Zion E-News (2-10-2022)

When asked to summarize the desire of God for our lives, Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart mind, should and strength. And the second is like it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Recently, I was reading up on the great commandment and came across and idea I had not heard before. According to the writer (whose name I cannot currently remember), the implication of the command is not only that loving our neighbors summarizes the law, but also that the primary way we show our love for God is by loving our neighbors. The two hang together. You cannot love God without also loving your neighbor.

Earlier this year, our staff met to think about God’s call on our church, our vision to empower believers to live as missionaries in the community, and what God might be calling us to specifically focus on as a congregation this year. Last year, you likely remember we urged everyone to read through the New Testament together. We focused on growing in our knowledge of and connection to God through reading scripture. I know both my family and the discipleship group I am in all benefited from this intentional focus on reading the New Testament together. I hope you did as well.

This year, we want to help each of focus more outwardly on how we can show the love and mercy of God to our community. To that end, we have set a goal of collecting 1,000 RBIs this year as a congregation. You might be asking, “What is in an RBI?” In baseball, and RBI is a run batted in and it is a key measure of a teams success. The more runs you score the more likely you are to win. For us, an RBI is a Relationship built with a nonbeliever or an unchurched person (someone who is no longer connected to church, but has some sort of faith), a Blessing given, or an Invitation made to church, to study the Bible, or follow Jesus.

Every week, you will be able to turn in an RBI through a special card in the bulletin or online on our website. If you have a picture you took of the experience you can turn in a physical picture or upload it to the website. We will post all the stories on a wall in the lobby along with a scoreboard to track our progress to 1,000 RBIs by the end of the year.

You may be wondering what counts as an RBI so let me share two examples.
1. Pattie Grooters works in food service at Grandville schools. While serving breakfast, she made a connection with a student at Grandville who plays on the girls basketball team. She and Bern started going to all many of their games to cheer the girls on. The relationship is so important to this teenager that she invited Pattie to an honors dinner. Pattie took the time to notice and care for this girl and she experiences God’s love in Pattie.
2. Someone stopped by church on Tuesday this week with a special needs friend. They spend one day a week together every week doing odds and ends, volunteering with Threads and just enjoying one another’s company. This gives the parents of the friend a little break and this friend overtime has become a part of the family of the Zion member. (For some context, this relationship started over 10 years ago and has steadily grown over time.)

Both of these relationships have developed over time, but they started by simply taking an interest in someone else and caring about their life. Maybe for you it could be making a point to meet a new neighbor, shoveling the driveway of an elderly neighbor or offering to watch the kids of a young parent (someone did that for us years ago and it was a lifesaver one summer for our family) or something else entirely.

You may be wondering who gets to decide what counts as an RBI. You do! If you think you have started or developed a relationship with someone who doesn’t know Jesus, it counts. If you think you have blessed someone else in some way, it counts. If you feel like you have invited someone to take a step toward God in some way, it counts. Tell us your story and we will put it up on the wall and celebrate your courage in living as an ambassador of God’s kingdom.

You should also know, Haley Stone created the wall we will be using to share stories and keep track of our RBIs, so if you see her this weekend, make sure to tell her what a great job she did. 🙂

– Greg

Connect to God
This week we will gather for worship at 9:30 am. This weeks service will be at zionreformed.online.church and streaming on our YouTube channel. We will also rebroadcast a version of the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 4pm next Sunday. The service will continue to be available on YouTube to watch at your convenience.

This morning, we continue a sermon series entitled Upside Down Kingdom. This series draws from the gospel lectionary readings, predominantly in Luke, to help us see the counter-cultural values and ways of God’s kingdom. Our text today begins Jesus greatest sermon in this gospel: the Sermon on the Plain. Having just chosen his 12 disciples, he lays out for them the unique values of his kingdom. A kingdom not centered on prosperity, pleasure, power, or popularity, but standing firmly with those the world ignores, rejects, and oppresses.

