From dust you are to dust you will return.
Our Ash Wednesday service is my favorite worship service of the year. It doesn’t change much from year to year. The scripture readings are almost always the exact same ones. The meditation always makes a similar point. We always end with the imposition of ashes and communion. But there is something about the service that speaks to my soul.
Last night was not one of my finest moments. It had been a long day. Some issues were laying heavy on my heart. And then some minor changes were made right before the service started and it just annoyed me. In my head I knew the changes shouldn’t bother me and that I actually agreed with them. But emotionally, I was annoyed. And grumpy.
In a couple of minutes, I had worked through my immature annoyance and was ready to worship God again. But as I stood at the communion table and then as I said those words over and over again, “From dust you are to dust you shall return,” I remembered why I love this service so much.
I need communion. Following God is hard. I mess up all the time. But communion reminds me God has already welcomed me into his family and to the dinner table. We pause and remember what Jesus has already done for us, how he strengthens us and enables us to follow, and that one day we will be transformed as he was at the resurrection.
But right now, we are still dust. I am frail. I am weak. I make all sorts of mistakes. I am not as important as I can sometimes think I am. I am dust. You are dust. We are not as strong as we think we are. God already knows this, but Ash Wednesday reminds us of this truth.
Reflecting on that experience with a couple of Consistory members last night, I am reminded we are often too hard on ourselves and on other people. We are only dust. We are here today and gone tomorrow. We are all pretty weak and frail. Let’s be gentle with each other. Gracious with each other’s weaknesses. No one needs to be perfect because Jesus was already perfect for us all.
For we are all dust.
Connect to God
There is perhaps no greater influence in Christian discipleship and moral thinking than the Sermon on the Mount. In three short chapters, Jesus lays out a vision for how to live the good life, the life God intended for us, in our personal, public, and spiritual lives. This week, we continue our study of this influential sermon as we consider the exclusive call of God to serve God and God alone.
If you would like a copy of the worship service, you can receive a complete copy by contacting Tom Verbrugge or you can find the weekly messages on our website.
Grow in Community
We are holding several identical meetings to challenge leaders in our church to participate in our Building Up. Reaching Out Campaign. Anyone who is interested in “going first” in committing to give to the campaign is invited to attend one of our challenge meetings. Please RSVP for the date you plan to attend on the back of the Connection Card today. Meetings dates and locations are:
Tuesday, March 10 6:30-8:00PM at the home of Dianne Kooiker
Wednesday, March 11 6:30-8:00PM at the home of Josh & Shawn Sanders
Thursday, March 12 6:30-8:00PM at the home of Ken and Sheila Johnson
Wednesday, March 18 6:30-8:00PM at the home of Steve & Kathy Northuis
All 2020 Mission Trip Shareholders are invited to join our youth for a meet and greet being held in the fellowship hall downstairs after worship on March 8.
If you are a confessing member of Zion and over the age of 18, please remember to turn in your Consistory willing to serve response form by March 1.
Serve the World
On Monday night, our Personal Care Pantry team welcomed about 80 families to receive basic care items such as soap, shampoo and such. This month, we had families connect with our church United Church Outreach Ministries in Wyoming, local neighborhood friends, and Jenison Public schools. Thank you to all who faithfully serve in the Personal Care Pantry.
Administrative Details
If you want to keep up with our capital campaign, you can check out all sorts of information on our website here.
The Leaders Meeting for Sunday, March 1 has been canceled.
If you receive the denominational magazine RCA Today, you may have seen an article about our church. I was interviewed last fall to talk a little about what God has been doing through all of you here at Zion. I never want to pass up on a chance to brag about the great people of Zion, so I was happy to share. Unfortunately, I cannot share a link to the article here as it is not available on-line. But, you should check it out in the magazine and join me in thanking God for the work he is doing among us.