This Week’s Bulletin

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9-4-22 Bulletin

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8-14-22 Bulletin

This Week’s Bulletin

8-7-22 Bulletin

Camp Zion 2022 – Week 6

Hello Camp Zion Families,
Here we are at week 6, our final week of camp for the 2022 season.  How did it get here so fast?

Two important things about this week:
1.)  MONDAY: Ms. Rachel will be out of the office.  Our Camp Zion Teen Staff have been put in charge and have planned a fun day for your kids. I think they are all kind of excited to run the show with our volunteer crew and really put all those leadership skills they have learned this summer to use.  I am still available via text or email should you need something and there are other church staff members onsite and available as well.

2.) THURSDAY:  CAMP ZION PICNIC LUNCH.  12-12:30PM.  We are having our end of summer CZ picnic on Thursday immediately after camp.  Pick up time will be at 12:30 on Thursday so our campers and staff can have a little extra time to eat and visit together.  Your kids have worked hard reading all last week on order to earn this pizza party for themselves.
If you still need to pick up your children at 12pm – then park in the lot by Door A. Press the doorbell at Door A and our church secretary can buzz you in, then we can get your child signed out.

Here is what’s coming up for week 6.

Week 6 (Aug 1-4) Woodlands Week.

  • Monday:  Teen Staff Day.
  • Tuesday:  Fieldtrip: Hagar Park
  • Wednesday:  Candy Bar Shoot Out.
  • Thursday:  Water fun & the Camp Zion picnic.  Pick up @ 12:30pm. Wear your swim suits & bring your towel.

Have a wonderful day,

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