Grow in Community
Congratulations to Tom and Megan MacGraw on the birth of their daughter Ryleigh Mae. Ryleigh was born Monday at 12:51AM. She weighs 6lbs 5oz and both mom and baby are doing well. Please join the McGraw’s in a prayer of praise and thanks to God for this precious gift. 

This paragraph is about child abuse so skip it if it might be triggering for you. I saw a news story about a baby dying from child abuse this weekend in the Grand Rapids area. It brought me back to a night a little over 20 years ago when I sat in the hospital holding a baby’s hand all night after they had been shaken by the mom’s boyfriend. There are so many kids growing up in homes that are not safe. Would you join me in prayer for those kids and for foster parents to be ready to care for them?

Beginning February 22, we will be hosting a book discussion on Be the Bridge by Latasha Morrison. The book focuses our attention on how we can build bridges across racial divides to model the restoring and unifying work of Christ among all people. You can sign up for the discussion through the Connection card on Sunday. Sunday is the last day to sign up.

Serve the World
Threads will be having a semi-annual sale, which will be open to the public, on Saturday, March 12 from 9am – 1pm. Each and every item in the boutique will be priced at $1. The money raised from this sale is used to self-fund our ministry and purchase needed items. All are invited to come in and shop!

Currently, Threads is in need of new underwear and new socks for all ages/sizes, and also in need of plastic white shirt hangers and pants hangers. Any donations of these items is greatly appreciated.

If you need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Jerrod Holzgen, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is Jholzgen@yahoo.com and his phone number is 616-520-1771.

Willing To Serve response forms are due Sunday, Feb. 20. A cover letter and response form were placed in the mailbox of every eligible member. A copy of the letter and response form can be found here, Completed response forms can be placed in the box marked “CONSISTORY NOMINATIONS” on the table in the narthex or you can email your response to cstegeman@zionreformed.org.

The remodel of our bathrooms began earlier this month. Fixtures are being removed. Walls knocked down. It is a little noisy at times in the offices! You can check out the progress in some pictures below. The first shows the bathroom from the former entrance to the women’s bathroom and the second shows the same space from the former entrance to the men’s restroom.


As a reminder, during the remodel, the only restrooms available on the main floor of church can be accessed through the doors at the front of the sanctuary. They are single stall uni-sex restrooms.

The Reformed Church in America announced the people appointed to serve on the denominational restructuring team last week. If you are interested in learning more, you can check out the article here.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures. 

Fiscal Year 2021/22 Budget:  $403,569.72
Fiscal Year 2021/22 Contributions: $347,075.75
Giving Last Week: $8,903.50

This Week’s Bulletin

2-13-22 Bulletin

Zion E-News (2-3-2022)

The last few years have been interesting at Zion. Four summers ago, we were scrambling to put together a new Children and Worship room (which brought us to five kids rooms running during church for kids birth through 3rd grade) and within a few weeks volunteers were asking if we could add another new room. We were adding rows of chairs in the sanctuary to make sure we would not feel “full” to a visitor. We had a lot of new kids and adults who were coming to church. By that winter, we were starting to think about a potential building remodel. I think many of us felt the energy and excitement in our church.

Like many, if not most, churches, Covid and all the accompanying changes, tensions, and turmoil of the past two years have affected our community. We have seen dear friends choose to worship elsewhere. Others have simply drifted away from any active church involvement. When you love your community, these changes can be painful. I told Rachel recently that my I can feel my heart physical hurt when I think of the loss of those who are no longer worshipping with us.

I know I am not the only one carrying these feelings because just this week I was a part of or overheard two conversations with people wrestling with just these sorts of thoughts. If you share these feelings, it is OK to grieve. It is sad. It can feel hard. So, take the time to grieve these losses. I have been intentional to do so for the last year or more.

I also want to share another perspective on our community. We continue to see anywhere from 50-60 people joining us for worship online. These members actively tithe, pray for, and serve in ministries at our church. Some of these online attendees come physically to Zion about once a month when they serve in children’s ministries, in the band, or on a welcome team. Others due to ongoing health concerns are choosing to minimize their risk of exposure to Covid and the flu this winter. But they are a vital part of our community that is not easily noticed on a Sunday morning.

