Zion E-News (8-16-2018)

This summer, our family has been introduced to the marching band program at Jenison High School. I went to a high school without a football team and marching was reserved for Tulip Time Parades and Memorial Day, so the learning curve for this dad is steep.

Over the summer, students have had multiple practices every week, including 3 weeks of all day practices. The band will easily put in over 150 hours of practice this summer. And that doesn’t count all the practice time spent at home by each of the members. I expected lots of music practicing, but did not anticipate the stretching, running, and strict diet for competition days. I was talking with one of the other parents recently and they commented how glad they were for their child to experience what it takes to be excellent at something. It takes a lot of work. Often boring and tedious work.

As adults, we know this to be true. No one becomes a world class musician without hours of practice. No one makes it to the pinnacle of their sport without sacrifices. No one becomes an excellent accountant or computer programmer or tool and die maker without putting in the work to develop their skills. No one becomes a great parent without developing more skills than can be named here. And so on. Being great at something takes a lot of work. In one of his books, Malcolm Gladwell claims it takes 10,000 of practice to become truly great at something. That would be a 40 hour a week job for 5 years to become great!

And yet sometimes, we can think that following God should be easy. Experiencing closeness with God should be easy. Becoming generous and kind and patient and joyful should “just happen” when we believe. But, like any pursuit, becoming more like Jesus, learning to follow Jesus, takes lots of practice.

Several years ago, I was talking with a couple about their prayer life and they mentioned how they had started challenging each other to “pray through the alphabet” as they addressed God. To find a name for God for each letter of the alphabet. It sounded a little corny, but it is also a great discipline for expanding our understanding and experience of God. I know others who get up every day at 5 am to read the Bible and pray. For years, I have read through the Bible every year. Others carefully choose the music they listen to so their music will lead them closer to God rather than further away. Others tithe or go beyond a tithe to develop a habit of being generous. None of this happens by accident, it takes work, effort, and intentionality.

I wonder sometimes how our spiritual lives would be different if we took our relationship with God, our obedience to his commands, as seriously as we expect our kids to take their extra-curricular activities.

Connect to God

Does prayer work? What can we expect from prayer? How do we pray anyway? Have you ever wondered why the disciples never asked Jesus how to preach or perform miracles – and all they asked Him was how to pray? Prayer gives us access to the very throne room of God. In prayer, we are shaped by the Holy Spirit. In prayer, we talk directly with the King of the Universe. Over the next several weeks, we will consider how Jesus taught us to pray in the Lord’s Prayer. This week, we consider the fourth of six request for bread. What does it mean to pray for bread in a world where some have more than they need and others have empty stomachs.

If you would like a copy of the worship service, you can receive a complete copy by contacting Tom Verbrugge or you can find the weekly messages on our website.

Grow in Community
We are grateful for over 60 people serving in our Children’s education ministries this year. And yet, we are still looking for 2 kindergarten Sunday school teachers. Please be in prayer that God will work in the heart of whomever he has called to these ministries that they would step forward to raise the next generation up in the faith.

If you are a hunter or want to expose your children to hunting, Zion will be hosting a Hunter’s Safety Class this fall in partnership with Sports Persons International, a Christian outdoors ministry. Classes will be held from 6:30 to 9:30 on September 10, 12, 17, and 19. You can sign-up or learn more here.

We have T-shirts (short, long, and hoodies) available with our Zion logo on the front. If you are looking for any easy way to show your pride in your church, let your neighbors know you are willing to talk about your faith, or just want a cool new shirt, check out the link below to order your very own shirt! Shirts range in price from $16 to $24. You can order a shirt through September 9. If you are uncomfortable ordering on-line, you can also call the office and we will be happy to help you place an order. You can order your shirt here. You can also see 6 samples below.

Do you want some good food, friends and fellowship? Then this is the opportunity for you! 729 groups bring 7 to 9 willing people together to meet for a meal 3x in 3 months. The goal is simply to get to know some people in church better. Once groups are formed, the host will contact members to arrange the details for the first gathering. Dinner groups are encouraged to be creative; consider picking a dinner “theme night” (i.e. Italian, dessert or soup night), and everyone can bring a dish that goes along with that theme or meet at a restaurant or church. You can sign-up through the cards found in the bulletin or call the church office at 616-534-7533.

