Registration Open

Registration is now open for Camp Zion 2022.

June 27 – Aug 4, 2022. 

Mon-Thurs each week.

9am-12pm each day

(Closed July 4 & 5)

Spaces are limited and filled on a first come first serve basis; and are available to children from the Grandville and Jenison School districts entering 1st-6th grade in the fall of 2022.

Click on the following link to register today.
Camp Zion 2022 Registration

Zion E-News (3-31-2022)

Late last week, I had a casual conversation with a few people from church. We talked about lots of light hearted topics. It was truly delightful, though it did make me a bit late for supper. The hazards of really enjoying the people of Zion.

In the course of the conversation, one of them mentioned their friend’s church was leaving the Reformed Church in America, our denomination, because the RCA had changed its position on LGBTQ issues. I know this is the perception some churches have in our denomination, but I want to assure you this is not the case. In 1978, the RCA approved a position paper devoted to reflecting on both the morality of certain behaviors and the church’s response to LGBTQ people. The RCA has reaffirmed this paper numerous times in the last 45 years.

In the paper, the RCA said two important points. First, it upheld the traditional understanding of scripture that homosexual behavior is outside of God’s will for people, though being LGBTQ is not sinful in any way. And secondly, it stated the church had an obligation to love and welcome LGBTQ people as image bearers of God who are loved by God. As part of recognizing the inherent worth of LGBTQ people, we should also work to defend the rights and dignity of those who identify as LGBTQ.

Our Classis, the local body of churches we belong to in the RCA, recently made an assurance to those churches concerned about LGBTQ issues in the RCA that we continue to uphold the RCA position and therefore will not allow churches to host a gay wedding or ministers to officiate at a gay wedding. In addition, our Classis will not ordain someone as a Minister of Word and Sacrament who is in a gay relationship. These are the boundaries, but within those boundaries churches are allowed to include and welcome LGBTQ people however their Elders deem appropriate.

I know with the diversity of opinions on this topic in our congregation, some may be troubled the position of the RCA is not conservative enough, while others likely wish it was more inclusive and welcoming. When Jesus prays for our unity in John 17, I think it is for moments like this that we will do the work to stay in relationship and treat with dignity and respect those with whom we may disagree. May we continue to find our unity in our common love for Jesus and desire to follow him as we each grow in our knowledge and understanding of his love and his will for us and our world.

– Greg

Connect to God
This week we will gather for worship at 9:30 am. This weeks service will be at and streaming on our YouTube channel. We will also rebroadcast a version of the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 4pm next Sunday. The service will continue to be available on YouTube to watch at your convenience.

During Lent we will be looking at the life and ministry of Jesus to see both how he was tested and found true and how we have been given a faith that can both endure and help carry us through every test of life. This Sunday, we consider The Parable of the Lost Son, often referred to as The Parable of the Prodigal Son. As we look at this story, we contemplate which characters we relate to most, and what we can learn about who God is and who we are from these characters and their story.

We still have some “You’ve Been Egged” bags at church. If you have a neighbor or friend with kids, this could be a great way to offer a little gift to them and make a gentle invite to church on Easter. Anyone is welcome to take a bag home with them to share so take some time today to prayerfully consider who in your life may be open to an invite or who simply likes candy.

On Sunday, April 10, we will be welcoming Josiah and Alyssa Walcott, missionaries whom we support through Youth for Christ. Currently, they are serving youth at a military base called RAF Alconbury in England.

Grow in Community
Kids Get to Wave Palm Branches in Church!  On April 10, all kids 3 years old through 5th grade are invited to wave Palm Branches in church during one of the opening worship songs! I always love including the kids in our main worship service, and they get to help usher us into Holy Week! If your child would like to be included, please check them in at church few minutes earlier than normal. Preschoolers will meet in their room before church starting at 9:15, and elementary kids will meet in Room 205.

Thanks to everyone who helped our youth group reach the $15,000 goal for the Alaska Mission Trip! Because of your generosity, we will be hosting a Youth-Led Worship Night, April 24 at 5:30 pm. Mark your calendars and come support our youth while enjoying an extended time of worshipping our faithful God together!