We also have seen some new families, teens, and adults join our community over the past year. Some gather most weeks in person, but others are choosing to worship online so you may not have noticed them become a part of our church family.

On Tuesday this week, I met with Beth Morey and Mary Veldink, Parent Liaisons from Jenison Public Schools, to talk about Kids Hope, Threads, and their work to help families find accessible housing in our community. In conversations over the past year, both have spoken of how amazed they are at the generosity and heart for our neighbors shown by the people of Zion. To quote one of them, “This is the coolest church.” You really are.

Our goal at Zion has never been to be the biggest church in town (I remember directing tour busses to Mars Hill back when it was the biggest church in town), but to reach our neighbors with the gospel. We continue to do just that through relationships built at Threads, Kids Hope, and Camp Zion, through support given through Hand2Hand and the Personal Care Pantry, and through each of you as you love your neighbors, live humbly and show mercy in your homes and workplaces.

In the midst of these changes, I also want to remind each of us, God is still in control. God was in control when we were struggling to keep up with the growth in our church. God was in control the first Sunday everything shutdown due to Covid. God is in control today, tomorrow, and every tomorrow to come. This season at Zion is a part of God’s plan, too. It is part of how God is shaping and forming me and you and all of us that make up the community of Zion to believe, think, and act more like Jesus.

As I reflect on the last several years, I have no idea what may happen next. But, I know God will carry us through as God has carried and led Zion for the last 67 years. May all we do be for God’s glory and point people to the beauty of God’s kingdom.

– Greg

Connect to God
This week we will gather for worship at 9:30 am. This weeks service will be at zionreformed.online.church and streaming on our YouTube channel. We will also rebroadcast a version of the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 4pm next Sunday. This week, we made some upgrades to our live stream technology. Beginning this week, we will not be replaying the service at 11 am. The service will continue to be available on Facebook and YouTube to watch at your convenience.

Have the past couple years been hard? Have you struggled emotionally or spiritually? Wondered where God was? Got out of some important spiritual habits like: worship, prayer, and scripture reading? Then join us for the the conclusion of this once a month series to reboot your faith. This week we talk about rebooting generosity in our lives by reflecting on the generosity of God.

We will also celebrate with Danny and Ashley Copron the baptism of their daughter Aria.  As they celebrate his life, we give thanks to God for the gift of new life he has made available to all who believe. We thank God as well for the covenant he has established all the way back with Abraham to include children in his family. We honor this faithful God as we welcome  these children into the covenant community at Zion.

Grow in Community
Gwen Wallace’s knee surgery was postponed until sometime next week.

Beginning February 22, we will be hosting a book discussion on Be the Bridge by Latasha Morrison. The book focuses our attention on how we can build bridges across racial divides to model the restoring and unifying work of Christ among all people. You can sign up for the discussion through the Connection card on Sunday.

Serve the World
I just have to share a really cool small thing from this week. The owners of Striders in Grandville have heard about Threads and toured Threads and just this week donated two huge boxes of mens and women’s athletic shoes. They are very excited to partner with us in caring for our community.

Threads will be having a semi-annual sale, which will be open to the public, on Saturday, March 12 from 9am – 1pm. Each and every item in the boutique will be priced at $1. The money raised from this sale is used to self-fund our ministry and purchase needed items. All are invited to come in and shop!

Currently, Threads is in need of new underwear and new socks for all ages/sizes, and also in need of plastic white shirt hangers and pants hangers. Any donations of these items is greatly appreciated.

If you need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Jerrod Holzgen, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is Jholzgen@yahoo.com and his phone number is 616-520-1771.

The remodel of our bathrooms began earlier this month. Fixtures are being removed. Walls knocked down. It is a little noisy at times in the offices! As a reminder, during the remodel, the only restrooms available on the main floor of church can be accessed through the doors at the front of the sanctuary. They are single stall uni-sex restrooms.

