Luke 19:28-44 ~ Palm Sunday

During Lent we have been looking at the life and ministry of Jesus to see both how he was tested and found true and how we have been given a faith that can both endure and help carry us through every test of life. This Sunday, we join the disciples as they enter Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Hearing their story, we will encounter the hope of the disciples, the worry of the pharisees, and the grief of Jesus. Each invites to give more of ourselves to Jesus and deepen our hope in the gospel of grace.

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

The sermon begins at 1:04:35

Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 ~ Tested Faith: The Parable of the Lost Son

During Lent we will be looking at the life and ministry of Jesus to see both how he was tested and found true and how we have been given a faith that can both endure and help carry us through every test of life. This Sunday, we consider The Parable of the Lost Son, often referred to as The Parable of the Prodigal Son. As we look at this story, we contemplate which characters we relate to most, and what we can learn about who God is and who we are from these characters and their story.

Mr. Jeremy Zoet

Sermon starts at 46:25

Luke 13:1-9 ~ Tested Faith: Rejects Worldly Kingdoms

Text: Luke 13:1-9

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

During Lent we will be looking at the life and ministry of Jesus to see both how he was tested and found true and how we have been given a faith that can both endure and help carry us through every test of life. This Sunday, Jesus call us to examine our lives to see if we have out the idol of our nation alongside his kingdom. Have we fallen for the age old idol or religious nationalism or do our lives bear the fruit of seeking God’s kingdom above all?

Sermon begins at 43:45.

Luke 4:1-13 ~ Tested Faith: Facing Temptation

Text: Luke 4:1-13

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

During Lent we will be looking at the life and ministry of Jesus to see both how he was tested and found true and how we have been given a faith that can both endure and help carry us through every test of life. This morning, we consider the story of Jesus’ temptation in Luke 4 and see the genuine humanity of Jesus as he struggles with the same temptations we all experience. As he passes these tests, he gives us clues to how we too can live with a tested and true faith.

Sermon begins at 42:05

Luke 6:39-49 ~ Upside Down Kingdom: 4 Questions

Text: Luke 6:39-49

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

This morning, we conclude a sermon series entitled Upside Down Kingdom. This series draws from the gospel lectionary readings, predominantly in Luke, to help us see the counter-cultural values and ways of God’s kingdom. Our text today Jesus calls his disciples to look inward, at their own lives, to see who they are following, the sins they overlook in themselves, examine the fruit of their lives, and ensure they are building on the right foundation.

Sermon begins at 34:15

Luke 6:27-38 ~ Upside Down Kingdom: Ridiculous Generosity

Text: Luke 6:27-38

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

This week, we continue a sermon series entitled Upside Down Kingdom. This series draws from the gospel lectionary readings, predominantly in Luke, to help us see the counter-cultural values and ways of God’s kingdom. Our text today Jesus calls his disciples to a life of ridiculous generosity to their enemies, those who can never repay them, and everyone else as well.

Sermon begins at 37:50

Luke 6:17-26 ~ The Upside Down Kingdom

Text: Luke 6:17-26

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

This morning, we continue a sermon series entitled Upside Down Kingdom. This series draws from the gospel lectionary readings, predominantly in Luke, to help us see the counter-cultural values and ways of God’s kingdom. Our text today begins Jesus greatest sermon in this gospel: the Sermon on the Plain. Having just chosen his 12 disciples, he lays out for them the unique values of his kingdom. A kingdom not centered on prosperity, pleasure, power, or popularity, but standing firmly with those the world ignores, rejects, and oppresses.

Sermon begins at 50:05

1 Chronicles 29:6-20 ~ Rebooting with Generosity

Text: 1 Chronicles 29:6-20

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

Have the past couple years been hard? Have you struggled emotionally or spiritually? Wondered where God was? Got out of some important spiritual habits like: worship, prayer, and scripture reading? Then join us for the the conclusion of this once a month series to reboot your faith. This week we talk about rebooting our generosity in our lives by reflecting on the generosity of God.

Sermon begins at 50:05

Luke 4:14-21 ~! Upside down Kingdom: Jesus’ “I have a Dream” Sermon

Text: Luke 4:14-21

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

This morning, we continue a sermon series entitled Upside Down Kingdom. This series draws from the gospel lectionary readings, predominantly in Luke, to help us see the counter-cultural values and ways of God’s kingdom. Our text today comes from Jesus sermon to his home town of Nazareth. His vision of his ministry and the kingdom he will bring come straight from the Old Testament prophets. This vision of justice and healing challenges us to consider how our lives align with Jesus kingdom or the values of our world.

Sermon begins at 36:10

John 2:1-11 ~ Upside Down Kingdom: Weddings, Water, and Wine

Text: John 2:1-11

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

We continue a sermon series entitled Upside Down Kingdom. This series draws from the gospel lectionary readings, predominantly in Luke, to help us see the counter-cultural values and ways of God’s kingdom. Our text today comes from the gospel of John as Jesus begins his public ministry at a private wedding. In this surprising story, Jesus defiles holy objects to turn water into wine and keep the party going. We rightly wonder what is happening here and what might it mean for us to live in a kingdom that turns sacred objects secular for the sake of a wedding.

Sermon begins at 39:48