1-12-23 E-News
ZION E-NEWS (1-12-23)
An update on Zion’s Mission Statement and Core Values
Many churches and organizations use a mission statement, vision statement and set of core values. A mission statement tells what we are focused on doing well right now. A vision statement tells what we hope will happen if we are living out our mission. Core values are those key actions that drive and motivate us as we live out our mission.
In a sense, every church mission statement should be based on the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) and the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-39). How we fulfill those is impacted by our location, neighborhood needs, resources and priorities.
In recent years, the mission statement at Zion has been “Growing disciples who make disciples. This came out of a process in 2018 when the leadership discerned mission, vision, branding (the Blue Z), etc… At some point, there was conversation about summarizing our mission with
the phrase “Connecting our neighbors and one another with the God who loves them”. Recently, the staff and consistory considered how these two statements are similar and unique. We have decided, especially in the year ahead, to focus our mission statement with this phrase “Connecting people with the God who loves them.”
As we live out the Great Commission and Great Commandment, we should be connecting people with the God who loves them. This change, along with an affirmation of five core values, will be the mission and values that we promote in the year ahead (they are already listed on our church website so check them out at www.zionreformed.org/about). We will also share these in new member classes and with pastoral candidates.
Looking ahead, the consistory has approved taking a fresh look at our mission and long term vision once a new Lead Pastor is in place. Since the previous visioning process took place in 2018 (pre-pandemic and while Pastor Greg was serving), it makes sense to take a look at it again with new leadership in place (pastoral, staff and Consistory).
For now, you’ll notice the new mission statement in print and online. As a part of this, we still aim to be “Growing disciples who make disciples”. We also aim to connect people to God through evangelism, missions, worship, and through other opportunities we have to point people to Jesus. If you have questions about this change in 2023, let me know. How can you “Connect people with the God who loves them?”
~ Pastor Steve
AS WE GATHER in person for Worship each Sunday at 9:30am the service can also be viewed on our website at zionreformed.online.church and streaming on our YouTube channel. We will also rebroadcast a version of the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 10:30AM on Sunday. The service will continue to be available on YouTube to watch at your convenience.
PRAYER REQUESTS: Pattie Grooters will be donating a kidney on Wednesday, January 18th. Pat and Bern ask for prayers for the surgery and recovery to go well for her and for the transplant recipient. Continue to pray for those in our congregation who deal with ongoing health problems.
ZION KIDS: All kids birth through 5th grade must be signed in at the Zion Kids Check-In Kiosk located in the lobby before the service. All Zion Kids must be picked up by a parent (please bring the corresponding tag to pick up your child) following worship. The nursery will be staffed for kids birth – 3 yrs. Preschoolers meet in room 206. K-2nd graders meet in room 205. 3rd – 5th graders meet in room 207.
ZION LINKS Mini Golf is back! Are you dreaming of those beautiful summer days? Those days where you can be outside playing mini golf? Dream no more! On Saturday, January 28 from 12pm – 3pm we are bringing this outdoor game indoors right here at church. That’s right! Mini golf throughout the church! We will have plenty to eat in the youth room with hotdogs, chips, desserts, and drinks. This is an event for the entire family. Come on out, invite your friends! It’s all fun and completely FREE!
DO YOU like to bake? We are looking for volunteers to make (or purchase) cookies to serve at coffee time after worship. If you would be willing to provide cookies occasionally please call or text Dianne Kooiker at 616-538-3179.
ZION YOUTH: Regular weekly meetings this Sunday.
High School Youth Group (9th-12th grade) meets every Sunday (unless otherwise noted) from 4 – 5:30 pm.
Middle School Youth Group (6th-8th grade) meets every Sunday (unless otherwise noted) from 5:45 – 7:15 pm.
PAYMENT for the following events are due on Sunday, January 15:
Middle School Winter Retreat #3 $100.00
Middle School Mission Trip #2 $50.00
High School Winter Retreat #3 $100.00
High School Mission Trip #1 $100.00
HAND2HAND will be packing food bags this Sunday following morning worship. If you would like to help pack (it’s easy and it’s fun) head downstairs after worship and they will show you how!
DONATIONS of the following items (full size – not travel size) are needed for the Personal Care Pantry and can be placed in the box in the narthex marked “pantry donations”. Laundry Soap, Bar Soap, Dish Soap, Disposable Razors, Shampoo, Conditioner, Toothpaste, Paper grocery bags, Deoderant, Tampons, Maxi Pads, Paper towels (1 or 2 pack) and Toilet paper (1-4 pack).
HAND2HAND could use donations of the following food: Snack Pack / Jello pudding cups, bags of cracker or snack cracker packs,rice krispie treats (prepackaged), granola bars, slim jim beef snack sticks, fruit snacks, and microwave popcorn.
