Zion E-News (1-14-2021)

I have a short story to share.

A week or so ago, a member of our church called to talk to me about a person that had met recently. This person had cancer, working a low wage job, and their life was simply overwhelming. Finances were rough. But, this Zion member had a heart moved with compassion so they called me to talk through how they could help. We talked about local resources like UCOM and Love, INC. They called Tom Boeve with our Personal Care Pantry and went grocery shopping themselves. And then they simply dropped off the food and other items to the family. Later, they received a very gracious and appreciative text from the family.

I don’t tell this story because it is an earth shattering event, but simply because this is what following Jesus looks like for most of us: simple obedience, care for others, generosity to those in need, and loving our neighbors. It won’t make the 6 o’clock news or receive much fanfare, but this is what it means to be the church. We run programs like the Personal Care Pantry and Hand2Hand as ways to do these acts of love as a community, but the goal is not programs to serve people. But for us to be people who naturally respond in love to those in need.

May we all become each day people who live just a little more like Jesus.


Connect to God
This Sunday we will gather in person at 9 am and  online at 9 and 11 am. You can find the services either on our Facebook page or at zionreformed.online.church. We will also rebroadcast the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 4pm next Sunday.

We all have goals, plans, hopes, and dreams for our future. Things we want to start—or maybe stop—doing. But how do we get there? In this series to start the new year, we will explore some spiritual and practical steps you can take to become the person you want to be in five years. This week, we look consider the power of small things,  mustard seed sized acts, when empowered by God to bear fruit in our lives and world.

Grow in Community
Steve Landstra is at home after experience several blog clots in his longs lats week. He is doing well and anticipating a full recovery.

Merle Ezinga is home from the hospital recovery from a fall earlier this week and doing well.

Our book discussion the Color of Compromise will be meeting on Mondays at 6 pm beginning this week. If you are interested in thinking together about racial divisions in our culture and the role of the church, this would be a great place to be a part of that conversation. If you are interested in this book discussion, please contact Sheila at sheilaj2494@yahoo.com.

Would your child like to go to camp next summer?  Our church offers a 50% off scholarship to any church member who would like to send their child to camp. Many kids from our church have gone in the past, and it’s been a great experience for them, and they’ve grown in their faith. Camp Geneva is a Reformed church camp on the shores of Lake Michigan. They offer day camps for kids going into 1st-4th grade, and overnight camps for kids going into 3rd grade through High School. You can check out their website here.   Please contact Connie Stegeman, our church secretary, or Children Ministry Director Rachel Brower for the discount code that you’ll need for your registration.

You can still join us in reading through the New Testament over the next year. We are encouraging everyone to use the Through the Word app on Apple or Android devices. Today, we started the book of Mark. If you have not joined us yet, now is a great time to start. Simply read one chapter a day Monday through Friday.

The reading schedule for this week coming is below:
Monday: Mark 8
Tuesday: Mark 9
Wednesday: Mark 10
Thursday: Mark 11
Friday: Mark 12

You can also find the reading schedule on our website under the Ministries tab.

Serve the World
We had a great first week in our Kids Hope partnership with Bursley Elementary. We had 4 mentors meet with students and from all I have heard they had a great time. Please pray for our mentors and students that these relationships might help the students experience the love God has for them.

If you need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Chip Harkes, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is chip@harkeslandscape.com and his phone number is 616-299-4804.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year to Date Budget:  $336,200.96
Fiscal Year to Date Contribution: $328,197.17
Giving Last Week: $9,818.70

Zion E-News (1-7-2021)

I am sad today. Heartbroken. And unsure what to say.

I was not shocked, horrified, or surprised by the events in our Capitol yesterday. I have been worried about and praying against such violence since the election and my concern had only grown in the past few weeks.

I know in our congregation there are diverse responses to the events of yesterday. In a politically polarized society it is hard for almost all of us to see an event without first translating it through our political lens to ensure “our guys” are the good guys. I have no desire to argue with people about their political opinions. You can have whatever concerns about the election you may or may not have. I am not going to try to convince you otherwise. I am not a politician for a reason. In light of eternity, politics is not very important. But the kingdom of God is.