Our youth are looking for Shareholders for our 2022 Alaska Mission Trip. Becoming a shareholder means that you will donate $40 or more to help offset the costs of the trip. As a shareholder, you will be matched up with one student and commit to praying for them before the trip, during the trip, and after the trip. There are all sorts of benefits for shareholders like: a meal with your student after the trip, an update from the student during the trip, a copy of their pre-trip devotionals, the knowledge you played a role in a student’s spiritual growth and so much more. 

Serve the World
Several weeks ago now, Tom and Robbi Boeve received a letter from Emily in Kenya. Emily is a woman they met while serving on a short-term mission trip several years ago to support Jeremiah and Mary Kuria. She recently had some health issues and was writing to update them on her health. But, she also wanted all of you to know that even now, the work done and time spent together serving reminds her of the goodness of God’s people and gives her hope when life is challenging. As I have read over her letter several times, I am particularly thankful for the way Tom has continued to build and maintain a relationship from the trip. So often, we can make mission trips about the work we do, but we know the real gift is the relationships and care we show one another. Great job, Tom!

If you need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Jerrod Holzgen, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is and his phone number is 616-520-1771.

The remodel of our bathrooms began in January and is completed! There are no pictures to show because you need to come to check them out yourself. Thank you to Pastor Rick and the team from Johnson Construction for the great work they did for us.

Members of Zion Reformed Church received a nomination form in the mailbox last week Sunday. This form is used to nominate people to be considered to serve an upcoming 3-year term as an Elder or Deacon at Zion. The following people have said they are willing to be nominated for these roles: Tom Boeve, Deb Coke, Ashley Gross, Tracy Lobbes, Tim Mekkes, Adam Morehouse, Emily Morehouse, Ashley VanderWall, and Eric Zondervan. Furthermore, after using a single slate of nominees last spring, the Consistory decided to do so again this year following one of the two methods for choosing Consistory members described in our denomination’s Book of Church Order. As prescribed in the Book of Church Order, the congregation will nominate people for the offices of Elder and Deacon. Using these nominations as a significant guide, the Consistory will choose the 2 Elders and 2 Deacons to stand on this single slate. The slate of Elders and Deacons will then be approved by the congregation at our annual congregational meeting on Sunday, May 1 following our worship service.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year 2021/22 Budget:  $482,041.61
Fiscal Year 2021/22 Contributions: 457,052.18
Giving Last Week: $37,400.50

This Week’s Bulletin

4-3-22 Bulletin

This Week’s Bulletin

3-27-22 Bulletin

Zion E-News (3-24-2022)

Zion E-News (3-24-2022)
God must be trying to get my attention regarding social media, because I have two different videos or podcasts pop up directly addressing the negative side effects of social media (depression, increased polarization, anxiety, lost productivity, and so on). The first showed up when I was editing the video of our service on YouTube. It was a video made by a comedienne who struck my funny bone during the early days of the pandemic. The video was all about how we use social media to numb the pain of sadness and to fill the void of loneliness and all it does is increase both those feelings. And then the video ended with an ad for counseling. I thought that was a great partnership!

The second was a podcast I frequently listen to hosted by Heather Thompson Day who is a communications professor and talks with people about using social media to have an impact for Jesus. (Sort of.) But this week, her guest was a social scientist who studies social media and who because of her study is no longer on social media. Yes, she really thinks it is that bad for most of us.

But what struck me in that interview was a comment the guest made about mono-tasking. Simply doing one thing at a time rather than two or three of four things at once. She used the example of driving. Just driving. Not listening to the radio or a podcast. Not calling people. But simply paying attention to the act of driving. Her counsel was that mono-tasking helps our brain slow down and focus better and as a side effect can also help us get more done.

I have been feeling particularly busy the past couple of weeks as evenings have been full with church and kids activities and several of my days have been eaten up by extra church meetings, including this Saturday. When I feel busy, my mind rushes from one thing to the next and I find it difficult to focus, not only on the task at hand, but also the people with me.

