Matthew 5:1-20 ~ Who’s Invited

Text: Matthew 5:1-20
Title: Who’s Invited
Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

There is perhaps no greater influence in Christian discipleship and moral thinking than the Sermon on the Mount. In three short chapters, Jesus lays out a vision for how to live the good life, the life Got intended for us, in our personal, public, and spiritual lives. This week, we dive into this great sermon by considering the Beatitudes and Jesus claim that this kingdom way of living is open to everyone.

Joshua 1:1-9 ~ Building on the Past, Stepping into the Future

Text: Joshua 1:1-9
Title: Building on the Past, Stepping into the Future
Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

This week, we are taking a break from our study of Matthew to join Joshua and the Israelites as they prepare to enter the promised land. As God sends Joshua to lead the people and conquer the promised land of Canaan, there are some things Joshua knows and others he does not know, but there is always a next step to take. As we look ahead to remodeling our building as we continue living into a vision of developing leaders to flood our community with gospel conversations, we to know some things and don’t know a whole lot else. But we also know our next step is to remodel our building to support the vision and ministry to which God has called us. This Sunday we take a first step in building on the faithful past of Zion and stepping into the future God is laying out before us.

Text: Psalm 79:1-8
Title: Intergenerational Ministry
Preacher: Mr. Jeremy Zoet

Zion is a place where our youth are encouraged to serve regularly in important ways, in leadership roles, throughout our church and in worship services. But today, our youth ministry is getting even more involved in leading worship. Our high school and middle school youth groups created this worship service from the concept of intergenerational ministry. They chose songs to relate to all ages, involved multiple generations and generational concepts in their skits, created and edited videos on their own, built and decorated a sermon response, and created intrigue by posting multigenerational pictures throughout the hallways. Today we look Psalm 78:1-8 together and wonder how we can do our best to pass on the faith to the next generation.

Matthew 4:12-25

Text: Matthew 4:12-25
Title: Getting on the Way of Jesus
Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

As we continue our study of the gospel according to Matthew, Jesus begins his public ministry on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. He comes proclaiming a simple message of repentance. Like in our own day, many people then were willing to compromise the commands of God or mixed their religion with the politics to some disastrous ends. Jesus calls them and us instead to repent of their old ways of living and begin instead to live in his way.

Matthew 4:1-11 ~ Passing the Test

Text: Matthew 4:1-11
Title: Passing the Test
Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

Life is full of tests. Driving tests when we turn 16. End of the semester tests in school. But there are also the less predictable tests: losing a job, health concerns, relationship challenges and so on. Every day, we all face tests of our will, our values, our habits that reveal who we have become. Sadly, we all fail these tests some of the time. So did the Israelites in the Old Testament. They failed to live God honoring lives. They failed to worship God alone. The disciples failed to understand Jesus’ teachings. They failed to stay loyal when he was arrested. We all fail sometimes. Thankfully, as Jesus reveals during his testing in the desert, though we may fail the test, Jesus has passed every test for us.

Matthew 3:13-17 ~ Unmet Expectations

Text: Matthew 3:13-17
Title: Unmet Expectations
Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

Have you ever waited for a new movie to come out only to be disappointed when you finally get to see the movie? Or, picked up a book by your favorite author only to discover this book is a spy novel and not a romantic story or vice versa? Or more seriously, started a new job that did not live up to the company’s sales pitch? We all have times in life when something we have anticipated does not quite match up to our expectations. The same is true for John the Baptist who came to prepare the way for the Messiah to bring God’s judgment and wrath, but then Jesus came humbling preaching about grace and restoration. John had to adjust his expectations to match the reality of God. We all do. This morning we meet Jesus at the Jordan River as he comes to be baptized among a sea of sinful humanity.

Matthew 2:13-23 ~ From the Bottom Up

Text: Matthew 3:13-23
Title: From the Bottom Up
Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

Someone once said Christians claim God came as a baby because no one would be scared of a baby. The Biblical account begs to differ. Immediately, the rulers of the day felt threatened by Jesus and his family find themselves fleeing as refugees to Egypt. Herod driven by the fear of losing his power, uses that power to violently oppress his people. God, having all true power, sets it aside and chooses to stand with the poor and vulnerable of our world. The love of God leads to a setting aside power and instead lifting up and standing with the least of these.

Matthew 2:1-12 ~ The Star Over And of Bethlehem

Text: Matthew 2:1-12
Title: The Star Over and of Bethlehem
Preacher: Rev. Rick VanderWall

We have just celebrated the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. Sometimes the business of the holiday season can take away from the true joy we find in this very significant event. Back when Jesus was born, the times probably were not too much different. But there were some who took the time to stop and see this newborn child. The shepherds and the wise men came and paid a visit to see this “One born king of the Jews.” After reading about the shepherds encounter with the angels we can understand why they would check it out but what prompted the wise men? And what is the significance of their visit? Matthew chapter two may give us some clues as we continue our journey through this book of the Bible.

2019 Sunday School Christmas Program

In our Sunday School Christmas program this year, our students will present a play in which a teacher sends students to different rooms to look at stories of exile: Adam and Eve being sent out of the Garden of Eden, the Israelites enslaved in Egypt, and the Babylonian exile. As they discuss these stories they realize that the Christmas story is the beginning of the great restoration that Adam and Eve looked forward to. In Jesus, God is once again in close relationship to his people. With Christmas he really is “”God with us.”” Join us for a great morning of worship led by our Sunday school students.