Camp ZIon 2019 Week 5
Hello Camp Zion Families,
Bug week was a busy one around camp. Everyone seemed to have a good time with all of our activities especially on our trip to the museum. I love that place.
During this weeks Bible lessons we focused on Psalm 23:4 which says, “He (God) renews my strength”. Just like when we do a lot of physical activity and become tired sometimes the burdens we carry make our hearts and minds tired. When we are feeling weary in spirit God encourages us to turn to him in prayer and He will give us rest from our worries. God is here and available to talk to anytime of day in any circumstance.
I want to give a shout out to Kim, Luke, Olivia, Julia and Mackenzie who in a moments notice took over running all aspects of camp for a couple of days this past week, when I had to leave for a family emergency. Their training and natural leadership skills shined through in bright new ways this week. I am so incredibly proud of them. They are all super heros!!!
Here is what’s happening next week:
Week 5 – Transportation Week
Monday – Soccer Zone.
Tuesday – Movie Day & Slip-n-slide. Bring swimsuits and towels.
Wednesday – Learning Lab.
Thursday – 1st-3rd Grade = Play World. Bring Socks. 4th-6th Grade = Grandville Middle School Pool. Bring swimsuits and towels.
Have a great weekend,
Zion E-News (7-10-2019)
Over the past few days I have been reading Francis Chan’s Letters to the Church. Per usual, Chan offers some challenging critiques of the American church including how we can reduce membership in the church to coming to a weekly worship service (and I would add other programmed events). At one point, he presents a fictional conversation between Peter and Paul about their favorite church and the programs it offers. One is interested in checking out the other’s church, but not that week because he is already too busy on Sunday with kids activities. It’s a pretty harsh critique of our willingness to settle for minimal to weak relationships and commitments to one another.
And then, earlier this week, I came across an article suggesting a simple and easy way to improve your experience of church. You can read the article here. The quick summary is to come 15 minutes early and stay 15 minutes longer after church. Basically, spend more time getting to know people in your church and give yourself time for relationships rather than rushing to church a few minutes late and then rushing home or to the next event of the day.
The challenging reality is that church is not about programmed events or weekly worship services or cool comfortable buildings, church is all about people and our commitment to them. The early church was known for their love for one another, for their care for each other and even strangers in the midst of plagues, and their welcoming embrace of old and young, rich and poor, men and women, slave and free, Jews and Greeks. These kinds of relationships take time. Not just commitment over weeks, months, and years, but also time every week and also during the week sharing our joy and concerns with one another. Sharing life together.
They early church shared life so well together that even non-believers were drawn to know more about Jesus, which is exactly what Jesus promised in John 17:20-23.
“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”
Did you catch that? People will come to know Jesus because of the unity they see evident in the church, because of the quality of our relationships, because of our love for one another.
Now we can’t know everyone in the church equally, but we can be intentional to develop some close friends through small groups, discipleship triads, serving teams, and simply reaching out to make a friend and be a friend and in the process we can help form a community that gives people a glimpse of the love of God and point them to Jesus. What can you do this week to develop these types of relationships?
Connect to God
An angry prophet. A fearsome and hated enemy. An overwhelming storm. And a surprising message of a merciful God to his people. The story of Jonah is one of the most well-known stories in the Bible. It is also one of the most misunderstood. Many people, even those who are not religious, are familiar with Jonah: a rebellious prophet who defies God and is swallowed by a whale. But there’s much more to Jonah’s story than most of us realize. As we continue our study of Jonah, we find our prophet in the midst of a ferocious storm, but even in the storms of life, God is still there with him and with us.
If you would like a copy of the worship service, you can receive a complete copy by contacting Tom Verbrugge or you can find the weekly messages on our website.
Grow in Community
Tom Verbrugge, Jr. was hospitalized earlier this week due to a significant infection in his leg. Tom and the family ask for prayers for healing and peace during this time.
We hold Loren and Myra Renkema in our prayers as Loren continues under hospice care. Prayers for peace and comfort during this difficult time are appreciated.