I am a pastor and my job is to help us learn to view the world through the lens of scripture and to engage the world as followers of Jesus. Therefore, I am heartbroken today because the name of Jesus was tied to violence, anger, and hatred yesterday. Crosses were set up by protestors. A Christian flag was brought into the Capitol. Through the actions of protestors, the Jesus who taught us to love our enemies, to pray for those who persecute us, to speak the truth, to not speak an angry word against another was tied to angry vitriol, noose hanging, window breaking, and bomb setting.

Friends, God has no chosen nation, only a chosen people that reside in every nation on earth, the church. Our primary citizenship is not in the US, but in the kingdom of God. We are not in a war for the soul of our nation. We are envoys sent by God to tell the world of his love, mercy, and justice. God already won the war through Jesus. We only need to show our neighbors there is something better for them than the divisions, fear, anger and anxiety of our world. That witness was damaged yesterday and it breaks my heart. We, the church in America, need to repent of our idolatry of politics, parties, and our nation and come back to our first love, Jesus.

I invite you to join me in praying a prayer I posted yesterday from the Worship Book, 1970:
God of ages, eternal One: in your sight nations rise and fall, and pass through times of peril. Now when our land is troubled, be near to judge and save. May leaders be led by your wisdom; may they search your will and see it clearly. If we have turned from your way, reverse our ways and help us to repent. Give us your light and your truth; let them guide us; through Jesus Christ who is the light of this world and our savior. Amen

By his grace,


Connect to God
This Sunday we will gather online at 9 and 11 am. You can find the services either on our Facebook page or at zionreformed.online.church. We will also rebroadcast the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 4pm next Sunday.

We all have goals, plans, hopes, and dreams for our future. Things we want to start—or maybe stop—doing. But how do we get there? In this series to start the new year, we will explore some spiritual and practical steps you can take to become the person you want to be in five years. This week, we look to the story of Elisha to see how God can work in the decisive and the small acts of obedience.

Grow in Community
Our book discussion the Color of Compromise is hoping to begin meeting on January 18 at 7 pm. If you are interested in thinking together about racial divisions in our culture and the role of the church, this would be a great place to be a part of that conversation. If you are interested in this book discussion, please contact Sheila at sheilaj2494@yahoo.com.

Would your child like to go to camp next summer?  Our church offers a 50% off scholarship to any church member who would like to send their child to camp. Many kids from our church have gone in the past, and it’s been a great experience for them, and they’ve grown in their faith. Camp Geneva is a Reformed church camp on the shores of Lake Michigan. They offer day camps for kids going into 1st-4th grade, and overnight camps for kids going into 3rd grade through High School. You can check out their website here.   Please contact Connie Stegeman, our church secretary, or Children Ministry Director Rachel Brower for the discount code that you’ll need for your registration.

You can still join us in reading through the New Testament over the next year. We are encouraging everyone to use the Through the Word app on Apple or Android devices. Today, we started the book of Mark. If you have not joined us yet, now is a great time to start. Simply read one chapter a day Monday through Friday.

The reading schedule for this week coming is below:
Monday: Mark 3
Tuesday: Mark 4
Wednesday: Mark 5
Thursday: Mark 6
Friday: Mark 7

You can also find the reading schedule on our website under the Ministries tab.

Serve the World
We received word this week that our Kids Hope mentoring partnership with Bursley Elementary can officially begin next week. Please be in prayer for all those mentoring students as these new relationships are build.

For our Christmas Eve service, we held a special offering to support the Interfaith Hospitality Network. which provides housing and support to families facing a housing crisis in partnership with local churches. I am overwhelmed by your generous support. You gave $6,100 on Christmas Eve to support this ministry. Thank you!

If you need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Chip Harkes, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is chip@harkeslandscape.com and his phone number is 616-299-4804.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year to Date Budget:  $325,694.68
Fiscal Year to Date Contribution: $318,378.47
Giving Last Week: $7,280.12

Zion E-News (12-23-2020)

At lunch today, one of my kids quoted an old Vine. The Vine shows someone reading the ingredients of chicken broth and deciding it must be very healthy food. They say, “Chicken broth is so healthy. It has zero trans fat and OMG cholesterol.” Obviously, the should have read that is had zero milligrams of cholesterol and not the acronym my grandmother would rightly say was sputtin’. (I think that is some form of a Dutch would meaning disrespectful to God. I learned as a child that singing the song Amazing Grace to the tune of the Gilligan’s Island theme song is also sputtin’.)

