Acts 16:6-10 ~ Jesus Never Said: You’ve Missed My Will for Your Life

Text: Acts 16:6-10
Title: Jesus Never Said: You’ve Missed My Will for Your Life
Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

These days it’s easy to see life the way we want to. We can filter our images, pick the news we want to hear, and listen only to the viewpoints that agree with us. When we do that, we start to distort our view of the world. The same thing can happen to our view of God. We reshape our perception of Him into what we want to believe, or what we want to think about others. Jesus came to bring us the truth about God and His plan for us, and it doesn’t always sound like what you may think. While we can worry we have missed God’s plan at times, Jesus continually invites back to the ways of God.

John 8:2-11 ~ You’ll Get What You Deserve

Text: John 8:2-11
Title: Jesus Never Said: You’ll Get What You Deserve
Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

These days it’s easy to see life the way we want to. We can filter our images, pick the news we want to hear, and listen only to the viewpoints that agree with us. When we do that, we start to distort our view of the world. The same thing can happen to our view of God. We reshape our perception of Him into what we want to believe, or what we want to think about others. Jesus came to bring us the truth about God and His plan for us, and it doesn’t always sound like what you may think. While the world tells us people get what is coming to them, Jesus offers both mercy and grace to those who seek him.

Romans 8:18-29 ~ I will Never Give You More than You can Handle

Text: Romans 8:18-29
Title: Jesus Never Said: I Will Never More Than You Can Handle
Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

These days it’s easy to see life the way we want to. We can filter our images, pick the news we want to hear, and listen only to the viewpoints that agree with us. When we do that, we start to distort our view of the world. The same thing can happen to our view of God. We reshape our perception of Him into what we want to believe, or what we want to think about others. Jesus came to bring us the truth about God and His plan for us, and it doesn’t always sound like what you may think. While some have taught God never gives us more than we can handle, scripture reminds us God is with us in the midst of our suffering.

Matthew 28:16-20 ~ Spend All Your Time in Church

Text: Matthew 28:16-20
Title: Jesus Never Said: Spend All Your Time in Church
Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

These days it’s easy to see life the way we want to. We can filter our images, pick the news we want to hear, and listen only to the viewpoints that agree with us. When we do that, we start to distort our view of the world. The same thing can happen to our view of God. We reshape our perception of Him into what we want to believe, or what we want to think about others. Jesus came to bring us the truth about God and His plan for us, and it doesn’t always sound like what you may think. Today we consider where Jesus wants us to spend our time.

Matthew 16:21-28 ~ Jesus Never Said: Do What Makes You Happy

Text: Matthew 16:21-28
Title: Jesus Never Said: Do What Makes You Happy
Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

These days it’s easy to see life the way we want to. We can filter our images, pick the news we want to hear, and listen only to the viewpoints that agree with us. When we do that, we start to distort our view of the world. The same thing can happen to our view of God. We reshape our perception of Him into what we want to believe, or what we want to think about others. Jesus came to bring us the truth about God and His plan for us, and it doesn’t always sound like what you may think. Today we consider if Jesus wants us to pursue happiness or something else.

Matthew 18:21-35 ~ Jesus Never Said: You Don’t Have to Forgive Them

Text: Matthew 18:21-35
Title: Jesus Never Said: You Don’t Have to Forgive Them
Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

These days it’s easy to see life the way we want to. We can filter our images, pick the news we want to hear, and listen only to the viewpoints that agree with us. When we do that, we start to distort our view of the world. The same thing can happen to our view of God. We reshape our perception of Him into what we want to believe, or what we want to think about others. Jesus came to bring us the truth about God and His plan for us, and it doesn’t always sound like what you may think. Today we consider Jesus’ teaching to forgive without exceptions.

Ecclesiastes 5:10-12 ~ Strapped: Wealth, Wisdom and the World

Text: Ecclesiastes 5:10-12
Title: Wealth, Wisdom and the World
Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

Have you ever felt strapped for cash? Like the money can’t quite stretch to cover all the bills? Like you keep working, but you can’t get ahead? We continue a 5 week series looking to God for his wisdom about our money so we can move from being strapped to free. In this final week, recognizing the endless treadmill of finding our identity in our money, achievements and stuff, we seek to root our identity in God and find a new contentment in the simplicity of seeking God’s kingdom.

Matthew 6:19-24 ~ Strapped: #1 Money Myth

Text: Matthew 6:19-24
Title: #1 Money Myth
Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

Have you ever felt strapped for cash? Like the money can’t quite stretch to cover all the bills? Like you keep working, but you can’t get ahead? We continue a 5 week series looking to God for his wisdom about our money so we can move from being strapped to free.This fourth week, we challenge the #1 money myth in our culture. Our money is not our own. We do not have any right to it. God has entrusted his money to us to use for his glory. As we challenge the myth of money ownership, we will encounter the old Christian practice of tithing as a way to break free of the grip money has on many of our hearts.

Daniel 4:28-32 ~ Pride, Poverty, and Gratitude

Text: Daniel 4:28-32
Title: Pride, Poverty, and Gratitude
Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

Have you ever felt strapped for cash? Like the money can’t quite stretch to cover all the bills? Like you keep working, but you can’t get ahead? We continue a 5 week series looking to God for his wisdom about our money so we can move from being strapped to free.This third week, when it comes to money people tend to have one of three attitudes: some people take pride in financial success, others glory in poverty, still others respond to God’s provision and grace with gratitude.

Proverbs 22:7 ~ Breaking the Bondage of Debt

Text: Proverbs 22:7
Title: Breaking the Bondage of Debt
Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

Have you ever felt strapped for cash? Like the money can’t quite stretch to cover all the bills? Like you keep working, but you can’t get ahead? We continue a 5 week series looking to God for his wisdom about our money so we can move from being strapped to free. In this second week, we look to scripture to think carefully about the roll of debt in our lives and how to be free.