Hayley Moore continues receiving both chemotherapy following a recent cancer diagnosis and surgery. Chemotherapy is expected to last about 6 months. This weekend, she will receive a different chemo drug and the family asks for both effectiveness and minimal side effects. Due to a peanut allergy, the family cannot accept food from homes, but you can donate a gift card through grub hub if you would like. You can follow this linkto learn more.
During the summer, we take a break from our regular children’s programming to allow our teachers have a break from prepping lessons each week. Instead, we show age appropriate Christian videos for kids ages 3 years old through 3rd grade. We are still looking for a few volunteers. Please consider volunteering to help over the summer! It’s a great way to get to know some of the awesome children in our church! You can sign up via the link below, or there’s a sign-up sheet outside of Room 205. There are still a couple of weeks that need some people to care for and support our children. Rachel Brower will meet with volunteers each Sunday before church so they know how to run the video. You must have gone through Keeping Kids Safe training and a background check in order to volunteer. If not, Rachel can meet with you to go over our policy. You can sign-up through the link below:
Serve the World
If you are interested in learning about other cultures or exposing your children to other cultures and want to support global mission work, come out to Johnson Park on July 20 from 2-8 pm for a Taste of Bangladesh. All proceeds will go to support Bangla Ministries Worldwide. You will be able to sample Bangla food, see Bangla clothing and play Bangla games as well as enjoy a petting zoo, bluegrass music and a chili cook-off. More information can be found outside the church office or here.
Also, we will once again be collecting donations for School Supply Santa. You can learn more about what is needed in the announcement at the end of this e-mail.
Administrative Details
A couple of weeks ago, I shared a little abut the Vision 2020 team and potential changes for our denomination. At General Synod, our national gathering, they shared three broad options for how we could move forward as a denomination given the ongoing tensions around issues of human sexuality. Each of their three options contained several variations of the options. The first option was to do nothing and stay the same. While the Vision 2020 team did not think this was a realistic option, it is a possibility. Alternatively, we could simply rearrange the furniture, so to speak, and focus on key theological beliefs we share in common and allow for permissible differences on a variety of social issues. You can read more about the first option here.
We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.
Fiscal Year to date budget: $66,550.92
Fiscal Year to date contributions: $62,739.04
Camp Zion Week 4
Hello Camp Zion Families,
I hope you are all enjoying your holiday weekend. Week 3 was a short one for Camp Zion but still packed full of fun activities, lessons and fieldtrips.
Donations: We are in need of Dixie cups, fast fill water balloons and empty peanut butter jars with lids. If you are able to donate any of these items, we would greatly appreciate it. I have a donation box in the lobby that you can place them in.
Here is what is coming up next week.
Week 4 – Bug Week.
Monday – Maplewood Park & Splashpad. Bring swimsuit and towels.
Tuesday – Kids Unlimited. Dress cool.
Wednesday – Learning Lab
Thursday – Grand Rapids Public Museum. Wear blue Camp Zion shirts.
See you all next week,
Zion E-News (7-3-2019)
There are some things you simply don’t learn and can’t know you need to learn when you attend seminary. Becoming a pastor you expect to officiate at many funerals and weddings. You know there will be counseling appointments and many visits at hospitals. But they never tell you about the ducks.
This spring, a mother duck made a nest and laid 7 eggs in the courtyard at church. Those eggs have hatched and 7 little ducklings had become trapped in the courtyard, unable yet to fly and with no way to walk out. The mother duck has been looking for a way out for a couple of days now and has been seen peering in through the glass door near the youth room. But, she was trapped.
Until this morning. Pastor Rick set up a barricade of tables and assorted other furniture to block off the education wing, opened the door the courtyard and Door ‘D’ by the kitchenette. But, the ducks were frightened by all the people in the hallway. So, we shooed everyone away. We tried laying out bread crumbs (I know they are bad for ducks, but so is being trapped in the courtyard), but they were not interested. We waited. Camp Zion kids started watching the courtyard through the windows in the lobby and when the ducks disappeared into the building they came running to tell Pastor Rick. he gently shooed the mother duck out the door and she and her children are making a new home in the bushes near Rm. 205. The courtyard is officially a duck-free zone.