What struck me in this vine is that someone could get almost all the letters right and still completely misunderstand what they read. In the same way, we can know the Christmas story, decorate our trees, wrap the presents, bake the cookies, go to Christmas Eve services and still miss the point of the story.

Christmas at its core is not about Santa or family time or presents or parties, it is the simple recognition that the God of the universe, out of pure love for us, has chosen to live with us, become one of us, and make clear for all to see that God is for us and not against us.

May we hear and believe this good news again this Christmas,

– Greg

Connect to God
This Sunday we will gather online at 9 and 11 am. You can find the services either on our Facebook page or at zionreformed.online.church. We will also rebroadcast the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 4pm next Sunday.

Sometimes things just don’t go as planned. This year is a great example of that. Now, we are at the end of this year. Most of us are ok with this change to a new year, but at the same time wondering, maybe quietly, what will next year be like? This morning, as we anticipate a New Year just around the corner, we look to Psalm 57 to remind us God IS still in control.

Christmas Eve is tomorrow. As your family celebrates Christmas this year, plan on joining us for our Christmas Eve worship service at either 4:00, 6:30 or 9:00 pm on Christmas Eve. The service will include a reading of the Christmas story for kids, some classic Christmas carols, and a message about the certainty of our God in uncertain times. Join us at zionreformed.online.church to start your Christmas celebration focused on our savior.

Grow in Community
Harv Berens was admitted to the hospital last week due to a hemorrhaging on his brain. He has had a couple of procedures and is beginning to recover.

Shelly Fahner had a stroke on Sunday afternoon and was able to return home last night. To quote her doctor, we give thanks to God for her miraculous recovery so far.

Mason Hart has been experiencing a recurrence of Crohn’s Disease and will be undergoing some tests over break to determine any next steps in treatment.

Marian Payne continues to deal with significant back pain after a recent fall. She is hoping to meet with a specialist on Monday to begin putting a plan in place to deal with the pain.

You can still join us in reading through the New Testament over the next year. We are encouraging everyone to use the Through the Word app on Apple or Android devices. This app not only has the scripture readings, but also a 9-10 minute teaching on the passage of the day. This could be a great way for our Discipleship Triads to study together or for a small group or family to do devotions together. If you are unsure how to install the app, we have made a short instructional video to show you how to do so on an iPhone. You can find that video here.

The reading schedule for this week is below:
Monday: Matthew 21
Tuesday: Matthew 22
Wednesday: Matthew 23
Thursday: Matthew 24
Friday: Matthew 25

You can also find the reading schedule on our website under the Ministries tab.

Beginning in January, Sheila Johnson will be leading a book discussion on the book The Color of Compromise by Jemar Tisby. If you are interested in thinking together about racial divisions in our culture and the role of the church, this would be a great place to be a part of that conversation. If you are interested in this book discussion, please contact Sheila at sheilaj2494@yahoo.com.

Serve the World
Many of you may have seen news stories about the rising homelessness issue in our Grand Rapids community. This year for our Christmas Eve Service we will be holding a special offering to support the Interfaith Hospitality Network. The IHN provides children and their families with shelter, basics needs, and assistance in finding housing. Unlike many homeless shelters, dads and older boys are able to stay with the rest of the family which is so important in maintaining the strength of their family unit. 90% of the families they serve find housing and 85% are still housed two years later. If you are able, we encourage you to give to this important work in our community at this time.

If you need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Chip Harkes, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is chip@harkeslandscape.com and his phone number is 616-299-4804.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year to Date Budget:  $304,681.12
Fiscal Year to Date Contribution: $292,163.35
Giving Last Week: $14,168.00

Zion E-News (12-17-2020)

This has been an atypical year for many of us, but for me at least, one thing stayed constant. I read a lot of great books. I think between my Kindle, free ebooks, and physical books, I read close to 30 books this year.

