Zion E-News (3-3-2022)
Yesterday morning I was reading Psalm 32 as part of the reading for my Discipleship Group. It is a prayer of David focused on the healing and forgiveness he found when he finally confessed his sin to God. When he was finally honest with himself about who he was.
Near the beginning of the Psalm he says, “When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long.” It is exhausting to try to hide something of ourselves from others. To keep secrets. To deny the truth. To live in constant worry we might be found out. David feels the angst of trying to maintain the image of an upright king when he knows he has sinned.
But then in verse 5, he says, “Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity… and you forgive the guilt of my sin.” In being honest with God. In being honest with himself. David experiences the forgiveness and grace of God. And then he responds by telling everyone else to pray to God, confess you sins, and experience the unfailing love of God.
This seems to me to be the natural course of faith. All us of grow up learning to hide part of who we are from others. We sense, intuitively, there is some things wrong in us. We are mean, easily angered, sneaking, coveting what others have. We know these are not the right way to live and we fear if people knew we were like this they would reject us. And so we hide and live in fear that our carefully crafted masks of righteousness will fall down and we will be undone.
But when we experience the God who sees all of our messed-upness, all of our mistakes, all of the parts of us we long to hide from others, and rather than reject us, this God loves us. It changes everything. There is a new freedom to admit our flaws and failures. To try and fail. To have compassion on others for their imperfections. To live confident of our worth simply because God loves us and not dependent on what anyone else might think. And once you have experienced that life, you long for others to have that same freedom.
On this second day of Lent, may you have the courage to confess or present your full and true self to God and experience his unfailing love. And, knowing of God’s love for messed up people like you and me, may we join David in inviting others to experience this same freeing, empowering, and amazing never giving up love of God, too.
If you haven’t experienced that freedom, please reach out and I would love to tell you more.
– Greg
Connect to God
This week we will gather for worship at 9:30 am. This weeks service will be at zionreformed.online.church and streaming on our YouTube channel. We will also rebroadcast a version of the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 4pm next Sunday. The service will continue to be available on YouTube to watch at your convenience.
During Lent we will be looking at the life and ministry of Jesus to see both how he was tested and found true and how we have been given a faith that can both endure and help carry us through every test of life. This Sunday, we consider the story of Jesus’ temptation in Luke 4 and see the genuine humanity of Jesus as he struggles with the same temptations we all experience. As he passes these tests, he gives us clues to how we too can live with a tested and true faith.
Grow in Community
Do you want some good food, friends and fellowship? Then this is the opportunity for you! 729 groups bring 7 to 9 willing people together to meet for a meal 3x in 3 months. The goal is simply to get to know some people in church better. Once groups are formed, the host will contact members to arrange the details for the first gathering. Dinner groups are encouraged to be creative; consider picking a dinner “theme night” (i.e. Italian, dessert or soup night), and everyone can bring a dish that goes along with that theme or meet at a restaurant or church. You can sign-up through the Connection cards found in the bulletin or call the church office at 616-534-7533. Sign-up deadline is Sunday, March 13.
Mark your calendars, the Middle and High School Youth Groups will be hosting a fundraiser at Culver’s on March 21 from 5-8 pm. This is a great night to support our youth, connect with friends new and old from Zion, and enjoy some great Culver’s burgers and frozen custard.
Serve the World
The Pregnancy Resource Center Support Services Staff would like to thank the members of Zion for the generous donation (this was part of our 2021 Thanksgiving offering). This will impact the lives of the mothers and families who come to the PRC offices for support. Thank you Zion for your partnership in this ministry!
Threads held their monthly shopping day on Tuesday this week. Twenty-eight families came to shop, choosing 706 items of clothing for 132 people. Twenty-two of the families also received items from our Personal Care Pantry.
Threads will be having a semi-annual sale, which will be open to the public, on Saturday, March 12 from 9am – 1pm. Each and every item in the boutique will be priced at $1. The money raised from this sale is used to self-fund our ministry and purchase needed items. All are invited to come in and shop!
If you need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Jerrod Holzgen, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is Jholzgen@yahoo.com and his phone number is 616-520-1771.
The remodel of our bathrooms began in January and is right on schedule! We even began the process of ordering the new carpet for the Youth Room, hallways, lobby and sanctuary this week. You can check out the progress in some pictures below. The first shows the bathroom from the former entrance to the women’s bathroom and the second shows the same space from the former entrance to the men’s restroom.
As a reminder, during the remodel, the only restrooms available on the main floor of church can be accessed through the doors at the front of the sanctuary. They are single stall uni-sex restrooms.
We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.
Fiscal Year 2021/22 Budget: $437,200.53
Fiscal Year 2021/22 Contributions: $381,053.94
Giving Last Week: 5,595.23