For the past couple of days, I have been working hard to mono-task. As a simple example, I did not check e-mail while brushing my teeth or scroll on twitter while eating breakfast or call anyone while driving across town for a meeting on Tuesday. When I came home for the day Tuesday a little after eight, normally I would have chose to watch TV or surf the internet news sites, but instead, I chose to sit and chat with the kids for an hour and be present with them.I chose to be fully present to each activity and I could feel my anxiety and sense of hurry slow down. The same has been true in my devotions as I have worked hard to be present with God. As I have been thinking about mono-tasking, I keep coming back to Psalm 46:10 which says, “Be still and know that I am God.”

In a world of both frenetic hurry and the artificial hurry of social media distraction, it is good for me to be still and present to God, to those around me, and the work God has placed before me at that moment.

– Greg

Connect to God
This week we will gather for worship at 9:30 am. This weeks service will be at and streaming on our YouTube channel. We will also rebroadcast a version of the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 4pm next Sunday. The service will continue to be available on YouTube to watch at your convenience.

During Lent we will be looking at the life and ministry of Jesus to see both how he was tested and found true and how we have been given a faith that can both endure and help carry us through every test of life. This Sunday, we consider The Parable of the Lost Son, often referred to as The Parable of the Prodigal Son. As we look at this story, we contemplate which characters we relate to most, and what we can learn about who God is and who we are from these characters and their story.

This Sunday, after church, we will be distributing “You’ve Been Egged” bags to our children. Every family who participates in kids ministry is welcome to take one for themselves, and we also encourage everyone to take one or more to “Egg” another person or family, by dropping it off at their home. There are a couple of reasons we’re doing this. First, we want to give our kids (and all of us!) an opportunity to do something to bless our friends & neighbors. And second, we know that around Easter, some people are looking for a place to worship. We simply want to extend a personal invitation to them to join us at Zion. If you decide to “Egg” someone’s house, be sure to write your name on the gift bag if you leave it by their front porch, or personally deliver it to them. A huge thank you to the high school youth group who put together each of the “You’ve Been Egged” bags.

Grow in Community
Denice Kooiker, Dianne’s daughter-in-law,  continues to improve this week and was able to have two drainage tubes removed, is hoping to have another one removed today, and is praying to return home sometime this weekend.

Thank you to all those who attended the Alaska Mission Trip Fundraiser at Culver’s on Monday this week. Through your generous support, we raised $1,402 from the tip jars plus however much we earned in the percentage of sales. Thank you for your support of our youth.

Our youth are looking for Shareholders for our 2022 Alaska Mission Trip.Becoming a shareholder means that you will donate $40 or more to help offset the costs of the trip. As a shareholder, you will be matched up with one student and commit to praying for them before the trip, during the trip, and after the trip. There are all sorts of benefits for shareholders like: a meal with your student after the trip, an update from the student during the trip, a copy of their pre-trip devotionals, the knowledge you played a role in a student’s spiritual growth and so much more.

Serve the World
Chris and Christie Winkler, missionaries whom we support with Wycliffe Bible Translators will be hosting a virtual meeting tomorrow at 12 pm. This session will be on Zoom but you do not need a Zoom account in order to participate. At the specified time, please use this link to visit with us. (If you don’t do video conferencing, that’s fine–for either session you can call 312-626-6799  and use meeting ID 960 093 2513 to access by any regular or mobile phone.)

So they have a rough idea of our turnout, they would like people to RSVP via Facebook Events at the link below (you do not need a Facebook account): Friday, March 25, at 12 p.m. ET

If you forget to RSVP, you are still welcome to attend. If you want to learn more about the important ministry of Wycliffe in translating the Bible all around the world, please plan on attending tomorrow at noon via zoom.

If you need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Jerrod Holzgen, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is and his phone number is 616-520-1771.

The remodel of our bathrooms began in January and is right on schedule! There are lights in the bathrooms, counters, and mirrors. We are hoping the work will be completed as early as next week and no later than Easter Sunday! You can check out the progress in some pictures below. The first shows the new women’s restroom and the second shows the men’s restroom.


As a reminder, during the remodel, the only restrooms available on the main floor of church can be accessed through the doors at the front of the sanctuary. They are single stall uni-sex restrooms.