Serve the World
CityFest is only a few weeks away. Check out the list of artists performing here. This is going to be a great weekend and opportunity for many people to hear the gospel. Join me in praying already now for good weather and a harvest for the kingdom of God.

Administrative Details
We will be holding our next Leaders Meeting on August 26 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. We look forward to a great evening of fellowship, worship, and some training.

If you are serving in any Children or Youth ministry you will want to attend as we will be offering training on our child protection policies. You must go through this training or the one following worship on September 9 to volunteer in any ministry involving children or youth.

Beginning this fall, we will be giving our first time visitors a new 30oz Zion travel mug and a free beverage at Biggby. But, you can get your very own Zion travel mug already on Sunday. We will be selling the mugs for $20 and you can buy as many as you want. They come in two colors, silver and gunmetal and both have a cool looking Zion logo. Cups will be available for purchase in the lobby following worship. (If you don’t want to buy one on a Sunday, they will also be available from the office during the week.)

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures. We also thank you for your generous support of our Benevolence fund during our offering last Sunday. Over $1,000 was given to care for those in our congregation experiencing financial needs. Thank you for sharing out of the blessings God has given you.

Fiscal Year to date budget: $119,627.20
Fiscal Year to date contributions: $109,152.31


8-19-18 bulletin

Zion E-News (8-9-2018)

Church is calming down again after 7 great weeks hosting Week of Hope mission trips at night and Camp Zion during the day. Carpets have been washed. Rooms are being put back together. Plans are being finalized for a great new education year beginning in September.

Before we turn the page on our summer ministry season, I want to take just a little time to celebrate all God has been doing in and through each of you and the life of Zion. First, Week of Hope saw students each week make a first time commitment or renew their commitment to following Jesus. Second, we saw at least 2 kids make commitments to follow Jesus at Camp Zion. Third, on mission trips, we saw several of our students make a recommitment to Christ and these students were used by God to see 14 people make first time commitments to Christ. Fourth, we welcomed hundreds of people to our facility through Park Parties, Play dates and the 4th of July Celebration. God is on the move at Zion and we have the joy of coming along for the journey.

Throughout the summer, Week of Hope have envelopes available for participants to write thank you notes to other people on their mission trip. Every year, we get an envelope, too! We receive a lot of cards that simply thank us for making our facility available to them. When we added room air conditioners, we got a thank you for the a/c. And then there are always a few more specific thanks. I want to share just a couple excerpts with you this week:

“Camp Zion is an incredible mission… I got a chance to experience the purity and intensity of God’s love through children.”

“I love when a church chooses to open its doors to other ministry opportunities. Thank you! You know ministry is happening when there are hand prints on the windows and stains on the carpet!”

And then one longer note from the President of a new church plant in Illinois who wrote:

“I am so thankful for your generous hospitality as we lived at your facility this past week. I admire your philosophy in leveraging your building as a tool to help further God’s kingdom. We have a 1 year old start up church. I looked at your website to prepare for this trip. Our church has been able to leverage your vision and mission to provide us direction. Again, thanks and blessings!”

Sometimes, we can grow accustomed to the uniqueness of our community, its heart for people and mission, and we can begin to take it for granted. (As a side note, there are lots of great churches doing great ministry besides ours.) But today, I am reminded that God is on the move shaping and forming us for his mission that we might join him in working redeem what was lost, restore what has been broken, and welcome home all who have been rejected, that in us they might experience a taste of God’s great redeeming love for them.

Connect to God
Does prayer work? What can we expect from prayer? How do we pray anyway? Have you ever wondered why the disciples never asked Jesus how to preach or perform miracles – and all they asked Him was how to pray? Prayer gives us access to the very throne room of God. In prayer, we are shaped by the Holy Spirit. In prayer, we talk directly with the King of the Universe. Over the next several weeks, we will consider how Jesus taught us to pray in the Lord’s Prayer. This week, we consider the third of six request for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.

If you would like a copy of the worship service, you can receive a complete copy by contacting Tom Verbrugge or you can find the weekly messages on our website.