The Reformed Church in America announced the people appointed to serve on the denominational restructuring team last night. If you are interested in learning more, you can check out the article here.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures. 

Fiscal Year 2021/22 Budget:  $392,359.45
Fiscal Year 2021/22 Contributions: $338,172.25
Giving Last Week: $6,809.50

This Week’s Bulletin

2-6-22 Bulletin

Zion E-News (1-27-2022)

A few weeks ago our family watched Encanto for the first time on Disney+. It was not the only time we have watched Encanto. Last weekend, I think we all watched it again and a few people watched again another day. This past week, 6 songs from the movie are in the Billboard Hot 100 this week with two in the top 10. Something about the movie seems to have captured the cultural moment.

The movie tells the story of the refugee Madrigal Family who have built a new life with a magical house. Many of the family members also have magical powers which they use to help the community out of the Grandma’s fear they could become refugees again. I won’t tell you anymore except to say it is an engaging story about how trauma influences generations in a family. 

I wonder if the movie has caught so many people’s attention because many people are feeling the collectively trauma of all the change and loss of control during the pandemic. From everything shutting down two years ago to racial protests two summers ago to changing requirements in businesses and schools around social distancing and masks to debates over vaccines to personal quarantines, it has been a lot.

Talking with people from Zion, I hear some feeling overwhelmed by the demands and chaos of kids being in and out of school. Othersare still isolating because they have some significant health risks and the loneliness weighs heavily. Other in health care are just plain exhausted two years in. Many feel the pressure to carry a load they don’t feel they can manage. Others feel like they need to look like they have things under control when on the inside and in private life feels so out of control. And then there are all the topics we have learned to avoid even talking about. All themes that pop up in the movie.

Personally, this week in particular as much of each day has been caught up in dealing with technology issues as we upgrade some hardware we use in our livestream and have issues with a printer, I am tired of having to learn new technology and solve new technology problems. They are the least fun parts of my job. You probably have things in your job like that, too. We all do.
In the movie, the family feels the pressure to carry all this pressure and weight on their own. (I won’t give anymore spoilers.) We can feel that often, too. But, part of the good news of the gospel is that we do not carry the weight of the world, Jesus does. We do not have to set all things right, Jesus will. We do not have to heal every wound and bind every broken bone and right every wrong, Jesus will. And, until that day, God has sent his Holy Spirit to be with us and comfort us in the hurts and struggles of life. We do not face this world alone, but with our God within and around us. And then he places us in a church community where we can carry each others burdens and concerns.

As Paul says in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4: “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”

– Greg
Connect to God
This week we will gather for worship at 9:30 am. The service will be live-streamed and replayed again at 11 am. This weeks service will be at zionreformed.online.church and streaming on our YouTube channel. We will also rebroadcast a version of the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 4pm next Sunday. This week, we made some upgrades to our live stream technology. Beginning next week, this may impact our ability to replay the service at 11 am. The service will continue to be available on Facebook and YouTube to watch at your convenience.

This morning, we continue a sermon series entitled Upside Down Kingdom. This series draws from the gospel lectionary readings, predominantly in Luke, to help us see the counter-cultural values and ways of God’s kingdom. Our text today comes as the people respond to Jesus sermon in his home town of Nazareth. His vision of his ministry and the kingdom is more expansive and gracious than the people care to admit. Rather than embracing the vastness of God’s grace, they try to throw Jesus off a cliff. Sometimes, we al need a reminder God’s grace is bigger than we can imagine.

Grow in Community
Steve Landstra received good news this week after a recent scan of his lungs. The immunotherapy he began a few months ago is having the desired effect. The cancer does not seem to be growing and there were no new areas of concern. We join Steve, Shawn, Hayley, and Carly in giving God thanks for this good news.  Gwen Wallace will have knee replacement surgery on Wednesday, Feb. 2.

