This Weeks Bulletin

7-1-18 bulletin

Zion E-News (6-28-2018)

The other day, Rachel was working on a Friday and I had all four kids on my own and needed a little break. So, I made them all read for an hour. They could read anything they wanted, but they had to be reading. Caleb and Noah found books right away. I read to Eliana for a while and then she went to read some shorter books in her bedroom. But, Ethan couldn’t find any books to read of his own.

He and I started going through some of my books at home. He did not want to read any of my spy novels, but was interested in a book on sports and math by a former professor of mine, Wayne Winston. That book was mostly about baseball and he wanted to study basketball. Thankfully, I have a book all about the statistical analysis of basketball. He happily spent the afternoon reading the book and writing a computer program to calculate different advanced stats for a player. Rather than an hour, he spent all afternoon reading, thinking, puzzling over, and problem solving because he was curious about the topic.

Curiosity, that internal drive to understand something, leads to learning as an adult. It leads to growth and development in our skills and interests. Looking at my books this morning in my office, I can tell I am curious about church leadership, planting churches, understanding Paul’s theology, history, politics, and God in general. While I don’t have any books on grilling, I am also interested in developing my grilling skills. But, you won’t find any books on plumbing or small engine repair or carpentry (though I have one book on how to finish a basement from when we added a playroom in our basement several years ago).

You probably have different areas of life that pique your curiosity. I think these are a gift from God. This innate curiosity helps shape us into the unique people God has called us to be. And, in the church, we need all those different interests and gifts. Some of us are curious about how to help people in economic hardship. Others about how to teach children. Others about evangelism and telling people about Jesus. Others about home maintenance or how cars work. Others about money and how to manage and oversee its use. And the list could go on and on.

However God made you, whatever strikes your curiosity, there is a purpose. God needed you to have that interest, to develop that skill, to share your gifts, for a reason. To reach someone new for Christ. To bless someone who is struggling. To love someone who feels abandoned and alone. To help the church be wise and faithful with its resources.

How might God be calling you to use your gifts and interests to bring him glory this week?

Connect to God
Do your finances bring you fear or freedom? Whether you’re digging out of debt or planning for your future, now’s the time to build a foundation that endures. Investing in a brighter tomorrow starts by Making Change today. Our lives are too valuable, our calling too great, and our God is too good to waste our lives on meaningless things. This Sunday we listen to the wisdom of Proverbs and remember that debt induced Stress is Bad.

Near the end of the sermon, Pastor Greg will mention a 10 day study in Proverbs on finances from Dave Ramsey. That study can be found here.

This Sunday, we look forward to welcoming Rachel Montgomery and her 4 children and to baptizing Ariah, Judah, and Elijah. We give thanks to God for the gift of each child and this family in our community.

If you would like a copy of the worship service, you can receive a complete copy by contacting Tom Verbrugge or you can find the weekly messages on our website.

Grow in Community
Mark Steenbergen remains hospitalized due to fluid retention around his heart following open heat surgery. Mark and Kim both ask for prayers for patience and a quick return of strength and the ability to go home.

Noah Johnson has returned to his parents home following a trampoline accident on Saturday breaking his leg. They ask for prayers for patience and strength during a planned 12 week recovery.

If you have been in church the last few weeks, you may have noticed the many children we continue to welcome in worship. Due to the continued growth in our children’s ministry, we will have a second room for children age 3 years old through 3rd grade to attend during worship every week this summer except on Sunday July 1 and July 8 due to the lower attendance expected around the 4th of July.

Serve the World
CityFest West Michigan will be held the weekend of September 8 and 9. For the last several months, the Luis Palau team has been working with churches and local service agencies to help churches connect with their community and celebrate all the ways the church is already blessing West Michigan. On September 8 and 9, there will be concerts, X-game type events, and the proclamation of the gospel. As part of the festival, we are looking for people who willing to be Festival Friends who will be trained in helping someone make those first few steps of discipleship. If you are interested in being a Festival Friend, there will be training on August 7 at 7 pm at Remembrance Reformed Church. We will also offer training at our next Leaders Meeting in August 26.

