Matthew 6:9-13 ~ How to Pray: Deliver Us

Text: Matthew 6:9-13

Title: How to Pray: Deliver Us

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

Does prayer work? What can we expect from prayer? How do we pray anyway? Have you ever wondered why the disciples never asked Jesus how to preach or perform miracles – and all they asked Him was how to pray? Prayer gives us access to the very throne room of God. In prayer, we are shaped by the Holy Spirit. In prayer, we talk directly with the King of the Universe. Over the next several weeks, we will consider how Jesus taught us to pray in the Lord’s Prayer. In this final week of our study of the Lord’s Prayer, we consider the last request: lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Genesis 2 ~ Faith and Work

Text: Genesis 2:13-, 15

Title: Faith and Work

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

We spend a lot of our lives working, thinking about work, and dreaming of not having to work. Sometimes work can feel like a joy and delight, while others times it can feel like a burden and a never ending treadmill. If we are going to spend so much of our lives working, it seems worth considering what God says about work and how to live not only at home and church, but also at work, for God. On this Labor Day weekend, we consider our faith and our work in light of the gospel.

Matthew 6:9-13 ~ How to Pray: Forgive Our Sins

Text: Matthew 6:9-13

Title: How to Pray: Give Us Bread

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

Does prayer work? What can we expect from prayer? How do we pray anyway? Have you ever wondered why the disciples never asked Jesus how to preach or perform miracles – and all they asked Him was how to pray? Prayer gives us access to the very throne room of God. In prayer, we are shaped by the Holy Spirit. In prayer, we talk directly with the King of the Universe. Over the next several weeks, we will consider how Jesus taught us to pray in the Lord’s Prayer. This week, we consider the fifth of six requests. What does it mean for us to be a people who ask for our sins to be forgiven as we forgive others.

Matthew 6:9-13 ~ How to pray: Give Us Bread

Text: Matthew 6:9-13

Title: How to Pray: Give Us Bread

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

Does prayer work? What can we expect from prayer? How do we pray anyway? Have you ever wondered why the disciples never asked Jesus how to preach or perform miracles – and all they asked Him was how to pray? Prayer gives us access to the very throne room of God. In prayer, we are shaped by the Holy Spirit. In prayer, we talk directly with the King of the Universe. Over the next several weeks, we will consider how Jesus taught us to pray in the Lord’s Prayer. This week, we consider the fourth of six request for bread. What does it mean to pray for bread in a world where some have more than they need and others have empty stomachs.

Matthew 6:9-13 ~ How to Pray: Your Will be Done

Text: Matthew 6:9-13

Title: How to Pray: Your Will be Done

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

Does prayer work? What can we expect from prayer? How do we pray anyway? Have you ever wondered why the disciples never asked Jesus how to preach or perform miracles – and all they asked Him was how to pray? Prayer gives us access to the very throne room of God. In prayer, we are shaped by the Holy Spirit. In prayer, we talk directly with the Kong of the Universe. Over the next several weeks, we will consider how Jesus taught us to pray in the Lord’s Prayer. This week, we consider the third of six request for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Exodus 3:1-12 ~ Calling

Text: Exodus 3:1-12

Title: Calling

Preacher: Mr. Jeremy Zoet

We hear from Pastor Jeremy about the youth mission trips in Holland, MI and Philadelphia, PA this summer. As we hear stories of how God was at work, as we hear what the students were passionate about, you are encouraged to think about what you are passionate about. How might these passions lead to a calling from God? How might Moses’ passions in the beginning of the book of Exodus have lead to his calling from God?

Matthew 6:9-13 ~ How to Pray: Your Kingdom

Text: Matthew 6:9-13

Title: How to Pray: Our Father

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

Does prayer work? What can we expect from prayer? How do we pray anyway? Have you ever wondered why the disciples never asked Jesus how to preach or perform miracles – and all they asked Him was how to pray? Prayer gives us access to the very throne room of God. In prayer, we are shaped by the Holy Spirit. In prayer, we talk directly with the Kong of the Universe. Over the next several weeks, we will consider how Jesus taught us to pray in the Lord’s Prayer. This week, we consider the second of six request for God’s kingdom to come.

Mathew 6:9-13 ~ How to Pray: Our Father

Text: Matthew 6:9-13

Title: How to Pray: Our Father

Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower

Does prayer work? What can we expect from prayer? How do we pray anyway? Have you ever wondered why the disciples never asked Jesus how to preach or perform miracles – and all they asked Him was how to pray? Prayer gives us access to the very throne room of God. In prayer, we are shaped by the Holy Spirit. In prayer, we talk directly with the Kong of the Universe. Over the next several weeks, we will consider how Jesus taught us to pray in the Lord’s Prayer. This week, we consider the first of six request for God’s name to be made holy.

Matthew 25:14-30 ~ Making Change: Tomorrow Matters

Text: Matthew 25:14-30

Title: Making Change: Tomorrow Matters

Preacher: Rev. Rick VanderWall

Do your finances bring you fear or freedom? Whether you’re digging out of debt or planning for your future, now’s the time to build a foundation that endures. Investing in a brighter tomorrow starts by Making Change today. Our lives are too valuable, our calling too great, and our God is too good to waste our lives on meaningless things. We conclude this four part series with some basic  planning strategies as we realize Tomorrow Matters.

2 Corinthians 8:1-15 ~Making Change: Giving Is Good

Text: 2 Corinthians 8:1-15

Title: Making Change: Giving is Good

Preacher: Rev. Rick VanderWall

Do your finances bring you fear or freedom? Whether you’re digging out of debt or planning for your future, now’s the time to build a foundation that endures. Investing in a brighter tomorrow starts by Making Change today. Our lives are too valuable, our calling too great, and our God is too good to waste our lives on meaningless things. Paul’s letter to the Corinthian church teaches us that today, just like then, Giving is Good.