This year, I made a point to read a wider range of authors so my list includes a few women, several people of color, an Australian, and some favorites of mine like Chuck DeGroat at Western Theological Seminary and Ed Stetzer at Wheaton College. Some of my top ten books I found myself nodding along in agreement, others challenged me to see things from a new perspective, and others presented views that I am still considering what I agree with and what I may want to discard. For me, at least, the goal of reading is not to confirm my current beliefs, but to challenge and explore what I think I know to see where I may need to grow, change, or reconsider in light of scripture or others expertise. (For example, I know nothing about rocket science, but I learned a ton about leading in unknown circumstances from a book about how rocket scientist think.)

So without further ado, following are the “top” ten books I read in 2020, in no particular order:

  1. The Color of Compromise by Jemar Tisby – Tisby in this sweeping books highlights the many ways the church has compromised to the gospel to support slavery, segregation, and white supremacists views throughout our nations history. This was a really hard book to read.
  2. Jesus and John Wayne by Kristin Kobes Du Mez – Du Mez is a professor at Calvin University and in this survey of 75 years of evangelical history she highlights choices made that, from her view, have compromised out witness in the world. I read this book in a week and have been troubled by it as I continue to process the insights she brought to evangelical history.
  3. Get Out of Your Head by Jennie Allen – Allen is the founder of the IF gatherings and is a delightful writer. She is very influential among many women and brings great insight into how we can better manage our thought life.
  4. Leadership for a Time of Pandemic by Tod Bolsinger – Bolsinger, from Fuller Seminary, has written some really impactful books on leading the church in a changed culture and this little book spoke to the importance of prayer, reflection, experimentation, and community during the upheaval of the pandemic.
  5. Reading While Black by Esau McCaulley – I realized recently that I mostly read commentaries written from a white European perspective and so read this great introduction to how the black American church reads scripture. It was really well worth every minute of my time.
  6. Reframation by Alan Hirsch and Mark Newell – Hirsch is a “futurist” of the church and in his latest book urges the church to rethink how we think about church.
  7. Think Like a Rocket Scientist by Ozan Varol – Varol shares lots of fascinating stories about leading change and designing new things.
  8. Fierce Free Fire by Jen Hatmaker – Hatmaker is just really very funny and I can’t remember much about this book except how much I enjoyed reading it back in April. I think I stole some stories to use as sermon illustrations early in the pandemic.
  9. When Narcissism Comes to Church by Chuck DeGroat – DeGroat wrote a fascinating book on how church culture can draw narcissists into pastoral leadership and even reward them for their narcissism. I have often joked that you have to be a bit of a narcissist to be a preacher and think God has a message to give your congregation each week through you. Apparently, a lot of pastors are narcissists and so it’s not much of a joke, just a sad reality.
  10. Christians in an Age of Outrage by Ed Stetzer – I have read this book three times now, twice this year. It remains for me an insightful and timely book about the anger and division of our present culture and how as Christians we can respond in ways that put the focus back on the gospel.

What books have influenced you this year?

– Greg

Connect to God
This Sunday we will gather online at 9 and 11 am. You can find the services either on our Facebook page or at zionreformed.online.church. We will also rebroadcast the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 4pm next Sunday.

Most of us are familiar with the events of the first Christmas, The manger, The shepherd watching sheep. The angels singing. The wise men. The little baby wrapped in cloths lying in the manner. But what if this birth is not just any birth, but the one event on which all of history turns and that can transform our lives. Join us this advent season as we meet Jesus who comes to us as the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. This week, we meet Jesus who comes to us as the true Prince of Peace.

Christmas is just around the corner. As your family celebrates Christmas this year, plan on joining us for our Christmas Eve worship service at 4:00, 6:30 and 9:00 pm on Christmas Eve. The service will include a reading of the Christmas story for kids, some classic Christmas carols, and a message about the certainty of our God in uncertain times. Join us at zionreformed.online.church to start your Christmas celebration focused on the our savior.