Mark your calendars for this summer’s Neighborhood Park Party (formerly Hoops and Hotdogs) on July 3, July 17, and July 31 from 6-7 pm. We had a great time at the first Park Party and are looking forward for the next 3. These are great evenings to connect with neighbors, invite a friend, let the kids get some energy out on the playground, and enjoy a hotdog!

We will once again host a party in our parking lot on the 4th of July to watch the local fireworks beginning at 8 pm on the 4th. If you are able and interested in helping with this event, please contact Troy Austin.

Administrative Details
Beginning this fall, we will be giving our first time visitors a new 30oz Zion travel mug and a free beverage at Biggby. But, you can get your very own Zion travel mug already this Sunday. We will be selling the mugs for $20 and you can buy as many as you want. They come in two colors, silver and gunmetal and both have a cool looking Zion logo. Cups will be available for purchase in the lobby following worship. (If you don’t want to buy one on a Sunday, they will also be available from the office during the week.)

We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.
Fiscal Year to date budget: $43,500.80
Fiscal Year to date contributions: $33,201.00

Camp Zion 2018 – Week 2

Hello Camp Zion Families,

We had an awesome first week together at camp. Your kids are all so funny and smart. They are already looking out for one another and encouraging each other which is so great to see. Thanks to all of you who have been so very patient as we struggled with the computers & printers this week. I am hopeful we now have the quirks worked out and check in will go a lot smoother going forward.

During lesson time this week we began to talk about the power of God and the armor of protection he gives to all of His children. Our staff & volunteers performed a play about Jesus being able to calm a stormy sea with just his words. We also had an object lesson using oranges. Oranges that have their peal on will float in water, oranges without a peal will sink. Gods armor protects us just like a peal protects an orange. The armor doesn’t keep us from experiencing bad things but it will help keep us afloat amidst the difficult times. Next week we will start talking about the individual elements of the Armor of God.

Week 2 – June 25-28 – Outer Space Week.
Monday: Bowling. Wear socks & tennis shoes (no sandals)
Tuesday: Learning Lab @ Zion
Wednesday: Tie Dye (shirts provided) & Slip-n-slide. Bring swimsuit & towel.
Thursday: GRPM Planetarium.

  • Mandatory permission slips
    We have two upcoming fieldtrip locations that require waivers to be completed for each child. If these are not completed then your children will not be able to participate at either location. Please complete both right away.
    Gymnastic Unlimited. Paper permission slips will be available at the CZ check in table all next week.
    Soccer Zone. Click on this link and complete the online waiver.

Many of you have asked if we need donations of any kind. We can always use the following items:
5oz Dixie Cups (the kitchen kind)
Scotch Tape
Pony Beads

I am looking forward to week 2.
Have a great weekend,


Zion E-News (6-21-2018)

The past week or so, I have watched a couple of old episodes from a Star Trek series. In those episodes they encountered new alien species and each time they approach the people wanting to learn more about these new beings and to build relationships with them. The shows are not made particularly well or creatively, but they are mildly entertaining.

As I have reflected on this ongoing pattern, I am struck by this attitude of curiosity rather than fear, of openness rather than “closedness,” of embracing new experiences rather than old patterns, and of prioritizing understanding over power. Sure, they face some violent enemies, some powerful adversaries, some confusing situations, and encounter some bizarre cultures, but they stick to their values of relationship, knowledge, and an avoidance of war and violence. Turning on the news, I am reminded it is all an imaginary utopia.

But I wonder, as people who believe in a good, all-powerful, loving, and present God, why do we as Christians so often seem to live out of fear of the new and the unknown? We, of all people, should respond to our world with curiosity and an openness to new experiences and perspectives. We should be the first to seek relationship, mutuality, and the good of others when we meet new people.

And yet, we often live out of fear. God must know this because one of the most common commands in all of scripture is to not be afraid. Psalm 118 serves as a call to worship for the people in a time of conflict and danger, but in verse 6 all the people say:

The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid.
What can mere mortals do to me?

I watch the news and see the social media posts and so many of us seem to be responding out of fear and anxiety rather than a confident trust in God. May we find our confidence and our hope in our God so we can face the controversies of the day without fear, but with a heart wondering what God might be up to today.