Grow in Community

We are grateful for over 60 people serving in our Children’s education ministries this year. And yet, we are still looking for three Sunday school teachers (two kindergarten and one pre-school). Please be in prayer that God will work in the heart of whomever he has called to these ministries that they would step forward to raise the next generation up in the faith.

We have T-shirts (short, long, and hoodies) available with our Zion logo on the front. If you are looking for any easy way to show your pride in your church, let your neighbors know you are willing to talk about your faith, or just want a cool new shirt, check out the link below to order your very own shirt! Shirts range in price from $16 to $24. You can order a shirt through September 9. If you are uncomfortable ordering on-line, you can also call the office and we will be happy to help you place an order. You can order your shirt here. You can also see 6 samples below.

Do you want some good food, friends and fellowship? Then this is the opportunity for you! 729 groups bring 7 to 9 willing people together to meet for a meal 3x in 3 months. The goal is simply to get to know some people in church better. Once groups are formed, the host will contact members to arrange the details for the first gathering. Dinner groups are encouraged to be creative; consider picking a dinner “theme night” (i.e. Italian, dessert or soup night), and everyone can bring a dish that goes along with that theme or meet at a restaurant or church. You can sign-up through the cards found in the bulletin or call the church office at 616-534-7533.

Serve the World
CityFest West Michigan will be held the weekend of September 8 and 9. For the last several months, the Luis Palau team has been working with churches and local service agencies to help churches connect with their community and celebrate all the ways the church is already blessing West Michigan. On September 8 and 9, there will be concerts, X-game type events, and the proclamation of the gospel. As part of the festival, we are looking for people who willing to be Festival Friends who will be trained in helping someone make those first few steps of discipleship. If you are interested in being a Festival Friend, there will be training on August 7 at 7 pm at Remembrance Reformed Church. We will also offer training at our next Leaders Meeting in August 26.

Administrative Details
We will be holding our next Leaders Meeting on August 26 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. We look forward to a great evening of fellowship, worship, and some training.

If you are serving in any Children or Youth ministry you will want to attend as we will be offering training on our child protection policies. You must go through this training to volunteer in any ministry involving children or youth.

Beginning this fall, we will be giving our first time visitors a new 30oz Zion travel mug and a free beverage at Biggby. But, you can get your very own Zion travel mug already on Sunday. We will be selling the mugs for $20 and you can buy as many as you want. They come in two colors, silver and gunmetal and both have a cool looking Zion logo. Cups will be available for purchase in the lobby following worship. (If you don’t want to buy one on a Sunday, they will also be available from the office during the week.)

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.
Fiscal Year to date budget: $108,752.00
Fiscal Year to date contributions: $101,881.01

This Weeks Bulletin

8-12-18 bulletin

This Weeks Bulletin

8-5-18 bulletin

Zion E-News (8-2-2018)

There is an old story of three laborers making bricks in the desert under the hot sun. Someone comes traveling by and asks them what they are doing. The first one hardly looks up and sarcastically answers, “What do you think? I’m making bricks.” The next person pauses a moment longer and says, “I’m building an important wall.” The third workers looks out into the distance and replies, “I am building beautiful cathedral. It’s going to be one of the most beautiful cathedrals of all time.”

Each of the workers is doing the same mundane job, but only one of them can see how their work fits into the big picture. The last worker is captivated by the image of a beautiful cathedral and the role they will play in its completion. This is the power of vision in our lives.

I have been thinking a lot about vision the past couple of months. In September, our Consistory and staff will go on a weekend retreat and attempt to discern a vision for our community for the next several years. I’ve never been good at discerning these long-term visions. I operate more by looking to see what doors God may be opening now or in the next year for us and trying to follow. But, there are times when we need to look beyond tomorrow or next week or even next year to see what we need to do to prepare to go where God is leading next. I am very grateful for the leadership God has blessed us with on our Consistory and staff and I look forward to seeing how God will lead us on our retreat.