Members of Zion Reformed Church received a nomination form in the mailbox last week Sunday. This form is used to nominate people to be considered to serve an upcoming 3-year term as an Elder or Deacon at Zion. The following people have said they are willing to be nominated for these roles: Tom Boeve, Deb Coke, Ashley Gross, Tracy Lobbes, Tim Mekkes, Adam Morehouse, Emily Morehouse, Ashley VanderWall, and Eric Zondervan. Furthermore, after using a single slate of nominees last spring, the Consistory decided to do so again this year following one of the two methods for choosing Consistory members described in our denomination’s Book of Church Order. As prescribed in the Book of Church Order, the congregation will nominate people for the offices of Elder and Deacon. Using these nominations as a significant guide, the Consistory will choose the 2 Elders and 2 Deacons to stand on this single slate. The slate of Elders and Deacons will then be approved by the congregation at our annual congregational meeting on Sunday, May 1 following our worship service.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year 2021/22 Budget:  $470,831.34
Fiscal Year 2021/22 Contributions: $419,651.68
Giving Last Week: $23,752.30
Ukraine Refugee Support: $7,104.00

This Week’s Bulletin

3-20-22 Bulletin

Zion E-News (3-17-2022)

As followers of Jesus, our primary purpose in life is to be with God, to abide in the vine, to dwell in the house of the Lord, to be still and know God. But, as we follow Jesus we are also called to seek first his kingdom and seeking always involves effort, struggle, and risk. And so as Christians, we live in tension: always needing to slow down to be with God while also actively seeking his kingdom. For most of us, the pendulum swings between resting in God and working with God, but there is a bias in our following. We all live in a culture that values achievement, accomplishments, winning, striving, and doing. Most of us are much more likely to swing too far to the striving side than the abiding side.

So, how can we know when we need to slow down and rest more in God?

Recently, I came across a check list from Pete Scazzero, the author of Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, which I found helpful. He offers the following checklist.

I know my doing exceeds my being when:

  • I can’t shake the pressure I feel from having too much to do and too little time.
  • I am ignoring the stress, anxiety, and tightness in my body.
  • I am concerned with what others think.
  • I am often fearful about the future.
  • I am always rushing.
  • I am defensive and easily offended.
  • I am preoccupied and distracted.
  • I fire off quick opinions and judgments.
  • I feel unenthusiastic about or threatened by the success of others.
  • I spend more time talking than listening.

As you reflect on this list, how are you doing? Has your life swung too far to the doing pole of discipleship? How might you incorporate more time to simply be with God, be loved, and belong to Jesus?

– Greg

Connect to God
This week we will gather for worship at 9:30 am. This weeks service will be at and streaming on our YouTube channel. We will also rebroadcast a version of the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 4pm next Sunday. The service will continue to be available on YouTube to watch at your convenience.

During Lent we will be looking at the life and ministry of Jesus to see both how he was tested and found true and how we have been given a faith that can both endure and help carry us through every test of life. This Sunday, Jesus call us to examine our lives to see if we have out the idol of our nation alongside his kingdom. Have we fallen for the age old idol or religious nationalism or do our lives bear the fruit of seeking God’s kingdom above all?

This Sunday, March 20, we will be holding a special offering to support relief efforts for the people of Ukraine, All donations will be given to support RCA Global Missions relief efforts in the region. You can choose to give during our regular offering on the 20th or at this link.

We also welcome Jodi Cole Meyer from Love Your Neighbor this Sunday. She will be shafting with us about the work of Love Your Neighbor in Hudsonville and in particular their work helping low income families find financial stability and a community of support.

Grow in Community
Mark your calendars, the Middle and High School Youth Groups will be hosting a fundraiser at Culver’s on March 21 from 5-8 pm. This is a great night to support our youth, connect with friends new and old from Zion, and enjoy some great Culver’s burgers and frozen custard.

Our youth are looking for Shareholders for our 2022 Alaska Mission Trip.Becoming a shareholder means that you will donate $40 or more to help offset the costs of the trip. As a shareholder, you will be matched up with one student and commit to praying for them before the trip, during the trip, and after the trip. There are all sorts of benefits for shareholders like: a meal with your student after the trip, an update from the student during the trip, a copy of their pre-trip devotionals, the knowledge you played a role in a student’s spiritual growth and so much more.