Connect to God
Do your finances bring you fear or freedom? Whether you’re digging out of debt or planning for your future, now’s the time to build a foundation that endures. Investing in a brighter tomorrow starts by Making Change today. Our lives are too valuable, our calling too great, and our God is too good to waste our lives on meaningless things. Today we consider how less is more when we choose to focus on the right things.

This Sunday, we look forward to hearing from Albertha Kuiper from Wycliffe Bible Translators and commissioning our Middle School youth group as they prepare to serve in Holland, MI at Blacktop Rec this summer. We will also have a video update on City Chapel and their first preview service from last week.

If you would like a copy of the worship service, you can receive a complete copy by contacting Tom Verbrugge or you can find the weekly messages on our website.

Grow in Community
We celebrate and thank God with Matt and Katie Eling who welcomed Eden Margaret into the world yesterday morning. Eden is 7lbs 7 oz and 21 inches long. Mother and baby are both doing great.

Bev Nagelkerke is at Brookcrest for rehab and is doing well after her hip replacement. Continue to pray for those that deal with ongoing health issues.

If you have been in church the last few weeks, you may have noticed the many children we continue to welcome in worship. Due to the continued growth in our children’s ministry, we will have a second room for children age 3 years old through 3rd grade to attend during worship.

If you are in a Bible study, reading through a book of the Bible with a couple of friends, or just want some good background on a book or theme of scripture, you should check out This site has a plethora of video teaching on themes, key ideas, Hebrew words, and simple overviews of entire books of the Bible. If you are just learning about the Bible, I would start with the series on “How to Read the Bible.” You will find a clear and simple way to begin understanding the different types of writing in the Bible. It is a great resource for any beginning study of scripture.

Serve the World

The Personal Care Pantry is in urgent need of brown grocery bags. Lots and lots of brown grocery bags. If you are able to donate any new or slightly used brown grocery bags this Sunday it will be greatly appreciated!

CityFest West Michigan will be held the weekend of September 8 and 9. For the last several months, the Luis Palau team has been working with churches and local service agencies to help churches connect with their community and celebrate all the ways the church is already blessing West Michigan. On September 8 and 9, there will be concerts, X-game type events, and the proclamation of the gospel. As part fo the festival, we are looking for people who willing to be Festival Friends who will be trained in helping someone make those first few steps of discipleship. If you are interested in being a Festival Friend, there will be training on August 7 at 7 pm at Remembrance Reformed Church.

Mark your calendars for this summer’s Neighborhood Park Party (formerly Hoops and Hotdogs) on July 3, July 17, and July 31 from 6-7 pm. We had a great time at the first Park Party and are looking forward for the next 3. These are great evenings to connect with neighbors, invite a friend, let the kids get some energy out on the playground, and enjoy a hotdog!

We will once again host a party in our parking lot on the 4th of July to watch the local fireworks beginning at 8 pm on the 4th. If you are able and interested in helping with this event, please contact Troy Austin.

City Chapel hosted their first preview service on Sunday and welcomed 86 people in worship, including 20 well wishers from supporting churches. The target for their first preview service was 50 people so they exceeded their target and continue to be on track for a successful launch. They needed to set up more chairs, included many people in planning and organizing the service, and everything went off very well with only a few minor issues to address before their next preview service on July 22. Until than, continue to hold Ron and Anna and the entire launch team in your prayers and join me in thanking God for  a successful first preview service!

Administrative Details
We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.
Fiscal Year to date budget: $32,265.60
Fiscal Year to date contributions: $24,588.00

This Week’s Bulletin

6-24-18 bulletin

Camp Zion 2018 Week 1

Hello Camp Zion Families,

It was wonderful to see so many of you at the Camp Zion open house this week. All of our staff members are excited to spend the next 7 weeks with your kids. I can tell we are going to have an amazing summer together.

Camp Zion begins Monday, June 18th. Door A will open at 9:30am. Parents please come in with your child to sign them in.

On Monday during circle time we will be reviewing the camp rules and code of conduct with your kids. We’ll also explain any changes we’ve made here at camp and we will answer any questions that they might have about our summer together.  The rest of the week during circle time we will introduce them to our theme Bible verses, Ephesians 6:10-11, and begin to explain what the Armor of God is.

