health issues.

FRIENDS OF Steve and Shawn Landstra have organized a card drive for Steve. If you would like to participate here is the information:
I’m reaching out with a heartfelt request on behalf of our friend Steve. During difficult times, the power of love and support becomes more significant than ever. We would like to create a collective outpouring of positive energy, encouragement, and well wishes for Steve on this Thanksgiving Day.
I’m inviting you to join us in creating a Thanksgiving Card Drive for Steve by sending cards, notes, and written prayers. Any words of comfort, strength and humor will serve as a source of solace and inspiration during this challenging journey. Steve’s birthday is on Nov 25, so that is something to celebrate as well.
If you’d like to contribute, please send your cards and notes by November 22 to:

Steve Landstra
c/o Deb Maddox
4070 Eagle Rock Ct.
Grandville, MI 49418

We’ll gather your cards and deliver them as one gift to Steve on Thanksgiving Day. Thank you for your support and help on this collective gift.  Denise Russell, Deb Maddox, Amy White & Kathy Cox

ZION YOUNG ADULTS! Save the Date: Tuesday night, January 2nd Jeremy and Marcia are hosting a gathering at Ken and Sheila Johnson’s home. Join us for a night of fun, catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. Mark it on your calendars – more details coming soon!

ZION YOUTH: Regular Weekly youth group meetings are on Sunday’s at the following times:
High School Youth(9-12 grade) meet from 4:00 – 5:30 pm.
Middle School Youth (6-8th grade) meet from 5:45 – 7:15 pm.

THIS PAST September we had a great time camping at Dunes Harbor Family Campground. It was a great weekend with lots of food, fun, and stories around the campfire. Believe it or not, we are already planning next years camping weekend. Currently we have we have four cabins and ten campsites on the dates of June 6-9 being held for us. What we need to know is how many of you are interested. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board by the office or let Pastor Rick or Jonell know if you are interested. I know it is a ways off but it’s never to early to think about camping next year!

DONATIONS of the following items (full size – not travel size) are needed for the Personal Care Pantry and can be placed in the box in the narthex marked “pantry donations”.  Laundry Soap,  Bar Soap,   Dish Soap,  Disposable Razors,  Shampoo,  Conditioner,  Toothpaste,  Paper grocery bags, Deodorant, Tampons, Maxi Pads, Paper towels (1 or 2 pack) and  Toilet paper (1-4 pack).

HAND2HAND: We are currently serving 100 kids each week! We could use food donations of the following: pudding cups, 100% juice, juice boxes, beef stick, granola bars, Lance brand or that type of sandwich cracker and microwave popcorn. Also, now-December 3 we are collecting Betty Crocker Sugar Cookie Mix and ready to use frosting (16oz) to include in the last bag delivered before Christmas. Donations can be placed in the shopping cart in the narthex by the Welcome Center. 

IF YOU need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Tom MacGraw, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is thomas.m.macgraw@gmail.com and his phone number is (616) 315-7938.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year 2023/24 Budget:  $277,030.80
Fiscal Year 2023/24 Contributions:  $233,347.61
Giving Last Week: $10,893.73



This Week’s Bulletin

11-12-23 Bulletin