Serve the World
Geoff and Tammy Kooistra, missionaries we support working the HCJB Ministries in Ecuador, recently sent an update on the ministries now that they as a family are located in the United States. Geoff will be in Ecuador from March 13-26. They ask for prayers that he will have safe travels and be able to meet with lots of his co-workers. COVID continues to have a greater impact in Ecuador than here in the USA and there are many restrictions still in place there. He is also leading a study with the management team of HCJB on resiliency in ministry. HCJB is also in the middle of a building project and Geoff has been instrumental in figuring out cabling and acoustic needs for the new studios. As a family they have transitioned well to life back in the US.

If you need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Jerrod Holzgen, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is and his phone number is 616-520-1771.

The remodel of our bathrooms began in January and is right on schedule! There are lights in the bathrooms, the new flooring was applied this week, and the spaces are looking more and more like real rooms. You can check out the progress in some pictures below. The first shows the new women’s restroom and the second shows the men’s restroom.


As a reminder, during the remodel, the only restrooms available on the main floor of church can be accessed through the doors at the front of the sanctuary. They are single stall uni-sex restrooms.

Members of Zion Reformed Church received a nomination form in the mailbox last week Sunday. This form is used to nominate people to be considered to serve an upcoming 3-year term as an Elder or Deacon at Zion. The following people have said they are willing to be nominated for these roles: Tom Boeve, Deb Coke, Ashley Gross, Tracy Lobbes, Tim Mekkes, Adam Morehouse, Emily Morehouse, Ashley VanderWall, and Eric Zondervan. Furthermore, after using a single slate of nominees last spring, the Consistory decided to do so again this year following one of the two methods for choosing Consistory members described in our denomination’s Book of Church Order. As prescribed in the Book of Church Order, the congregation will nominate people for the offices of Elder and Deacon. Using these nominations as a significant guide, the Consistory will choose the 2 Elders and 2 Deacons to stand on this single slate. The slate of Elders and Deacons will then be approved by the congregation at our annual congregational meeting on Sunday, May 1 following our worship service.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year 2021/22 Budget:  $459,621.07
Fiscal Year 2021/22 Contributions: $395,899.38
Giving Last Week: $5,832.92

Zion E-News (3-10-2022)

Early on Tuesday, I ran into Mary Veldink from Jenison Public Schools and we got to talking about Threads, its history and the impact it is having in our community. Apparently, Threads almost closed a few years ago due to a lack of demand, until the school systems stepped in to partner with the ministry. After the partnership began, Threads experienced a new problem: lots of need, but not enough clothes. Today, we have a multiplication of loaves and fishes as we have both great quantity and quality of clothes for those who can use a little help.

After our conversation, Mary sent me a few stories of how Threads has impacted people in our community.
1) A mom had a job interview, but she didn’t have any clothes that were appropriate. She was able to come to Threads and pick out a skirt, sweater, and appropriate shoes. She looked great, and you could see her confidence increase when she looked in the mirror. She felt good about herself, and that was important as she looked for a new job.

2) Another mom had an out of state funeral to attend. She hasn’t seen her family in two years. Even though things have been really rough for this family, this mom went to the funeral in a brand new black dress.  Knowing she looked good helped ease her anxiety about seeing her family.

3) It was Valentine’s Day at school. A second grader normally doesn’t participate in Spirit Week because she doesn’t have the clothing to do so. Her family had shopped the week before at Threads, and she had the cutest red outfit. I saw her peers complimenting her clothing. She said, ” You need to shop at Threads. They have all the best stuff!”

Your generous donations, time spent sorting clothes, and help on shopping days is blessing more people than we may ever know. Thank you for your faithfulness in this ministry and in our other benevolent ministries like Hand2Hand and the Personal Care Pantry.

If you are looking for another way to support this ministry, come shop with Threads this Saturday! All monies paid for clothing on this day will go directly to support the work of Threads.

– Greg

Connect to God
This week we will gather for worship at 9:30 am. This weeks service will be at and streaming on our YouTube channel. We will also rebroadcast a version of the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 4pm next Sunday. The service will continue to be available on YouTube to watch at your convenience.