Here is whats coming up week 1.

June 18-21 – Pioneer Days

Monday: Putt Putt Golf
Tuesday: Heritage Park
Wednesday: Learning Lab @ Zion
Thursday: Georgetown Ice Center. Bring: socks, sweatshirts, long pants and gloves.

I also recommend that your child bring along a water bottle each day. This will cut down on our paper cup usage and also gives your child water to bring along on our fieldtrips. Please label the bottle clearly with their name. We’ll send bottles home on Thursdays to be washed.

Is it Monday yet? I can’t wait for the fun to begin.

Zion E-News (6-14-2018)

On Saturday, June 9, General Synod 2018 approved Eddy Alemán as general secretary of the Reformed Church in America. The role of general secretary includes casting vision for the denomination and overseeing implementation of its mission. Speaking about his sense of call to apply for the position, he said, “Sometimes God calls us to places that we don’t want to go, but we need to say ‘yes.’”

I have known Eddy for a few years and have always been impressed by him. When Eddy was five months shy of 17, he left his home country of Nicaragua as a refugee. Nicaragua was in the midst of civil war in the 1980s, and Eddy moved to Canada before he could be drafted into military service. His older brother already lived in Toronto, and Eddy moved in with him. There, he went to school and worked as a tailor, which was his family’s business in Nicaragua. He also started attending church with his brother and soon became a Christian.

After serving in many roles in his church from Deacon to Elder to treasurer to driving vans and folding bulletins, he felt a call into ordained ministry. He served as an unofficial pastor for some time and eventually attended seminary at Western Theological Seminary, beginning his schooling just a year before I finished mine. Then he served in California leading a church planting effort in Paramount and finally joining our denominational staff a couple of years ago.

Mostly, I am in prayer for Eddy as he steps into this new role, hopeful for his leadership and also think it is pretty cool to have a Nicaraguan refugee, Canadian citizen, living in West Michigan as the head of our denomination. The church of God is more diverse than we often realize.

Connect to God
On Easter Sunday, God begins a re-creation of the world beginning with the resurrection of Jesus. While we are still waiting for this creation to be fully formed, we as Christians are called to live a Jesus shaped life so that our lives point people both to Jesus and this new world God is making. This week, we remember the God we worship is the God revealed to us by Jesus and this God is a God of love.

This Sunday, we celebrate with Kyle and Ashley VanderWall in the baptism of their daughter Eliza Grace. We also commission our Camp Zion summer staff, welcome the Week of Hope staff, and look forward to hearing from Albertha Kuiper from Wycliffe Bible Translators.

If you would like a copy of the worship service, you can receive a complete copy by contacting Tom Verbrugge or you can find the weekly messages on our website.

Grow in Community
Barb Peterson’s heart remains out of rhythm and she asks for prayers for healing, patience, and strength.

Bev Nagelkirk fell earlier this week and broke her hip. She underwent surgery on Tuesday and continues her recovery at the hospital.

If you have been in church the last few weeks, you may have noticed the many children we continue to welcome in worship. Due to the continued growth in our children’s ministry, we will have an additional rooms for children age 3 years old through 3rd grade to attend during worship. Many volunteers have already stepped up to staff this 2nd room. If you are interested and able to care for our kids on a Sunday, you can sign up outside of room 205.

Serve the World
Mark your calendars for this summer’s Neighborhood Park Party (formerly Hoops and Hotdogs) on June 19, July 3, July 17, and July 31 from 6-7 pm. These are great evenings to connect with neighbors, let the kids get some energy out on the playground, and enjoy a hotdog!

We will once again host a party in our parking lot on the 4th of July to watch the local fireworks beginning at 8 pm on the 4th. If you are able and interested in helping with this event, please contact Troy Austin.

City Chapel will be hosting their first preview service this Sunday at 10:15 meeting at City Flats Hotel downtown. If you want to check out this new church, show some support to Ron and Anna Radcliffe, or just need an excuse to go downtown, join City Chapel this Sunday!

Administrative Details
We continue to thank God for his provision of all of our needs and for the generous support of our congregation with their time, talent, and treasures.
Fiscal Year to date budget:  $21,750.40
Fiscal Year to date contributions:$14,657.00

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