Grow in Community
Harv Berens was admitted to the hospital last night due to a hemorrhaging on his brain. They are hoping to have surgery on Friday or Saturday to relieve pressure. Please keep both Harv and Harriet in your prayers as they are apart during this time due to the hospital Covid policies. Prayers for healing, comfort, and hope are greatly appreciated.

You can still join us in reading through the New Testament over the next year. We are encouraging everyone to use the Through the Word app on Apple or Android devices. This app not only has the scripture readings, but also a 9-10 minute teaching on the passage of the day. This could be a great way for our Discipleship Triads to study together or for a small group or family to do devotions together. If you are unsure how to install the app, we have made a short instructional video to show you how to do so on an iPhone. You can find that video here.

The reading schedule for this week is below:
Monday: Matthew 16
Tuesday: Matthew 17
Wednesday: Matthew 18
Thursday: Matthew 19
Friday: Matthew 20

You can also find the reading schedule on our website under the Ministries tab.

Beginning in January, Sheila Johnson will be leading a book discussion on the book The Color of Compromise by Jemar Tisby. If you are interested in thinking together about racial divisions in our culture and the role of the church, this would be a great place to be a part of that conversation. If you are interested in this book discussion, please contact Sheila at sheilaj2494@yahoo.com.

Serve the World
Many of you may have seen news stories about the rising homelessness issue in our Grand Rapids community. This year for our Christmas Eve Service we will be holding a special offing to support the Interfaith Hospitality Network. The IHN provides children and their families with shelter, basics needs, and assistance in finding housing. Unlike many homeless shelters, dads and older boys are able to stay with the rest of the family which is so important in maintaining the strength of their family unit. 90% of the families they serve find housing and 85% are still housed two years later. If you are able, we encourage you to give to this important work in our community at this time.

If you need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Chip Harkes, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is chip@harkeslandscape.com and his phone number is 616-299-4804.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year to Date Budget:  $294,175.84
Fiscal Year to Date Contribution: $277,995.35
Giving Last Week: $25,487.00

Zion E-News (12-10-2020)

If you are reading through the New Testament with us this year, you read Matthew 9 this morning. This chapter ends with a call from Jesus to pray for workers for the harvest is plentiful in Matthew 9:36. And then I came across this article from Christianity Today that considers how the church ought to respond when the culture turns away from church and regular church attendance. And then, last week, in a book our staff is reading together, the author pointed out that in a recent survey, more Christians have prayed to win the lottery than are regularly playing for people far from God to come to know God.

Our culture is shifting away from church, Jesus says to pray for workers for the harvest, and more of Christians pray to win the lottery than to see people come to know Jesus. Something needs to change in us. We need hearts for the harvest, the attitude of a missionary, and a genuine love for our neighbors who don’t yet know personally the love of our God.

Will you join me this week in praying each day at 9:36 am and/or pm each day that God would raise up workers for the harvest?

– Greg

Connect to God
This Sunday we will gather online at 9 and 11 am. You can find the services either on our Facebook page or at zionreformed.online.church. We will also rebroadcast the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 4pm next Sunday.

We have a great service planned for this Sunday. Our kids in 3rd through 5th grade will be leading us in a retelling of the Christmas story. Our younger kids and their parents will be reading Luke 2. And, Harlow Boeskool will be singing with our praise team. While our annual Christmas program does not look quite like it normally does, it will be a great opportunity to both encourage your children and come in wonder again to the manager of our king.

Most of us are familiar with the events of the first Christmas, The manger, The shepherd watching sheep. The angels singing. The wise men. The little baby wrapped in cloths lying in the manner. But what if this birth is not just any birth, but the one event on which all of history turns and that can transform our lives. Join us this advent season as we meet Jesus who comes to us as the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. This week, we meet Jesus who comes to us as the Everlasting Father.

Grow in Community
You can still join us in reading through the New Testament over the next year. We are encouraging everyone to use the Through the Word app on Apple or Android devices. This app not only has the scripture readings, but also a 9-10 minute teaching on the passage of the day. This could be a great way for our Discipleship Triads to study together or for a small group or family to do devotions together. If you are unsure how to install the app, we have made a short instructional video to show you how to do so on an iPhone. You can find that video here.

