With: Under God ~ Matthew 1:18-25

Text: Matthew 1:18-25

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

Join us this Advent season as we consider the importance of prepositions in our spiritual lives. This year we celebrate the God who has not called us to live under, over, for, or from God, but in Jesus came to be with us. At Christmas, we remember again God loves us so much he came to be like us and with us. Unfortunately, we can often unintentionally live under God and even in fear of God rather than with the God who loves us. The sermon starts at 32:10.

Revelation 1:1-4 ~ Christ the King Sunday

Text: Revelation 1:1-4

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

Christ the King Sunday concludes the liturgical church year. On this Sunday, we celebrate again the unchanging truth that Jesus has become the king of the world and has put all things under his feet. While it does not always feel this way, we know God is still in charge even in our broken and messed up world. As an old hymn puts it: though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the Ruler yet. This Sunday we meet the risen and reigning King in the vision of John from Revelation 1 and we look forward to the day when all things, even death itself, submit to his reign.

James 5:7-20 ~ Responding to Suffering

Text: James 5:7-20

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

Churches are not places of model behavior. They have as many people struggling with sin, pain, and brokenness as those outside of church. Rather than being perfectly healthy communities, church is the place we can go to acknowledge, face, and deal with our brokenness. The book of James confronts the conflicts, tensions, and mess of church life head on. This week, as we conclude out study of James, we are called to respond to unjustice and suffering with patient perseverance and an enduring hope in our God.

Psalm 4 ~ Reboot with Prayer

Text: Psalm 4

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

Has this past year been hard? Have you struggled emotionally or spiritually? Wondered where God was? Got out of some important spiritual habits like: worship, prayer, and scripture reading? Then join us for the once a month series to reboot your faith. This week we talk about rebooting our spiritual lives by being with God in prayer.

James 5:1-6 ~ Listen, You Rich People

Text: James 5:1-6

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

Churches are not places of model behavior. They have as many people struggling with sin, pain, and brokenness as those outside of church. Rather than being perfectly healthy communities, church is the place we can go to acknowledge, face, and deal with our brokenness. The book of James confronts the conflicts, tensions, and mess of church life head on. This week, as we continue our study of James, we hear a hard word for the abusive rich. Judgment is coming. God is going to set things right.

James 3 ~ Words Matter

Text: James 3

Preacher: Mr. Jeremy Zoet

Churches are not places of model behavior. They have as many people struggling with sin, pain, and brokenness as those outside of church. Rather than being perfectly healthy communities, church is the place we can go to acknowledge, face, and deal with our brokenness. The book of James confronts the conflicts, tensions, and mess of church life head on. This week, as we continue our study of James, we consider the power our words can have.

James 2:14-26 ~ Faith and Works

Text: James 2:14-26

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

Churches are not places of model behavior. They have as many people struggling with sin, pain, and brokenness as those outside of church. Rather than being perfectly healthy communities, church is the place we can go to acknowledge, face, and deal with our brokenness. The book of James confronts the conflicts, tensions, and mess of church life head on. This week, we continue our study of James, we are challenged to not settle for a dead faith but one enlivened by deeds of obedience.

Isaiah 55 ~ Rebooting with Scripture

Text: Isaiah 55

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

Has this past year been hard? Have you struggled emotionally or spiritually? Wondered where God was? Got out of some important spiritual habits like: worship, prayer, and scripture reading? Then join us for the once a month series to reboot your faith. This week we talk about rebooting our spiritual lives by hearing God through scripture.

James 2:1-13 ~ Favoritism

Text: James 2:1-13

Preacher: Mr. Jeremy Zoet

Churches are not places of model behavior. They have as many people struggling with sin, pain, and brokenness as those outside of church. Rather than being perfectly healthy communities, church is the place we can go to acknowledge, face, and deal with our brokenness. The book of James confronts the conflicts, tensions, and mess of church life head on. This week, we continue our study of James as we hear the call to not show favoritism, but instead to see people through the lens of God’s grace and mercy.

James 1:19-27 ~ The Way of Justice

Text: James 1:19-27

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

Churches are not places of model behavior. They have as many people struggling with sin, pain, and brokenness as those outside of church. Rather than being perfectly healthy communities, church is the place we can go to acknowledge, face, and deal with our brokenness. The book of James confronts the conflicts, tensions, and mess of church life head on. This week, we continue our study of James as we hear the call to both listen and apply God’s word in a life pursuing God’s Shalom in our world.