Until then, allow me to remind you of all God is already doing in and through us at Zion Reformed Church. Through our church, 10 churches will be planted in Nepal in the next 5 years, CityChapel will begin worship in Grand Rapids this fall, Lifeline Community Church continues to grow in faith and numbers in Wyoming, about 70 kids were blessed through Camp Zion this summer, over 40 students and youth leaders went on mission trips this summer, hundreds of students stayed in our building on their own mission trips, dozens of families are supported every month through the Personal Care Pantry, and each week we welcome 60+ children into our children’s ministries to learn about Jesus, and even more is happening through ministries like small groups and Hand2Hand.

Through our work together at Zion, lives are being changed and people here and around the world are meeting Jesus. May God receive all the glory.

Connect to God
This Sunday we celebrate with our youth students all the ways God worked in and through them on their mission trips this summer. We will hear student testimonies and also hear from Pastor Jeremy on Exodus 3:1-12.

If you would like a copy of the worship service, you can receive a complete copy by contacting Tom Verbrugge or you can find the weekly messages on our website.

Grow in Community

We have T-shirts (short, long, and hoodies) available with our Zion logo on the front. If you are looking for any easy way to show your pride in your church, let your neighbors know you are willing to talk about your faith, or just want a cool new shirt, check out the link below to order your very own shirt! Shirts range in price from $16 to $24. You can order a shirt through September 9. If you are uncomfortable ordering online, you can also call the office and we will be happy to help you place an order. You can order your shirt here.

Do you want some good food, friends and fellowship? Then this is the opportunity for you! 729 groups bring 7 to 9 willing people together to meet for a meal 3x in 3 months. The goal is simply to get to know some people in church better. Once groups are formed, the host will contact members to arrange the details for the first gathering. Dinner groups are encouraged to be creative; consider picking a dinner “theme night” (i.e. Italian, dessert or soup night), and everyone can bring a dish that goes along with that theme or meet at a restaurant or church. You can sign-up through the cards found in the bulletin or call the church office at 616-534-7533.

Serve the World
CityFest West Michigan will be held the weekend of September 8 and 9. For the last several months, the Luis Palau team has been working with churches and local service agencies to help churches connect with their community and celebrate all the ways the church is already blessing West Michigan. On September 8 and 9, there will be concerts, X-game type events, and the proclamation of the gospel. As part of the festival, we are looking for people who willing to be Festival Friends who will be trained in helping someone make those first few steps of discipleship. If you are interested in being a Festival Friend, there will be training on August 7 at 7 pm at Remembrance Reformed Church. We will also offer training at our next Leaders Meeting in August 26.

Administrative Details
We will be holding our next Leaders Meeting on August 26 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. We look forward to a great evening of fellowship, worship, and some training.

If you are serving in any Children or Youth ministry you will want to attend as we will be offering training on our child protection policies. You must go through this training to volunteer in any ministry involving children or youth.

Beginning this fall, we will be giving our first time visitors a new 30oz Zion travel mug and a free beverage at Biggby. But, you can get your very own Zion travel mug already on Sunday. We will be selling the mugs for $20 and you can buy as many as you want. They come in two colors, silver and gunmetal and both have a cool looking Zion logo. Cups will be available for purchase in the lobby following worship. (If you don’t want to buy one on a Sunday, they will also be available from the office during the week.)

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.
Fiscal Year to date budget: $97,876.80
Fiscal Year to date contributions: $90,702.01

Camp Zion 2018 – Week 7

Hello Camp Zion Families,

Week 6 was a favorite for all of our staff. By choosing to have a less intense schedule of events for our week with no theme, there were so many more opportunities to have lots of good one on one conversations with your kids. We love how smart, creative, funny and kind hearted they are.

During lesson time we talked about our last piece of the Armor of God – the Sword of the Spirit and also about prayer.

  • The sword of the Spirit is Gods Word, the Bible. If we want to know all we can about the One who created us and how He wants us to live, we should be reading the Bible. Everything we need to know is in there. The more we know about God and how he expects us to live our lives, the better equipped we are to fight against the evil around us.
  • Prayer is how we talk to God. What God desires to have a relationship with us. Relationships cannot be built unless the people in them are talking to each other. So we need to take the time to talk to God. He cares about everything on our hearts, big or small. We can talk to him any time of day, in any place, about anything. Even when we can’t get the words out right He understands us.