The reading schedule for this week is below:
Monday: Matthew 11
Tuesday: Matthew 12
Wednesday: Matthew 13
Thursday: Matthew 14
Friday: Matthew 15

You can also find the reading schedule on our website under the Ministries tab.

Beginning in January, Sheila Johnson will be leading a book discussion on the book The Color of Compromise by Jemar Tisby. If you are interested in thinking together about racial divisions in our culture and the role of the church, this would be a great place to be a part of that conversation. If you are interested in this book discussion, please contact Sheila at sheilaj2494@yahoo.com.

Serve the World
If you need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Chip Harkes, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is chip@harkeslandscape.com and his phone number is 616-299-4804.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year to Date Budget:  $283,669.56
Fiscal Year to Date Contribution: $252,508.35
Giving Last Week: $16,831

Special Covid E-News

Dear Congregation,

Your Consistory met last night for our regular monthly meeting. Our time together was spent predominantly discussing: whether or to not gather again for worship, how to care for those who are not currently participating in worship, and how to care for the broader community during this time.

In consideration of the Kent County Health Departments request for churches to not meet in person during this time and the continuing positivity and case rates in Kent and Ottawa County, we have chosen to continue gather only online for worship through January 10. It goes without saying that if the Health Department orders change or if cases and hospitalizations continue to fall, we will reconsider this decision as we long to meet face-to-face as a community.

This is also a good time for us to remember the church is not a building or even a gathering for worship. The church is the people of God and the relationships that bind them together. We are the church. We are the church when small groups gather online or in phone calls. We are the church when we send an encouraging card or drop off Christmas treats at someone’s home. We are the church when we pray in groups of two or three for one another and for our world. 

We are the church when we feed hungry kids through Hand2Hand and support financially struggling families through the personal care pantry. We are the church when we actively support teachers and local schools in this challenging school year. (You can do precisely that by writing an encouraging note or card to the staff at Bursley Elementary, our Kids Hope partner, and drop it off at church or my home by Sunday morning to be included with some treats we will be giving them on Monday morning.) We are the church when we visit elderly neighbors and offer a listening ear to overwhelmed parents of school age children. Though we may not be meeting physically together, we are still the church of God both called to God and sent by God in mission to the world he loves.

We also ask you to join us in praying for God’s church during this time, that our actions might bring glory to his name and reveal his love for others; for Zion and our staff, that we might be a light in this community; for our elderly members who are feeling isolated and alone; for those currently sick with Covid-19; for opportunities to share our help in Christ; and for each of us to spread the love of Christ rather than the anger of our culture in all our interactions both in person and on line.

This has been the most difficult year in church life that I can remember, and yet, our God continues to remain faithful. During this season of Advent, our world waits for its deliverance in political figures and vaccines. While we celebrate potential vaccines as well, our hope rests in the coming of Jesus who one day will return and make all things new and whole again. Until that day, may we live in light of his coming kingdom and as faithful ambassadors of his mercy and love.

By his grace, 

– Greg

Zion E-News (12-3-2020)

Earlier this week, my friend Jerry shared a story with me. He and his wife are both over with some pre-existing conditions and so have been isolating for much of the last 9 months. In that time, they have completed many, many puzzles.

Recently he completed 3 puzzles. The first, a 500 piece puzzle, was missing one piece, which really bothered him. But, when the completed next puzzle, he found one extra piece in the box that had been missing from the first puzzle. He could finish the puzzle and everything look great and felt right again. And then, as he completed the third puzzle, another 1000 piece one, he discovered that this puzzle too was missing a piece. He kept looking for the piece, but it could not be found anywhere. And, it bothered him. When he looked at this puzzle, all he could see was the empty place.

Reflecting on these rather mundane experiences, Jerry started wondering what God might be trying to show him. As a recovering perfectionist, he surmised it was another reminder that we see what we focus on. You can either see the one missing piece or the 999 that have all found their place, fit perfectly together, and together form this beautiful picture.

What we see depends on where we choose to focus. During this Covid and holiday season, we will experience them based on where we direct our attention. Will we see all the opportunities or all  that Covid limits? Will we see what God can do in this moment or only what we can’t?