I keep hearing of people from Zion stuck at home with Covid. I was talking with a fellow pastor yesterday of a similar size congregation to Zion. He shared they had multiple people in the hospital and had lost four people to Covid just since this fall. I am so thankful that has not been our experience at Zion and ask you to join me in praying for all those who are grieving over and worried for family members with Covid.

Beginning February 22, we will be hosting a book discussion on Be the Bridge by Latasha Morrison. The book focuses our attention on how we can build bridges across racial divides to model the restoring and unifying work of Christ among all people. You can sign up for the discussion through the Connection card on Sunday.

Serve the World
Threads will be having a semi-annual sale, which will be open to the public, on Saturday, March 12 from 9am – 1pm. Each and every item in the boutique will be priced at $1. The money raised from this sale is used to self-fund our ministry and purchase needed items. All are invited to come in and shop!
Currently, Threads is in need of new underwear and new socks for all ages/sizes, and also in need of plastic white shirt hangers and pants hangers. Any donations of these items is greatly appreciated.

Every fifth Sunday of the month City Chapel, our church plant, celebrates Embrace Sunday. On Embrace Sundays  they go out into the community to bless downtown Grand Rapids in some way. City Chapel invites you to join them on their next Embrace Sunday, this Sunday, at  Degage Ministries where they will be making birthday party kits.  If you would like to join them and learn more about this important church plant partner of Zion meet them at 11:15am, Sunday, January 30th at  Degage Ministries 121 Sheldon Ave SE, GR.

If you need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Jerrod Holzgen, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is Jholzgen@yahoo.com and his phone number is 616-520-1771.

The remodel of our bathrooms began earlier this month. Fixtures are being removed. Walls knocked down. It is a little noisy at times in the offices! You can check out the progress in some pictures below. The first shows the bathroom from the former entrance to the women’s bathroom and the second shows the same space from the former entrance to the men’s restroom.


As a reminder, during the remodel, the only restrooms available on the main floor of church can be accessed through the doors at the front of the sanctuary. They are single stall uni-sex restrooms.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year 2021/22 Budget:  $381,149.18
Fiscal Year 2021/22 Contributions: $331,362.75
Giving Last Week: $13,408.50

This Week’s Bulletin

1-30-22 Bulletin

This Week’s Bulletin

1-23-22 Bulletin

Zion E-News (1-20-2022)

To form Adam,
To bury Moses, 
To heal the sick, 
To defend a sinner,
To conquer the grave,
Our God got in the dirt.
In all things, we can rest.
The Lord can handle our dirt.
(credit Heather Thompson Day and Eric Schumacher)

I ran across this quote a week or so ago and it has stuck with me. Sometimes, we can think God lives at a safe distance from the mess of life. As if, somehow, God is untouched by the brokenness and sin in our world. Like the deists of 250 years ago, we can imagine God as some great clock maker who made the world, but now watches over it at an aloof disinterested distance.

Scripture, however, does not present God this way. In the Bible, God gets intimately involved in the messiness of people’s lives. He stoops into the dirt to form a mud man (the literally meaning of Adam). He meets Abraham and Sarah in the pain and struggle of infertility. He sees Leah when her husband loves another. He buries Moses when he dies at the end of Deuteronomy. Jesus spits into the dirt to make some mud to heal the blind man. He stoops and writes in the dirt to protect the woman caught in adultery (the story seems like it was a setup of the woman of some kind). And of course he goes through the agony of crucifixion and willingly dies to be buried in the ground on Good Friday.

There are lots of places in life where we have to put our best foot forward, put on a happy face, and make the best of it. We may feel that pressure at work as we keep a professional demeanor even when it feels like everything is falling apart at home. Or, in public at school functions, we may wear a mask to keep these causal relationships safely superficial. There are times when we need to be careful what we show to protect our hearts and other relationships. Sadly, some can even feel that pressure at church.

But we should never feel a need to hide the truth of who we are and what we are going through from God. God already knows your struggles. He already knows the flaws you worry about. He knows. He knows the hurts and rather than judge or watch from a distance, the incarnation reminds us God chooses to get down in the dirt and messiness of life and be with us. God can handle your dirt. You can rest. God has you.

As Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

May you believe this good news and live in its peace.

– Greg

Connect to God
This week we will gather for worship at 9:30 am. The service will be live-streamed and replayed again at 11 am. This weeks service will be at zionreformed.online.church and streaming on our YouTube channel. We will also rebroadcast a version of the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 4pm next Sunday. Next week, we will remaking some upgrades to our live stream technology and this may impact our ability to replay the service at 11 am. The service will continue to be available on Facebook and YouTube to watch at your convenience.

This morning, we continue the sermon series Upside Down Kingdom. This series draws from the gospel lectionary readings, predominantly in Luke, to help us see the counter-cultural values and ways of God’s kingdom. Our text today comes from Jesus’ sermon to his home town of Nazareth. His vision of his ministry and the kingdom he will bring come straight from the Old Testament prophets. This vision of justice and healing challenges us to consider how our lives align with Jesus kingdom or the values of our world.

Grow in Community
Beginning February 22, we will be hosting a book discussion on Be the Bridge by Latasha Morrison. The book focuses our attention on how we can build bridges across racial divides to model the restoring and unifying work of Christ among all people. You can sign up for the discussion through the Connection card on Sunday.

Following Kent County Health Department guidelines, we are no longer be requiring children to wear masks in Zion Kids as of last Sunday, January 2, 2022.

Serve the World
Threads will be having a semi-annual sale, which will be open to the public, on Saturday, March 12 from 9am – 1pm. Each and every item in the boutique will be priced at $1. The money raised from this sale is used to self-fund our ministry and purchase needed items. All are invited to come in and shop!

Currently, Threads is in need of new underwear and new socks for all ages / sizes, and also in need of plastic white shirt hangers and pants hangers. Any donations of these items is greatly appreciated.

Every fifth Sunday of the month City Chapel, our church plant, celebrates Embrace Sunday. On Embrace Sundays  they go out into the community to bless downtown Grand Rapids in some way. City Chapel invites you to join them on their next Embrace Sunday, January 30th, at  Degage Ministries where they will be making birthday party kits.  If you would like to join them and learn more about this important church plant partner of Zion meet them at 11:15am, Sunday, January 30th at  Degage Ministries 121 Sheldon Ave SE, GR.

If you need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Jerrod Holzgen, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is Jholzgen@yahoo.com and his phone number is 616-520-1771.

The remodel of our bathrooms began earlier this month. Fixtures are being removed. Walls knocked down. It is a little noisy at times in the offices! You can check out the progress in some pictures below. The first shows the bathroom from the former entrance to the women’s bathroom and the second shows the same space from the former entrance to the men’s restroom.


As a reminder, during the remodel, the only restrooms available on the main floor of church can be accessed through the doors at the front of the sanctuary. They are single stall uni-sex restrooms.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year 2021/22 Budget:  $369,938.91
Fiscal Year 2021/22 Contributions: $317,954.25
Giving Last Week: $2,498.50


This Week’s Bulletin

1-16-22 Bulletin

Zion E-News (1-13-2022)

A year ago yesterday, my older sister’s father-in-law died after a long journey with Alzheimers. Wayne Leys was a friend and mentor to me for many years. When I lived in Chicago, he was pastoring a church in the suburbs and he and his wife Christine let me stay with them when the lease on my apartment ran out a week before my job ended. When we were living in Colorado, I spent 4 days with Wayne, my dad, and brother-in-law hiking the Grand Canyon from the North rim to the South rim. He gave me some wise counsel on some perplexing issues. It was hard watching this wise, well read, and thoughtful man lose so much of what made him uniquely Wayne.

But this morning, my sister posted a picture of Wayne with his arms raised by Lake Michigan in a posture of worship with pure joy etched into every line of his face. The one thing he remembered almost all the way to the end was worship songs, hymns and contemporary praise songs. He simply loved to worship God.