Here is what is coming up next week.

Week 7 – June 30-Aug 3 – Nature Week
Monday: Bowling. Wear socks & tennis shoes – NO SANDALS!
Tuesday: Learning Lab.
Wednesday: Holland Outdoor Discovery Center. Wear Camp Zion shirt, socks & tennis shoes.
Thursday: 8th Ave Beach & Park. Bring swim suits & towels. There is no lifeguard on duty at the beach. If your child is not a good swimmer please also send along a life jacket for them to wear.


Lunch Menu
Lunch will be served at church this week. If your child does not enjoy what is on the menu please feel free to send along a sack lunch for them to eat.

Monday: Pasta with choice of spaghetti sauce or alfredo sauce, garlic bread, fruit & vegies
Tuesday: Scrambled eggs w/ cheese and sausage, French toast sticks & fruit.
Wednesday: Hot dogs, mac & cheese, Jell-O & vegies.
Thursday: Hamburgers, chips & watermelon.


Other stuff:
Make sure to check the lost & found table in the lobby everyday this week. We have a small collection of items building up. Anything left behind after camp on Thursday will be donated.

Have a great weekend ~ see everyone on Monday.

Zion E-News (7-26-2018)

One of my favorite activities of the summer is reading through the journal of our students who went on mission trips. I enjoy this for some pretty small reasons, like: they have worse penmanship than I do and some of them are pretty funny. But most of all, reading these journals gives me glimpses of how God is at work among us.

On the mission trips, I counted at least 2 kids who made a re-commitment to following Jesus, numerous kids talked about being closer to Jesus, others talked of feeling a stronger sense of call to their home community, others of seeing God at work in the lives of the people they met, others found a safe place to wrestle through doubts, others of being used by God to bring someone into relationship with Jesus. We talk about striving to be a community that makes disciples who make disciples. This happens in many ways in our community, and one of them are the mission trips of our Middle and High School students. God is at work among these students.

And then this morning, as I was walking down the hall, the Camp Zion kids were having their morning devotions. (We talk about all the fun activities at Camp Zion, and they do a lot of fun stuff, but there is also a very intentional effort to introduce kids to Jesus.) Many of them were gathered in circles praying together. My favorite image was of Luke Austin sitting on the floor, hands folded, head bowed, surrounded by 5 little kids all in the exact same pose praying together. Disciples making disciples.

This disciple making doesn’t only happen in the summer or in youth groups. It happens every week in Sunday school classes and Children and Worship rooms and in small groups and discipleship triads. If you want to be involved in seeing God change lives, there are plenty of opportunities at Zion,

Some of those opportunities are in formal church events, but others are casual conversations and a prayer offered with a friend over coffee. Or, sitting down with your kids and reading a Bible story each night and teaching them how to talk to God. Disciples making disciples.

May we be ever more a people committed to making disciples who make disciples.

Connect to God
Does prayer work? What can we expect from prayer? How do we pray anyway? Have you ever wondered why the disciples never asked Jesus how to preach or perform miracles – and all they asked Him was how to pray? Prayer gives us access to the very throne room of God. In prayer, we are shaped by the Holy Spirit. In prayer, we talk directly with the King of the Universe. Over the next several weeks, we will consider how Jesus taught us to pray in the Lord’s Prayer. This week, we consider the second of six requests for God’s kingdom to come.

If you would like a copy of the worship service, you can receive a complete copy by contacting Tom Verbrugge or you can find the weekly messages on our website.

Grow in Community
Les VandenHoek went to be with his Lord on Wednesday, July 25. We express our sympathy to his wife Alice and their families and ask for prayers for peace and comfort for them during this difficult time.  Arrangements will be through Cook Funeral Home and are pending at this time.

If you have been in church the last few weeks, you may have noticed the many children we continue to welcome in worship. Due to the continued growth in our children’s ministry, we will have a second room for children age 3 years old through 3rd grade to attend during worship this summer.