– Greg

Connect to God
This Sunday we will gather online at 9 and 11 am. You can find the services either on our Facebook page or at zionreformed.online.church. We will also rebroadcast the service on WCET at noon on Friday and 4pm next Sunday.

Most of us are familiar with the events of the first Christmas, The manger, The shepherd watching sheep. The angels singing. The wise men. The little baby wrapped in cloths lying in the manner. But what if this birth is not just any birth, but the one event on which all of history turns and that can transform our lives. Join us this advent season as we meet Jesus who comes to us as the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. This week, Pastor Jeremy leads us in a reflection on what it means for us that Jesus comes as the Mighty God.

Grow in Community
We extend our sympathy to Danny and Ashley Copron in the passing of their grandmother, Janice Lankerd, yesterday. May God give them comfort and fill with with the hope of the resurrection to come.

We will once again be offering an online worship experience for kids ages 3 through 5th grade following our morning worship. For a variety of reasons, this experience will only be offered at zionreformed.online.church and not on our Facebook page.

You can still join us in reading through the New Testament over the next year. We are encouraging everyone to use the Through the Word app on Apple or Android devices. This app not only has the scripture readings, but also a 9-10 minute teaching on the passage of the day. This could be a great way for our Discipleship Triads to study together or for a small group or family to do devotions together. If you are unsure how to install the app, we have made a short instructional video to show you how to do so on an iPhone. You can find that video here.

The reading schedule for this week is below:
Monday: Matthew 6
Tuesday: Matthew 7
Wednesday: Matthew 8
Thursday: Matthew 9
Friday: Matthew 10

You can also find the reading schedule on our website under the Ministries tab.

Beginning in January, Sheila Johnson will be leading a book discussion on the book The Color of Compromise by Jemar Tisby. If you are interested in thinking together about racial divisions in our culture and the role of the church, this would be a great place to be a part of that conversation. If you are interested in this book discussion, please contact Sheila at sheilaj2494@yahoo.com.

Serve the World
If you need help, either with food, personal care items, help grocery shopping, or with financial needs, please contact Chip Harkes, our chair of deacons, and he can help connect you with the appropriate resources at Zion. His e-mail is chip@harkeslandscape.com and his phone number is 616-299-4804.

Earlier this week, many non-profit organizations celebrated Giving Tuesday as a way to encourage people to support their missions. After a weekend traditionally spent shopping, I think it is wonderful to also spend time thinking about where we can also freely give back what God has given to us.

In a culture of overconsumption, where we are often defined primarily as consumers rather than as image bearers of God, one day a year dedicated to giving, though, is probably not enough to counteract the values of our culture. Just like one day of eating healthy is unlikely to undo the harm caused by years of overeating. And one day of exercise is unlikely to undo years of laying on the couch. Rather, true change happens through new repeated patterns of behavior. As you think about your giving throughout the year, let me challenge you to consider beginning a practice of tithing (giving 10% of your income back to God). If that is too great a step, maybe you could increase your giving by 1% of your income this year. But for all of us, finding our identity and security in the stuff of this world will always be a temptation. Regular giving can help us fight that tendency and re-root our identity in and dependence on God.

There are many great organizations and untold needs to address, but I believe firmly the local church is the place that can have the greatest longterm impact on the life of a neighborhood and town. Together we feed hungry kids in the schools, support families struggling to make ends meet, mentor students, care for the elderly, help one another out in times of need, disciple kids, teens, and each other, reach people around the world with the gospel, and encourage each other through friendship and accountability. The local church at its best is truly a mission outpost of the kingdom of God, the place where the life of heaven breaks into this world.

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.

Fiscal Year to Date Budget:  $273,163.28
Fiscal Year to Date Contribution: $235,677.35
Giving Last Week: $14,511
Thanksgiving Offering (total): $4,850

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  • Zion E-News 7-3-24July 3, 2024 - 1:03 pm

    ZION E-NEWS (7-3-24) AS WE GATHER in person for Worship each Sunday at 9:30am the service can also be viewed on our website at zionreformed.online.church and streaming on our YouTube channel. We will also rebroadcast a version of the service […]

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