IF YOU need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Jerrod Holzgen, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is Jholzgen@yahoo.com and his phone number is 616-520-1771.
We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.
Fiscal Year 2022/23 Budget: $328,357.44
Fiscal Year 2022/23 Contributions: $344,194.71
Giving Last Week: $11,583.40
Love Offering for The Bridge: $1,796.00
Special Christmas Eve E-News Devotional
In light of our decision to cancel tonight’s service due to the blizzard warning and dangerous road conditions, we wanted to offer something on this Christmas weekend for you to use to ponder the gift of our Savior. We encourage you to use it this weekend on your own or with others.
1. Read the following scripture passages:
Luke 2:1-20
Matthew 1:18-25
2. Watch the following Christmas video from the series called “The Chosen” (21 min.):
Consider or discuss with others:
a. What do you think it was like for the shepherds (dirty, smelly and considered lower class) to be some of the first to know through the majestic angel visit?
b. How were Mary and Joseph faithful to God despite hardship?
c. In the video, the shepherds said “People must know”. How can you help share the good news of Jesus with others? Who can you tell?
d. Read Isaiah 9:6-7. How do you need to experience that from the Savior today?
e. The video ends with “Have you found a spotless lamb for sacrifice?” Ponder what it means for Jesus to be the spotless lamb.
3. Spend time in prayer: thanking God for sending Jesus the Savior, praying for those you know who need to find hope and salvation through Christ, and lifting up any hurts, fears or struggles to Him.
(Note: The Chosen series is available for free on https://www.angel.com/watch/the-chosen and is also available through Amazon Prime. Two full seasons have been released and there is another Christmas video available through the website at the end of season 2. My family has recently started watching these and have found them inspiring and helpful for reflecting on the work of Christ)
Merry Christmas,
Pastor Steve
E-News 12-15-22
Zion E-News (12-15-2022)
Recently I had the opportunity to go and hear the GR Symphony orchestra practice for their upcoming Christmas Pops concert. It was their “Dress Rehearsal” so we got to hear a couple of the songs more than once. It was really cool to listen in and enjoy those songs we’ve come to know as Christmas songs. The GR Choir was also there and they sounded great as well. The closing number was the Hallelujah Chorus. That one always brings a smile to my face.
The Christmas season is here and usually what comes along with it is the busyness of making sure everything is just right. From present buying to family gatherings, generally centered around food, there are all kinds of emotions we tend to deal with. Stress, anxiety, excitement, and joy are just a few of those emotions. Usually the excitement and joy are seen in young children as they marvel at all the lights, decorations, and presents that all of a sudden seem to appear under the tree. You can’t help but smile seeing those little faces light up.
This time of year brings out a lot of different things in people. But, not always what we think. The holidays are also a reminder of what has happened in the past. Those memories can be the source of joy we look for or the tears of times gone by. Loved ones that are no longer with us. The holidays can be exceptionally hard for some.
I was visiting one of our shut-in’s and we reminisced about all the fun things we could remember and shared some of those. It brought some smiles and laughter but it also brought back those memories of the things they use to do to prepare for this time of year. Something as simple as the joy of going out and getting gifts is no longer possible. The bigger issues are, of course, the fact that loved ones are no longer here to share in the festivities. This is true for my wife and I as well as we deal with the loss of my dad just a couple of months ago. With all of our parents now gone, we are the parents and grandparents that our family looks to. That’s a bit of an eye opener.
All that being said, I think it’s a great time to re-look at the holiday season, Christmas in particular. With all that’s going on, the real reason for Christmas can sometimes be pushed back or somewhat forgotten. The true joy of the season can be rediscovered though. “For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6. I know. We have heard that verse so many times we tend to gloss over it. But take the time to really ponder that. Jesus Christ is everything we need any time of the year. He came into the world for one purpose. So that we can have hope. We can have eternity with Him and with our loved ones.
Let me finish with this blessing for you found in Jude. “Now unto him who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen.” Take the time to ponder that as well. “To present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.” Now, that’s a gift and the true joy of the season.
~Pastor Rick
Connect to God
AS WE GATHER in person for Worship each Sunday at 9:30am the service can also be viewed on our website at zionreformed.online.church and streaming on our YouTube channel. We will also rebroadcast a version of the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 10:30AM on Sunday. The service will continue to be available on YouTube to watch at your convenience.
CHRISTMAS EVE Candlelight Service: Join us at 6:30PM on Christmas Eve for a Candlelight Service to celebrate the birth of our Savior. In place of individual candles, we are trying something different his year – glowsticks! No messy wax, no burnt hands, and a take home that kids will enjoy! At the close of the service, we’ll form a large circle around the sanctuary and watch the light pass around the room. We hope to see you there. Invite a family member or friend. Note: We will not have a service on Sunday morning, December 25. Unable to attend on Christmas Eve? A link to the video recording from Christmas Eve will be available on our website if you want to watch it on Christmas Day (or anytime after).