During Lent we will be looking at the life and ministry of Jesus to see both how he was tested and found true and how we have been given a faith that can both endure and help carry us through every test of life. This Sunday, we consider the story of Jesus’ transfiguration when the glory of Jesus was revealed to three of his disciples. In this story, we hear a call to be a people awake to the glory and work of God among us and to become a people of worship.

On Sunday, March 20, we will be holding a special offering to support relief efforts for the people of Ukraine, All donations will be given to support RCA Global Missions relief efforts in the region. You can choose to give during our regular offering on the 20th or at this link.

Grow in Community
We extend our sympathy to Jim and Barb Peterson in the passing of Barb’s sister Jean on Sunday. We pray with them for God in his infinite mercy to welcome her into his presence and to comfort all who mourn her passing.

Dianne Kooiker’s daughter-in-law Denice remains hospitalized battling an infection after a recent blockage in her bowels. They do not know how long she will remain hospitalized but are thankful for the many prayers and support from family and friends.

Do you want some good food, friends and fellowship? Then this is the opportunity for you! 729 groups bring 7 to 9 willing people together to meet for a meal 3x in 3 months. The goal is simply to get to know some people in church better. Once groups are formed, the host will contact members to arrange the details for the first gathering. Dinner groups are encouraged to be creative; consider picking a dinner “theme night” (i.e. Italian, dessert or soup night), and everyone can bring a dish that goes along with that theme or meet at a restaurant or church. You can sign-up through the Connection cards found in the bulletin or call the church office at 616-534-7533. Sign-up deadline is Sunday, March 13.

Mark your calendars, the Middle and High School Youth Groups will be hosting a fundraiser at Culver’s on March 21 from 5-8 pm. This is a great night to support our youth, connect with friends new and old from Zion, and enjoy some great Culver’s burgers and frozen custard.

Serve the World
Threads will be having a semi-annual sale, which will be open to the public, this Saturday, March 12 from 9am – 1pm. Each and every item in the boutique will be priced at $1. The money raised from this sale is used to self-fund our ministry and purchase needed items. All are invited to come in and shop!

On March 22 Threads will be having a pop-up Prom shop.  If you have any prom or homecoming dresses or fancy purses, shoes, and jewelry you would like to donate, please put them in the Threads wooden cart located inside the narthex.  If any of you are in need for a dress, please see Jill Austin.

We recently received an update from Albino and Sandy Rodriguez, missionaries whom we support in Peru, who wrote: The first week of February, recent high school graduates arrived for the Casa del Maestro Academy.   This program was piloted in 2021, and we were pleased with the results.  In the next 10 months, students will immerse themselves in the Word through Bible studies and personal devotions using The Bible Recap.  They receive instruction in general education classes, including Spanish, English, and computer skills.  Another main focus is vocational orientation.  Once we have a better idea of their interests, we will arrange short-term internships or observation time in their chosen fields.  Through ice-breakers and team-building activities, it is shaping up to be a good class. Together they will learn life and leadership skills.

They ask for prayers for students to live out their Christian principles and values in all areas of their lives.  And, for them to settle well into this next stage of life. And, for food donations for several students who struggle to pay for the weekly contribution.

If you need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Jerrod Holzgen, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is and his phone number is 616-520-1771.

The remodel of our bathrooms began in January and is right on schedule! There are lights in the bathrooms and the spaces are looking more and more like real rooms. You can check out the progress in some pictures below. The first shows the new women’s restroom and the second shows the men’s restroom.


The plan is to begin epoxying the bathroom floors this weekend, so please do not go into the remodeled bathrooms on Sunday. This is a two step process and the floors cannot be disturbed between the steps. The second step will not be applied until early next week. It is important no one step on the floors until after both steps of applying the epoxy are completed.

As a reminder, during the remodel, the only restrooms available on the main floor of church can be accessed through the doors at the front of the sanctuary. They are single stall uni-sex restrooms.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year 2021/22 Budget:  $448,410.80
Fiscal Year 2021/22 Contributions: $390,066.46
Giving Last Week: $9,012.52

This Week’s Bulletin

3-13-22 Bulletin