Do you want some good food, friends and fellowship? Then this is the opportunity for you! 729 groups bring 7 to 9 willing people together to meet for a meal 3x in 3 months. The goal is simply to get to know some people in church better. Once groups are formed, the host will contact members to arrange the details for the first gathering. Dinner groups are encouraged to be creative; consider picking a dinner “theme night” (i.e. Italian, dessert or soup night), and everyone can bring a dish that goes along with that theme or meet at a restaurant or church. You can sign-up through the cards found in the bulletin or call the church office at 616-534-7533.

Serve the World
City Chapel held their second preview service on Sunday. They celebrated Christmas in July, including singing Christmas carols and wishing one another a happy Christmas. The focus of the service was the incarnation of Christ and the call for each of us to be present and engage din our local communities. Just under 80 people attended the service, which is a slight decline from June, but there were very few well wishers this month compared to June. So, the 78 people counted were almost all people checking out the church or committed to the church. Ron estimated that almost half the people were new to City Chapel in theist month. One family had never had any contacted with the church until coming to worship on Sunday.

CityFest West Michigan will be held the weekend of September 8 and 9. For the last several months, the Luis Palau team has been working with churches and local service agencies to help churches connect with their community and celebrate all the ways the church is already blessing West Michigan. On September 8 and 9, there will be concerts, X-game type events, and the proclamation of the gospel. As part of the festival, we are looking for people who willing to be Festival Friends who will be trained in helping someone make those first few steps of discipleship. If you are interested in being a Festival Friend, there will be training on August 7 at 7 pm at Remembrance Reformed Church. We will also offer training at our next Leaders Meeting in August 26.

There is only one more Neighborhood Park Party (formerly Hoops and Hotdogs) on  July 31 from 6-7 pm. We had a great time at the first few Park Parties and are looking forward for the last one. These are great evenings to connect with neighbors, invite a friend, let the kids get some energy out on the playground, and enjoy a hotdog! A huge thank you to Tom MacGraw and Megan Taylor who make this event happen each time.

Administrative Details
Beginning this fall, we will be giving our first time visitors a new 30oz Zion travel mug and a free beverage at Biggby. But, you can get your very own Zion travel mug already on Sunday. We will be selling the mugs for $20 and you can buy as many as you want. They come in two colors, silver and gunmetal and both have a cool looking Zion logo. Cups will be available for purchase in the lobby following worship. (If you don’t want to buy one on a Sunday, they will also be available from the office during the week.)

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.
Fiscal Year to date budget: $87,001.60
Fiscal Year to date contributions: $84,883.01

This Weeks Bulletin

7-29-18 bulletin

Camp Zion Week 6

Hello Camp Zion Families,

Carnival week was so much fun. Magic, games, inflatables and so much laughter. Our staff and volunteers had so many sweet conversations with the kid-o’s this week.

This week during lesson time we talked about the Shield of Faith. The Bible says that faith in God acts as a shield against evil. Satan is a super tricky bad guy. We need a shield to protect ourselves from his sneaky evil ways. With faith, we can defend ourselves. We can face any problem because we KNOW that God is always on our side. Faith helps to hold us up under pressure. It helps us to recall times when God has helped us up in the past, and that gives us reassurance that He will do the same in the future.

Here is what is coming next week.

July 23-26 The Week with No Theme.
Monday: Camp Zion Theater
Tuesday: Maplewood Park & Splashpad. Bring swimsuits & towels.
Wednesday: Movie Day (Wonder – rated PG) & Slip-n-slide. Bring swimsuits & towels.
Thursday: Soccer Zone. Online waiver required.

If you haven’t done so already clink on the following link to complete the online waiver for Soccer Zone. Anyone without a completed waiver will not be able to go on Thursdays field trip. https://letsplaysportsinc.waiverapps.com/locations/grandrapidssoccerzone

Code of Conduct update.
I am very thankful and happy that everyone’s listening skills were much improved this week. We do still need to work some more on watching the words we use. Not only with each other, but with everyone we meet throughout the day – at lunch, on fieldtrips and with visitors who stop in at church. Kindness and respect is something I want our campers to be known for throughout the community, but that takes some work on their part to always be using actions and words that built people up & not tear people down. Some more gentle reminders from you about this would be appreciated. 🙂

I hope you all have an amazing weekend.
See you on Monday.