ADVENT DEVOTIONAL: Words Of Hope has made available a Advent Devotional for the month of December. The Waiting With Joy Advent Calendar comes as two versions: an adult devotional and a young families devotional! Along with the daily devotional, there are craft ideas, daily activities, countdown cards, and a calendar. All materials are available to download and print at https://www.woh.org/adventcalendar/ .
Grow in Community
PRAYER REQUESTS: Continue to pray for those in our congregation who are dealing with ongoing health problems.
ZION KIDS: All kids birth through 5th grade must be signed in at the Zion Kids Check-In Kiosk located in the lobby before the service. All Zion Kids must be picked up by a parent (please bring the corresponding tag to pick up your child) following worship. The nursery will be staffed for kids birth – 3 yrs. Preschoolers meet in room 206. K-2nd graders meet in room 205. 3rd – 5th graders meet in room 207.
ZION KIDS LEADERS MEETING: Jan 8th following morning worship service. All Zion Kids teachers and helpers are asked to attend. Meet in youth room.
CHRISTMAS CARD DELIVERY SERVICE: The Middle School Youth are offering a holiday card delivery service! Now through Christmas Eve, you can place your cards in the big post office box in the narthex and the youth will sort them and place them in the appropriate church mailbox. In exchange for this service, we ask that you make a donation to the Jr. High Youth to help support their summer mission trip. There is a jar on top of the post office box that you can place your donation in. Thank You!
DO YOU like to bake? We are looking for volunteers to make (or purchase) cookies to serve at coffee time after worship. If you would be willing to provide cookies occasionally please call or text Dianne Kooiker at 616-538-3179.
Serve the World
DONATIONS of the following items (full size – not travel size) are needed for the Personal Care Pantry and can be placed in the box in the narthex marked “pantry donations”. Laundry Soap, Bar Soap, Dish Soap, Disposable Razors, Shampoo, Conditioner, Toothpaste, Paper Grocery Bags,, Deodorant, Tampons, Maxi Pads , Paper towels (1 or 2 pack) and Toilet paper (1-4 pack).
HAND2HAND could use donations of the following food: Snack Pack / Jello pudding cups, bags of cracker or snack cracker packs,rice krispie treats (prepackaged), granola bars, slim jim beef snack sticks, fruit snacks, and microwave popcorn.
IF YOU need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Jerrod Holzgen, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is Jholzgen@yahoo.com and his phone number is 616-520-1771.
We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.
Fiscal Year 2022/23 Budget: $287,312.76
Fiscal Year 2022/23 Contributions: $268,362.91
Giving Last Week: $16,656.95
Thanksgiving Offering Total: $10,779.95
12-1-22 E-News
Zion E-News (12-1-2022)
If you were at Zion this past Sunday or watched online, you noticed the decorations, sang Christmas songs and saw the lighting of the first Advent wreath candle. Advent is here! The season of Advent encompasses the four Sundays and weeks leading up to Christmas. The Advent season is a time to prepare our hearts and minds for celebrating the birth of Jesus. It’s also a reminder that we look forward to and must be ready for the second coming of Jesus.
Each year during Advent we light candles in worship to mark the progression toward the birth of Christ. Each week during Advent a new candle is lit until all the candles burn on Christmas Eve. The Advent wreath’s circular shape symbolizes God’s constant and unchanging nature. On Christmas Eve, the center Christ candle is lit to symbolize that Christ, the light of the world, has arrived.
When I was a kid, we would make green and red paper chains at school and tear off a link each day. Some people cross of the days on a calendar to count down the days until Christmas. Now, you can purchase an array of Advent calendars with a variety of items such as chocolate candy, Legos or coffee. Each approach can help us focus on the countdown to celebrating Christ’s birth.
As we wait, may our priorities and focus be on the amazing gift of Jesus and the promise of his second coming. In a season that can be busy, distracting and stressful – how will you prepare your heart and ponder the gift of a Savior?
~ Pastor Steve
Connect to God
AS GATHER in person for Worship each Sunday at 9:30am the service can also be viewed on our website at zionreformed.online.church and streaming on our YouTube channel. We will also rebroadcast a version of the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 10:30AM on Sunday. The service will continue to be available on YouTube to watch at your convenience.
CHRISTMAS EVE Candlelight Service: Join us at 6:30PM on Christmas Eve for a Candlelight Service to celebrate the birth of our Savior. (Note: We will not have a service on Sunday morning, December 25.)