There are some pretty obvious analogies we could make about how we were all trapped in in our sin, but Jesus has shown as the way to true freedom with God. But, I will leave those for you to make and, instead, simply enjoy the delight of the children watching the ducks, the joy Rick found in solving the Courtyard Duck problem, and the humor of a mother duck and her 7 ducklings walking through our church.
I hope you all have as great a 4th ion July as we have had a 3rd of July.
Connect to God
An angry prophet. A fearsome and hated enemy. An overwhelming storm. And a surprising message of a merciful God to his people. The story of Jonah is one of the most well-known stories in the Bible. It is also one of the most misunderstood. Many people, even those who are not religious, are familiar with Jonah: a rebellious prophet who defies God and is swallowed by a whale. But there’s much more to Jonah’s story than most of us realize. As we begin our study of Jonah, we encounter a prophet, like many of us, running away from a God he doesn’t fully understand.
If you would like a copy of the worship service, you can receive a complete copy by contacting Tom Verbrugge or you can find the weekly messages on our website.
Grow in Community
We extend our sympathy to Maurie and Lorraine Lemmen in the passing of their nephew Jason DeJongh on Sunday night at the age of 63. Please hold Maurie and Lorraine and the entire family in your prayers.
We hold Loren and Myra Renkema in our prayers as Loren continues under hospice care. Prayers for peace and comfort during this difficult time are appreciated.
Hayley Moore continues receiving both chemotherapy following a recent cancer diagnosis and surgery. Chemotherapy is expected to last about 6 months. The family asks for continued prayers for healing, for strength during this journey, and for minimal side-effects from the chemotherapy. Due to a peanut allergy, the family cannot accept food from homes, but you can donate a gift card through grub hub if you would like. You can follow this linkto learn more.
Our church recently signed up to give everyone access to RightNow Media. I want to share just a couple of resources you can find on the Zion Reformed Church channel on the app. One great resource for kids is What’s int he Bible. Over 13 episodes, Phil Vischer (the creator of Veggie Tales) leads kids through an overview of the Bible and answers some really difficult questions in ways kids can understand. And, the other resource is titled “Read Scripture” and it provides great summaries of the books of the Bible. We use this in our home before reading a book together with our older children and I encourage everyone in my discipleship triad to watch the appropriate video before we read a book together. They provide engaging and solid backgrounds and summaries. They are well worth your time.
As a member or regular attender of Zion you get free access to all these resources. RightNow media can be accessed through a computer, your smart phone or tablet, apple tv, Roku, Fire TV, and more. If you would like to sign-up for Right Now Media, you can do so here.
During the summer, we take a break from our regular children’s programming to allow our teachers have a break from prepping lessons each week. Instead, we show age appropriate Christian videos for kids ages 3 years old through 3rd grade. We are still looking for a few volunteers. Please consider volunteering to help over the summer! It’s a great way to get to know some of the awesome children in our church! You can sign up via the link below, or there’s a sign-up sheet outside of Room 205. Rachel Brower will meet with volunteers each Sunday before church so they know how to run the video. You must have gone through Keeping Kids Safe training and a background check in order to volunteer. If not, Rachel can meet with you to go over our policy. You sign-up through the link below:
Serve the World
Camp Zion is having another great week and there is an opportunity for you to be a part of all god is doing through Camp Zion. We are looking for people willing to help drive our campers to lunch and local field trips next week. We need drivers from about 11:30 until 2:15. If you are willing to help out, please contact Rachel Verbrugge.
Also, we will once again be collecting donations for School Supply Santa. You can learn more about what is needed in the announcement at the end of this e-mail.
Administrative Details
Last week, I shared a little abut the Vision 2020 team and potential changes for our denomination. Much more happened at the General Synod meeting last month and you can learn about it here.
We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.
Fiscal Year to date budget: $55,459.10
Fiscal Year to date contributions: $53,797.00