It reminded me of my Grandma Brower’s last few years. She died of Alzheimers while I was in seminary. Several times in those last few years, I would visit her while visiting shut-ins from the church at which I interned. She frequently did not remember me or even that she had grandchildren. Often, I would tell her I was a pastor from her church, which seemed to help her feel safe and comfortable. My favorite visits were on the afternoons when they would sing hymns in the nursing home. She may not have remembered me, but she knew every word of every verse of Amazing Grace.

I am thankful for two things as I reflect on these memories today. First, I am thankful for wonderful mentors and spiritual leaders who went before me and prayed over me in people like Wayne Leys and my Grandma and so many more. The support, wisdom, and prayers of older generations for teens and young adults are a gift to God’s church.

And second, I am thankful for all those who lead God’s people in worship. Our worship teams and audio/visual teams are not simply making music for a service, they are orienting our hearts to God. They are furrowing spiritual grooves in our brains that shape how we see God and ourselves. Music disciples and shapes us spiritually. That is why I am also thankful for the care Jeremy Zoet takes in choosing new songs for our congregation.

The music we sing shapes how we follow Jesus.

– Greg

Connect to God
This week we will gather for worship at 9:30 am. The service will be live-streamed and replayed again at 11 am. This weeks service will be at zionreformed.online.church and streaming on our YouTube channel. We will also rebroadcast a version of the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 4pm next Sunday. 

This morning, we continue a sermon series entitled Upside Down Kingdom. This series draws from the gospel lectionary readings, predominantly in Luke, to help us see the counter-cultural values and ways of God’s kingdom. Our text today comes from the gospel of John as Jesus begins his public ministry at a private wedding. In this surprising story, Jesus defiles holy objects to turn water into wine and keep the party going. We rightly wonder what is happening here and what might it mean for us to live in a kingdom that turns sacred objects secular for the sake of a wedding.

Grow in Community
As Covid cases have risen significantly in the past few weeks, please join me in praying for the many people in our church who are or have been quarantined, the kids missing out on school, the teachers and substitutes filling in the gaps, and the hospital staff caring for the many who have been hospitalized. We can be very thankful as this new strain spreads quickly that it is also fairly mild for many and continue to hold up those affected by more severe cases.

Following Kent County Health Department guidelines, we are no longer be requiring children to wear masks in Zion Kids as of last Sunday, January 2, 2022.

Serve the World
Thank you all for your generous donations of money, clothing, diapers, and prayers for Threads clothing ministry. Since Threads opened at Zion in September, we have given away 2,943 pieces of clothing! On average, we give personal care products to 18 families each month and provide diapers for 25 families each month. Currently, we are in need of new underwear and new socks for all ages / sizes, and also in need of plastic white shirt hangers and pants hangers.

Threads will be having a semi-annual sale, which will be open to the public, on Saturday, March 12 from 9am – 1pm. Each and every item in the boutique will be priced at $1. The money raised from this sale is used to self-fund our ministry and purchase needed items. All are invited to come in and shop!

Every fifth Sunday of the month City Chapel, our church plant, celebrates Embrace Sunday. On Embrace Sundays  they go out into the community to bless downtown Grand Rapids in some way. City Chapel invites you to join them on their next Embrace Sunday, January 30th, at  Degage Ministries where they will be making birthday party kits.  If you would like to join them and learn more about this important church plant partner of Zion meet them at 11:15am, Sunday, January 30th at  Degage Ministries 121 Sheldon Ave SE, GR.

If you need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Jerrod Holzgen, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is Jholzgen@yahoo.com and his phone number is 616-520-1771.

The remodel of our bathrooms began this week. Fixtures are being removed. Walls knocked down. It is a little noisy at times in the offices! You can check out the progress this Sunday when you come for worship. As a reminder, during the remodel, the only restrooms available on the main floor of church can be accessed through the doors at the front of the sanctuary. They are single stall uni-sex restrooms.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year 2021/22 Budget:  $358,728.64
Fiscal Year 2021/22 Contributions: $315,455.75
Giving Last Week: $21,400.65