2019 Youth Service

Preacher: Mr. Jeremy Zoet
Zion is a place where our youth are encouraged to serve regularly in important ways throughout our church and in worship services. But today, our youth ministry is getting even more involved in leading worship. Various students will be involved in the worship band and the liturgy. Our middle school students have spent time crafting prayers based on pictures they have taken. Our high school students have prepared a skit that summarizes the life of Jesus in less than six minutes. And our Youth Director has prepared a teaching from Luke 4:14-30 when Jesus was rejected in his home town. Our prayer is that you would be encouraged, inspired, and find renewal in your call to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

John 4:1-42 ~ The Fields are Ripe

Text: John 4:1-42
Title: The Fields are Ripe
Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower
This week, we join Jesus at the Samaritan well as he meets a rejected woman and sends her out as a missionary into fields ripe for the harvest. As we look at our church and community through the lens of this story, we are challenged to embrace the vision of our church to saturate our community with the gospel of Jesus Christ by developing Jesus shaped leaders to go out into the field and join the Lord of the Harvest. The fields are ripe. Are we ready or getting ready to join the harvest work?

John 5:1-15 ~ How Would You Answer?

Text: John 5:1-15
Title: How Would You Answer?
Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower
This week we look at the third sign of Jesus as he heals an invalid by the pool of Bethesda. There are so many differences to the reaction of this man to the one from last Sunday. If you look closely at this account there seems to be a number of questions that arise. Then there are questions about questions and well, think about this if you will; If Jesus asked you “Do you want to get well” what would be your answer? What is John’s account of this event trying to tell us?

John 4:43-54 ~ Take Him at His Word

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

While Matthew, Mark, and Luke tell many of the same stories of Jesus, John tells many different stories and in the process give a unique theological view of who Jesus is and how he now calls us to live. We begin our study of John this year by studying the 7 signs of John. The second sign occurs once again in Cana after Jesus returns from celebrating the passover in Jerusalem. The crowds gather looking for signs and wonders in order to believe. But one man comes to Jesus begging for his own sons life and he takes Jesus at his word. Before he sees the sign and wonder, he believes and his boy is healed. We can often be tempted to come to Jesus because of what we can get from him, but even greater things can be done with our lives when we take him at his word.

John 2:1-11 ~ Let the Party Begin

Text: John 2:1-11

Title: Let the Party Begin

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

As we begin a new year, God begins a new thing in Jesus. While Matthew, Mark, and Luke tell many of the same stories of Jesus, John tells many different stories and in the process give a unique theological view of who Jesus is and how he now calls us to live. We begin our study of John this year by studying the 7 signs of John. The first sign occurs at a wedding in Cana. Partway through, disaster occurs. They run out of wine, but Jesus saves the day by turning ritual water into wine. What does it tell us that Jesus’ first miracle was not healing the sick or raising the dead, but turning water into wine? Perhaps Jesus is inviting us to a party we the likes of which we have never seen and letting us know that this time the drinks are on him.

John 1:1-18 ~ God Moves In

Text: John 1:1-18

Title: God Moves In

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower
Just two days before Christmas, we come to the end of John’s prologue today as the word takes on flesh and moves into the neighborhood. In a world where the rich and powerful live in gated communities, safely ensconced in their wealthy ghettos, think for a moment what kind of all powerful God chooses to come and live with the likes of you and me. He comes not even in some earthly palace surrounded by guards and courtiers, but to a poor not-quite married yet couple in a small village in the backwaters of the empire. This God who is so great no one can even see his glory and live, condescends to live among us as a baby and somehow in this humble state shows his true glory. Come let us worship our newborn king!

John 1:1-18 ~ Does God have a Future?

Text: John 1:1-18

Title: Does God have a Future?

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower
In a world filled with war and violence, with oppression and corruption… in a world where more and more people are giving up on even the idea of God, we may be tempted to wonder if God has given up on us. As Karen Armstrong asks in her book The History of God, we may wonder, “Does God have a future?” But John reminds us God has not given up on this world. God has not abandoned it. God sees the darkness, but he sends his son to be the light for everyone. The world may not recognize him, many may not receive him, but this Advent we ask ourselves, “Have we received this word made flesh, the light that is coming, Jesus?”

2018 Sunday School Christmas Program

2018 Sunday School Christmas Program

John 1:1-18 – Meaningful Life

Text: John 1:1-18

Title: Meaningful Life

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower
As a kid, I remember seeing my first 3-D movie poster (not the movie, just the poster) and being amazed as Jaws jumped off the page at men. It seemed so real. Now, you can put on a headset with your phone and play a virtual reality game, putting you in the middle of a combat zone or driving a race car. It’s not quite real, it virtually real. But deep down, something in us longs fro more than the illusion, we long for a real true life. Not a social media life, not a virtual reality life, and not a 3-D poster life, we want the real thing. Then look no further! In John 1, we meet the Word who literally made reality and invites us to experience true life in him.

Daniel 7:1-14 ~ Christ is King

Text: Daniel 7:1-14

Title: Christ is King

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower
Today, the church celebrates the final holiday of the Christian year, Christ the King Sunday. Next Sunday, the year starts over with the first Sunday in Advent when we begin to look forward to the coming of the Savior King. But today, we remember Jesus as the true King of the Universe whose kingdom will have no end. Of course, it doesn’t always feel like Jesus is king. We live in a world filled with violence, corruption, oppression, disease, and death. It is far from the world pictured in either the Garden of Eden or the New Jerusalem of the book fo Revelation. But, though we cannot see it yet, scripture is absolutely clear that Jesus is indeed ruler of the world. In Daniel 7, we are given a brief glimpse into the cosmic struggle between the forces of chaos and evil and the good creator God. This vision ends with one like the son of man enthroned and ruling. We long for that day and until it comes, we work as ambassadors of this heavenly king.