ADVENT DEVOTIONAL: Words Of Hope has made available a Advent Devotional for the month of December. The Waiting With Joy Advent Calendar comes as two versions: an adult devotional and a young families devotional! Along with the daily devotional, there are craft ideas, daily activities, countdown cards, and a calendar. All materials are available to download and print at https://www.woh.org/adventcalendar/ Children in Sunday School will come home with a hard copy of the young families booklet today. There are hard copies of the adult devotions available on the tables in the back of the narthex for those without internet access.
Grow in Community
Exploring Membership Seminar: Are you interested in learning more about membership at Zion Reformed Church? We are gauging interest and hope to offer a seminar after worship in January for those who would like to learn about Zion Reformed, profession of faith, transfer of membership to Zion, or reaffirmation of faith. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Connie in the church office at cstegeman@zionreformed.org so we can follow up with the date and details.
PRAYER REQUESTS: Continue to pray for those in our congregation who are dealing with ongoing health problems.
WE EXPRESS our sympathy to Bob Barr and Mark and Kim Steenbergen in the passing of their wife/mother, Harriet Baar. Harriet went to be with her Lord on Monday, November 28. A Memorial Service will be held at Zion on Thursday, December 8 at 7PM with visitation from 5-7PM also at Zion. Please pray for peace and comfort for them and their family during this difficult time.
ZION WOMEN: If you’re interested in getting to know other women at church or simply reconnecting after 2 years of limited activities, join us for a fun night of games and food on December 14 at 6PM! Nancy Steenbergen will be bringing back a classic by leading us in Bunco (an easy group dice rolling game). Don’t know how to play? No problem we will teach you! To RSVP, sign up on the sheet outside the office or text Haley Stone at (616) 916-6698 by December 10th. Please bring an appetizer to share! Can’t wait!
DURING THIS Christmas season we want to bless and encourage those from Zion who are not able to join us in person for worship. We encourage you to write Christmas Cards to the individuals listed below and place them in the basket labeled Christmas Cards located in the back of the sanctuary. Cards must be received by December 11 so that we can get them delivered.
Harv & Harriet Berens
Betty DeVries
Cornie VanderZouwen
Gary Osterink
Kay Sikkema
Bob Retsema
Margaret Goodman
Erma VanHaitsma
Margy Ribbens
Willis Kuiper
Roger Beute
CHRISTMAS CAROLING: December 11 at 3:30 pm (until around 5:30 or 6:00 pm) we are going Christmas Caroling. All ages are invited. In fact, one of the purposes of this activity is to connect multi-generationally. We will be caroling at the homes of some Zion members who are physically unable attend in person worship and then returning to Zion for Hot Chocolate and cookies.
ZION KIDS: All kids birth through 5th grade must be signed in at the Zion Kids Check-In Kiosk located in the lobby before the service. All Zion Kids must be picked up by a parent (please bring the corresponding tag to pick up your child) following worship. The nursery will be staffed for kids birth – 3 yrs. Preschoolers meet in room 206. K-2nd graders meet in room 205. 3rd – 5th graders meet in room 207.
ZION KIDS: Christmas program practice will be held on 12/4. Kids will meet in room 205 for 30 minutes following the worship service. A dress rehearsal will be held on Saturday, Dec. 10. 9:00am-10:30am and the program will be on Sunday, December 11 at 9:30am.
CHRISTMAS CARD DELIVERY SERVICE: The Middle School Youth are offering a holiday card delivery service! Now through Christmas Eve, you can place your cards in the big post office box in the narthex and the youth will sort them and place them in the appropriate church mailbox. In exchange for this service, we ask that you make a donation to the Jr. High Youth to help support their summer mission trip. There is a jar on top of the post office box that you can place your donation in. Thank You!
Serve the World
THANK YOU to all who contributed to our Thanksgiving Collection! We collected 104 toothbrushes, 98 tubes of toothpaste, 47 Cookie Mixes, and 43 Frostings. Thanks for generosity and for making someone else’s Christmas a little bit brighter!
DONATIONS of the following items (full size – not travel size) are needed for the Personal Care Pantry and can be placed in the box in the narthex marked “pantry donations”. Laundry Soap, Bar Soap, Dish Soap, Disposable Razors, Shampoo, Conditioner, Toothpaste, Paper Grocery Bags,, Deodorant, Tampons, Maxi Pads , Paper towels (1 or 2 pack) and Toilet paper (1-4 pack).
HAND2HAND could use donations of the following food: Snack Pack / Jello pudding cups, bags of cracker or snack cracker packs,rice krispie treats (prepackaged), granola bars, slim jim beef snack sticks, fruit snacks, and microwave popcorn.
IF YOU need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Jerrod Holzgen, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is Jholzgen@yahoo.com and his phone number is 616-520-1771.
We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.
Fiscal Year 2022/23 Budget: $266,790.42
Fiscal Year 2022/23 Contributions: $235,730.01
Giving Last Week: $10,264.95
Thanksgiving Offering $8,479.95