James 2:1-13 ~ Favoritism

Text: James 2:1-13

Preacher: Mr. Jeremy Zoet

Churches are not places of model behavior. They have as many people struggling with sin, pain, and brokenness as those outside of church. Rather than being perfectly healthy communities, church is the place we can go to acknowledge, face, and deal with our brokenness. The book of James confronts the conflicts, tensions, and mess of church life head on. This week, we continue our study of James as we hear the call to not show favoritism, but instead to see people through the lens of God’s grace and mercy.

James 1:19-27 ~ The Way of Justice

Text: James 1:19-27

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

Churches are not places of model behavior. They have as many people struggling with sin, pain, and brokenness as those outside of church. Rather than being perfectly healthy communities, church is the place we can go to acknowledge, face, and deal with our brokenness. The book of James confronts the conflicts, tensions, and mess of church life head on. This week, we continue our study of James as we hear the call to both listen and apply God’s word in a life pursuing God’s Shalom in our world.

James 1:1-18 ~ Testing, Perseverance, and Maturity

Text: James 1:1-18

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

Churches are not places of model behavior. They have as many people struggling with sin, pain, and brokenness as those outside of church. Rather than being perfectly healthy communities, church is the place we can go to acknowledge, face, and deal with our brokenness. The book of James confronts the conflicts, tensions, and mess of church life head on. This week, we begin our study of James as we consider how broken people can better live in hope through the difficulties of life.

Luke 7:36-50 ~ The Art of Neighboring: Seeing with the Eyes of Jesus

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

We live in an increasingly isolated world. People spend their days commuting to work, staring at screens, and can go days and weeks without talking with those nearest us. And yet, many of us have isolated ourselves from  unbelieving neighbors. We have worried about sin and failed to see them as Jesus does, What might God do if we embraced the lost art of neighboring and loved those nearest us as followers of Jesus?

Luke 10:38-42 ~ The Art of Neighboring: Taking Time to Love Our Neighbor

Preacher: Mr. Jeremy Zoet

We live in an increasingly isolated world. People spend their days commuting to work, staring at screens, and can go days and weeks without talking with those nearest us. And yet, many of us have isolated ourselves from unbelieving neighbors. This is true not only locally. This Sunday, Pastor Jeremy continues our series on the Art of Neighboring as we consider one of the biggest excuses we can all make: busyness.

The Art of Neighboring Globally

Preacher: Chris and Christie Winkler

We live in an increasingly isolated world. People spend their days commuting to work, staring at screens, and can go days and weeks without talking with those nearest us. And yet, many of us have isolated ourselves from unbelieving neighbors. This is true not only locally. This Sunday Chris and Christie Winkler from Wycliffe Bible translators join us to talk about how neighbor love is instrumental in the work of mission across the globe.

Luke 10:25-37 ~ The Art of Neighboring: Taking the Great Commandment Seriously

Text: Luke 10:25-37

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

We live in an increasingly isolated world. People spend their days commuting to work, staring at screens, and can go days and weeks without talking with those nearest us. The power and genius of The Great Commandment is that it’s so simple and yet extremely powerful when acted on. The smartest thing that we can do collectively to impact our community is to actually live out Jesus’ command to love our neighbors. What might God do if we embraced the lost art of neighboring and loved those nearest us as followers of Jesus?

2 Corinthians 7:10 ~ The Grudge: Forgiving Yourself

Text: 2 Corinthians 7:10

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

As we conclude the message series “The Grudge,” we face maybe the hardest person to forgive: ourselves. As we consider Paul’s counsel to seek the godly sorrow that leads to repentance rather than the worldly sorrow that leads to death, we find some pointers to the grace we need through the experiences of the disciples Peter.

1 Samuel 1 – The Grudge: Forgiving God

Text: 1 Samuel 1

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

As we continue our message series “The Grudge”,” we tackle a hard topic of forgiving God. While God never sins and so never actually needs our forgiveness, many of us have disappointments in life, frustrations, and times when it feels like God has let us down. This week, we consider the story of Hannah from 1 Samuel as learn to trust God even when God doesn’t make sense to us.

Luke 17:1-5 ~ The Grudge: Faith to Forgive

Text: Luke 17:1-5

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

Last week  we launched a new message series called “The Grudge”. We’re talking all about forgiveness for the next few weeks. This Sunday we will be talking about the hard work of forgiving people who have hurt or betrayed us. How do we learn to forgive not just once, but even 7 times in a day, as Jesus commands us in the gospel of Luke.